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Ellis Cornelia Knight (1)
Federigo Furchheim (1)
Girolamo Imbruglia (1)
Madeleine Huwiler (1)
William Rowan Hamilton (1)
威廉‧漢密爾頓 (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (4)
華東師範大學出版社 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:威廉‧漢密爾頓  出版社:華東師範大學出版社  出版日:2021/08/24 裝訂:精裝
1764年,威廉‧漢密爾頓成為英國駐意大利那不勒斯大使。漢密爾頓對龐貝、赫庫蘭尼姆等深受希臘文明影響的意大利南部城市著迷,由此開始收藏各類希臘花瓶和其他文物,收集了大量古代文物,包括大獎章、錢幣、珠寶、青銅雕塑和古代彩繪陶器花瓶,成為希臘、羅馬和伊特魯裡亞文物的狂熱收藏家。 1767―1777年,漢密爾頓出版了四卷本自己收藏品的雕版印刷品《伊特魯裡亞、希臘、羅馬古代藝術品》。這些著作的出版促成了關於伊特拉斯坎文明、希臘和羅馬的古文物的多部著作的出版,並對後來的英國和法國的新古典主義品味有莫大的影響。漢密爾頓第一批藏品1772年出售給大英博物館後,他再次開始收藏,並於1791年開始出版四冊版畫畫冊,1764年,威廉‧漢密爾頓成為英國駐意大利那不勒斯大使。漢密爾頓對龐貝、赫庫蘭尼姆等深受希臘文明影響的意大利南部城市著迷,由此開始收藏各類希臘花瓶和其他文物,收集了大量古代文物,包括大獎章、錢幣、珠寶、青銅雕塑和古代彩繪陶器花瓶,成為希臘、羅馬和伊特魯裡亞文物的狂熱收藏家。 1767―1777年,漢密爾頓出版了四卷本自己收藏品的雕版印刷品《伊特魯裡亞、希臘、羅馬古代藝術品》。這些著作的出版促成了關於伊特拉斯坎文明、希臘和羅馬的古文物的多部著作的出版,並對後來的英國和法國的新古典主義品味有莫大的影響。漢密爾頓第一批藏品1772年出售給大英博物館後,他再次開始收藏,並於1791年開始出版四冊版畫畫冊,內容包括1789年和1790年在那不勒斯附近從兩個西西里王國的墳墓中發現的,大多是純希臘工藝的古代花瓶中收集的雕刻作品,題獻給古文物學會會長萊斯特伯爵,雕刻由德國畫家約翰‧海因裡希‧威廉‧蒂施貝負責。由於部分藏品在運回英國的途中沉船,這些畫冊成為唯一的記錄,因此更有價值。這套畫冊也成為漢密爾頓爵士最有影響力的作品。 漢密爾頓收藏品的出版極大地影響了當時的英國裝飾藝術家、工匠和學者。對於當代藝術史學家而言,這些書是研究時代、出身和文化鑒賞的經典作品;對於藝術愛好者,這些書為他們打開了通向永恆經典的世界之門。本書為原本影印本。
D'Hancarville. the Complete Collection of Antiquities from the Cabinet of Sir William Hamilton
作者:Madeleine Huwiler  出版社:TASCHEN AMER LLC  出版日:2021/11/30 裝訂:精裝
定價:3040 元, 優惠價:1 3040
作者:William Rowan Hamilton  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2000/12/07 裝訂:精裝
This fourth and final volume of The Collected Papers of Sir William Rowan Hamilton (1805–1865) contains three previously unpublished and important manuscripts, namely Systems of Rays and two lengthy letters to de Morgan (on definite integrals) and Hart (on anharmonic coordinates). In addition the volume contains reprinted papers on geometry, analysis, astronomy, probability and finite differences, as well as a collection of papers on various topics. A cumulative index for all four volumes is provided, as well as a CD containing all four volumes of the Collected Papers.
Autobiography of Miss Cornelia Knight:Lady Companion to the Princess Charlotte of Wales:VOLUME1
作者:Ellis Cornelia Knight  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2012/02/16 裝訂:平裝
This two-volume Autobiography by Cornelia Knight (1757–1837) was published in 1861. It was complied by the military historian Sir John Kaye from her journals and a memoir based on them, written late in life and remaining incomplete at her death. Cornelia Knight, the daughter of an admiral, was highly educated: she knew ten languages, was skilled at painting and drawing, and published novels and poetry. In 1813 she was appointed to the household of Princess Charlotte of Wales. In 1814, the Prince Regent dismissed all his daughter's attendants, and Knight returned to a life of literature and European travel. Volume 1 covers her childhood, time spent in Italy with Sir William and Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson, her appointment as companion to Princess Charlotte, the princess's refusal, in 1814, to marry the Prince of Orange, and the subsequent events which led to Knight's dismissal.
定價:1875 元, 優惠價:9 1688
Naples in the Eighteenth Century:The Birth and Death of a Nation State
作者:Girolamo Imbruglia  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2007/07/26 裝訂:平裝
In 1734 the kingdom of Naples became an independent monarchy, but in 1799 a Jacobin revolution transformed it briefly into a republic. In these few but intense decades of independence all the great problems of the age of the Enlightenment became apparent: attacks on feudalism and on the power of the Catholic Church, the struggle for a modern economy, and aspirations to change the administrative machinery and the judicial system. Yet Naples was also the city visited by Winckelmann and Goethe, the city of Sir William Hamilton, of the study of Pompeii and Herculanum, and of the greatest musicians of the age. This collection of essays addresses a range of issues in the city's political and cultural history, and demonstrates the city's importance in shaping the modern, enlightened culture of Europe.
定價:2339 元, 優惠價:9 2105
Bibliografia del Vesuvio:Compilata e Corredata di Note Critiche Estratte dai Più Autorevoli Scrittori Vesuviani
作者:Federigo Furchheim  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2011/06/23 裝訂:平裝
This Italian work, published in Naples in 1897, provides a comprehensive bibliography of works, published in Europe and the United States prior to the twentieth century, on the subject of Mount Vesuvius. Federigo Furchheim (b. 1844) begins with the famous eruption of 1631, on the ground that ancient accounts are sufficiently well known, and that reports and descriptions before the seventeenth century are not reliable. The bibliography is wide-ranging and includes works on other volcanos (such as Santorini), earthquakes and mineralogy. Nor is it confined to factual observations: travel writing, poetry, and even fiction, including Bulwer Lytton's The Last Days of Pompeii, appear alongside scientists such as Sir Humphry Davy and enthusiastic amateurs such as Sir William Hamilton. The book includes a chronological listing of published maps and illustrations, and an appendix, arranged chronologically and by topic, that briefly lists ancient and medieval accounts as well as more modern publi
定價:1741 元, 優惠價:9 1567



