自然保育季刊冬季刊2023年12月 第124期NATURE CONSERVATION QUARTERLY NO.124 Dec. 2023/WINTER目錄CONTENTS 特輯REPORTS 04小辮鴴在臺度冬時的日夜行為模式Day and night behavioral patterns of northern lapwings (Vanellus vanellus) when they spend their winter in Taiwan池沛玲、吳崇漢、陳其昌Pei-Ling Chi. Chung-Han Wu. Chi-Chang Chen 18廣義恆春半島內開花植物新見Addition to the Angiosperm Flora of Hengchun Peninsula sensu lato鍾明哲Ming-Jer Jung 28花蓮鶴岡文旦果園地被植物生態概述An overview of groundcover plants in the pomelo orchards at Hegang, Hualien陳柏蓉、陳添水、朱恩良、黃安珠Po-Jung Chen. Tien-Shui Chen. En-Liang Chu. An-Zhu Huang 40為鳥兒戴上腳環身分證──捕獲、標記及野放下的鳥兒點點名What do we band birds for?曾奕晴Sunny Tseng 50臺灣土白蟻的婚配過程與生殖行為觀察Documenting the mating process and reproductive behaviors of Odontotermes formosanus許坤金Kun-Chin Hsu 特有生物ENDEMIC SPECIES 62關於呂氏菝葜命名經過的回顧The story of naming Smilax luei T. Koyama呂錦明Chin-Ming Lu 保育資訊INFORMATION 68自動相機前的烏來西坑林道野生動物相The wildlife community recorded by camera traps in the Sikeng Forest Road, Wulai許碩恩、許韶廷、林艷村
自然保育季刊夏季刊2022年12月 第120期NATURE CONSERVATION QUARTERLY NO.120 DEC. 2022/ WINTER目錄CONTENTS 專論ARTICLES 4特有生物研究保育中心成立三十年的未來展望Future prospects of Endemic Species Research Institute on the basis of its 30-year history李先祐、楊嘉棟Hsien-Yu Lee . Jia-Dong Yang 20臺灣陸域哺乳類動物三十年的研究進展Progress of terrestrial mammals research in Taiwan in the past 30 years鄭錫奇、許家維、陳宏彰、張簡琳玟Hsi-Chi Cheng . Chia-Wei Hsu . Hung-Chang Chen . Lin-Wen ChangChien 38臺灣公民科學現況與未來挑戰Citizen science in Taiwan: current status and future challenges林德恩Te-En Lin 特輯REPORTS 50麻雀在哪裡?藉由社群活動提升公民科學計畫的資料品質Where are Eurasian Tree Sparrows? Improving data quality of the citizen science project through social media events呂立中、張安瑜、林瑞興、吳世鴻、陳宛均Li-Chung Lu . An-Yu Chang . Ruey-Shing Lin . Shih-Hung Wu . Wan-Jyun Chen 60那些年我們認不出來的鳳尾蕨——傅氏鳳尾蕨群The brake ferns used to be difficult for identification-Pteris fauriei group趙怡姍、黃曜謀、呂碧鳳Yi-Shan Chao . Yao-Moan Huang . Pi-Fong Lu 70琉球嶼的維管束植物新見New additions to the vascular plants o