The origins of modern Daoism can be traced to the Church of the Heavenly Master (Tianshidao), reputedly established by the formidable Zhang Daoling. In 142 CE, according to Daoist tradition, Zhang was visited by the Lord on High, who named him his vicar on Earth with the title Heavenly Master. The dispensation articulated an eschatological vision of saving initiates—the pure, those destined to become immortals— by enforcing a strict moral code. Under evolving forms, Tianshidao has remained central to Chinese society, and Daoist priests have upheld their spiritual allegiance to Zhang, their now divinized founder. This book tells the story of the longue durée evolution of the Heavenly Master leadership and institution. Later hagiography credits Zhang Daoling’s great-grandson, putatively the fourth Heavenly Master, with settling the family at Longhushan (Dragon and Tiger Mountain); in time his d
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【論文】1. 詹宜穎,〈「革命女傑」再探:俄國革命者「蘇菲亞」形象在日本與中國的流播與轉化(1881-1911)〉2. 顏 訥,〈多重邊緣的自覺:冼玉清嶺南研究的重層視域〉3. Ni Julia Haoran,“‘Unqualified’ and ‘Licentious’ Nü Xiaozhang 女校長 in Republican China: Sexism toward Professional Women in School Leadership Positions”【書評】李典蓉,〈評介《壼政:清代宮廷女性研究》〉
This original book presents in-depth research into thirteen successful Chinese private enterprises through interviews with their founder-entrepreneurs. While Chinese economic growth has focused primar
Chinese politics are at a crossroads as President Xi Jinping amasses personal power and tests the constraints of collective leadership.In the years since he became general secretary of the Chinese Com
With existing educational leadership models and theories being predominantly western influenced, this book aims to provide more insight into school leadership in China. It pioneers building research-