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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

Elige Mejor / Choose Better: Aprende a Tomar Decisiones Que Impacten Positivamente Tu Vida / Learn to Make Choices That Positively Impact Your Life
作者:Timothy Yen  出版社:EDIT TERRACOTA  出版日:2025/01/06 裝訂:平裝
定價:606 元, 優惠價:1 606
Mismatched:A graphic novel inspired by Jane Austen's Emma
作者:Anne Camlin  出版社:Andersen Press Ltd  出版日:2025/01/02 裝訂:平裝
'A chaotically queer retelling of Jane Austen's Emma. Evan is the perfect modern-day Emma Woodhouse – conniving and headstrong, with a lot to learn, but with a good heart underneath all of the drama' Alice Oseman, creator of Heartstopper Evan Horowitz has it all: beauty, brains, and a not-so-secret flair for matchmaking! An Insta influencer with a talent for makeup and a taste for romance, he’s no stranger to playing Cupid for the clueless. So when shy new student Natalia shuffles into school, Evan recognises a Project with a capital P! With so many matches to choose from, it’s not long before he sets a plan in motion, much against the better judgement of his level-headed best friend, Davi. When he takes things too far, a web of drama spirals out of his control. Can Evan learn to put his friends before his misguided ambition? Or will he lose them and his own chance at romance, too?
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
雅思閱讀聖經(英式發音附QR code音檔)
作者:韋爾  出版社:倍斯特  出版日:2022/01/03 裝訂:平裝
最強雅思閱讀學習方式──收錄更多具高度整合能力的試題有效協助各考生釐清思路各閱讀文章亦附錄音 同步優化寫作實力閱讀和寫作一次就考取高分翻新試題並納入反覆出現的圖表考古題「魚的構造圖」強效「新舊合併」考點納入亂序摘要題出題、《劍16》考點和隱晦的填空題答題※ Hewes & Associates, based on its reputation can hire lawyers with 5.___________ or better capability.,這部分可以對應到But Hewes & Associates, based on its reputation, can have anyone whether it is a seasoned senior lawyer or a newly graduate whose ability is better than Ellen.,better capability對應到whose ability is better than,所以空格處要對應到or前面的敘述部分,並藉由seasoned推斷出要有經驗的,故答案要填experience。這題稍難。 ※ Eventually, Ellen has a 7.___________ schedule for the next interview because her sister’s wedding is on the same date.這部分對應到Ellen is astounded to hear the date because her sister’s wedding is on the same date. How to choose between a lucrative job that everyone is dying to get in and attending her sister’s wedding is what allures audiences to continue watching till the end of the first episode.所以可以反推出Ellen跟下次面試的時程是conflicting的,答案要選conflicting。(更多非傳統找到對應點和同義字就馬上答對的試題,請見書籍內容...
定價:550 元, 優惠價:79 435
Mismatched: A Modern Graphic Retelling of Emma
作者:Anne Camlin; Isadora Zeferino  出版社:Little Brown & Co  出版日:2024/09/03 裝訂:平裝
A teen social media star learns he can't control everything in this delicious, queer graphic novel adaptation that relocates Jane Austen's Emma to a modern-day high school in Queens, New York. Evan Horowitz has it all: beauty, brains, and a not-so-secret flair for matchmaking! An Insta influencer with a talent for makeup and a taste for romance, he's no stranger to playing cupid for those hopelessly clueless in finding love. So when shy transfer student Natalia shuffles into school one day, Evan can't help but get his hands messy! With so many matches to choose from, it's not long before he sets a plan in motion for Natalia--much against the better judgement of his level-headed best friend, Davi. But he takes things too far, creating a web of drama that spirals out of his control. Can Evan learn to put the people closest to him before his misguided ambition? Or will he lose them and his own chance at romance, too?
定價:684 元, 優惠價:75 513
作者:李宇凡  出版社:捷徑文化  出版日:2024/03/06 裝訂:平裝
大考題本翻到最後一頁,看到作文題目腦袋總是一片空白嗎?分秒必爭的考試中,沒有時間讓你猶豫不決!以113年學測題目「生活中最想解決的問題與方法」為例:步驟一、使用書中第7章的論述類句型 "I suppose I'd most likely ____ if given the opportunity to ____."(如果有機會……,我想我應該會……) 開門見山地破題步驟二、代入自己的看法,由題目中提供的三個選項擇一發揮 選項一:如果想走出初戀情傷就寫上"get over the first heartbreak" 選項二:要安定起伏不定的情緒則填入"calm my swinging mood" 選項三:停止過度在意他人看法"stop over-caring about what others think" 無論選擇哪一個選項,句尾加上 "solve the problem in my life"(解決生活中的 問題),就能藉由句型清楚表達立場,同時建立起明確的寫作方向。步驟三、有了強而有力的開頭,再用句型 "The reason I'd choose to ____ is that ____." (我會選擇……的原因是……) 延伸論述;也能從書中挑選適用的單字片語如 "traumatic"(令人精神受創的)、"undesirable"(令人不快的)或"like…better" (更傾向……),再也不怕表達卡關。除了上述的例子外,書中一共收錄了8大常見題型╳61篇精彩範例作文╳123句實用句型,依照題型、情境與段落分類,讓你根據需求查找適用句型與用詞,打造萬用句型寶庫!套用句型、替換內容,跟著英文名師抄出好作文,大考英文作文手到擒來!本書簡介 123句豐富模板句型搭配不同情境關鍵字補充,套用替換好輕鬆 快來學習英文名師多年經驗累積而成的英文寫作精華!為你彙整出8種大考常見題型,舉凡經驗敘述、人物描述、看圖敘事與假設論述類等等,分門別類指引寫作切入點與延伸方向參考,為你打造英文作文的狡兔三窟!掌握寫作要點後,老師一共準備了123句模板句型,讓你根據情境與文章內容挑選句型,再代入適合的關鍵字,套用替換一氣呵成!同時補充適用多樣情境的實用單字、片語和子句範例,一步步帶你運用模板句型,自然流暢地表達屬於自
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
作者:晏光中Timothy Yen  出版社:三采文化  出版日:2022/06/27 裝訂:平裝
今天的你,是這一生中所有決定的累積。 透過做下的決定,我們不斷被格式化、塑造和改變。 不妨好好想想,你,到底是誰?是怎麼做選擇的? 柏拉圖:「未經審視的生命,不值得活。」 貝佐斯:「你的選擇,決定你是什麼樣的人。」 你的每一個決定,從刷牙到結婚,都顯現出思考和體會人生的方式! 「選擇」――是我們每個人一生中面對最重要也是最複雜的的共同課題。 關於人生所有「選擇」的疑難雜症,本書都將一一為你解答。 你是否是這樣的人: • 容易質疑自己或時常感覺無助和徬徨? • 有選擇障礙或是常常懊悔自己的選擇? • 想做決定但是似乎總是感到迷惘? 你是否有以下經驗: • 無法從頭到尾都做出良好的選擇。 • 時常覺得需要立即做出回應,導致衝動行事。 • 遇到選擇時容易困惑或慣性逃避,最後一事無成。 • 鮮少透過溝通來表達自己真正的想法或感覺,最後深受其害。 • 生活差強人意、無法發揮潛能,渴望突破現狀。 • 看似擁有許多美好事物,但仍然覺得缺少了什麼。 身為臨床心理師的作者從數百個研究個案和數千個小時的諮商經驗中,淬煉出任何人都適用的決策守則。不管生活面臨多困難的選擇或情境,你都能透過此書提供的方法,找到屬於自己的最佳選擇。 「最佳決策架構」五大檢核點能夠幫助你克服困境,學習做出可靠、最佳選擇的技巧: 1. 找出情緒源頭及深層動機 2. 了解自身價值觀 3. 理解他人需求 4. 評估現實 5. 貫徹到底 架構的目的是使你做出經過充分評估的選擇,培養針對一生中所有選擇以可靠的方法做系統性思考,並且創造正向結果。 你將: • 真正了解是怎麼做選擇,背後的動機,情緒和價值觀為何,以及為何導致某種結果。 • 更能清楚地釐清關於你一生所有決定和選擇背後的動機因素、潛在原因,明晰了未來該如何行動做出對策。 決策架構的實用好處: • 兼顧動機和價值觀,去除不必要的內在騷動,活出最真誠的自己。 • 提升決策妥善率,幫助你在任何時候都能做出明智的選擇。 • 省去龐雜的決策過程,面對任何選擇時,都能從容不迫。 本書舉細靡遺地列出人的情緒、動機、價值觀,無論任何人都能透過閱讀本書更加認識自己,擺脫選擇困境、建立自信,最終找到正確方向,做出更明智的選擇,並創造渴望的人生。 【讀者佳評分享】 #讀者1:任何重大人生決定都靠這本書了! 「讀完《做個選擇高手》後,我更能在困難的選擇中能找出最佳方向。人生充滿艱難的選
定價:380 元, 優惠價:9 342
Choose Better: The Optimal Decision-Making Framework
作者:Timothy Yen  出版社:LIONCREST PUB  出版日:2021/01/26 裝訂:平裝
Have you ever faced a challenge or decision that felt so overwhelming you had no idea where to start?Choose Better provides a systematic approach to solving any problem, no matter how difficult. Desig
定價:741 元, 優惠價:1 741
Choose Better: The Optimal Decision-Making Framework
作者:Timothy Yen  出版社:LIONCREST PUB  出版日:2021/01/05 裝訂:精裝
定價:1083 元, 優惠價:1 1083
Choose Better: Five Biblical Models for Making Ethical Decisions
作者:T. David Gordon  出版社:P & R PUB CO  出版日:2024/04/24 裝訂:平裝
定價:722 元, 優惠價:1 722
Choosing to Choose Better: How Living More Like Jesus Changes Everything
作者:Jennifer Usselman  出版社:Bookbaby  出版日:2020/12/03 裝訂:平裝
定價:480 元, 優惠價:1 480
Proverb Hall of Fame: 1800 Wise Sayings to help you choose Better Quotations for your Essays and Speeches
作者:Isabel Throcker  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2021/03/29 裝訂:平裝
定價:720 元, 優惠價:1 720
Choose to Be: Better, Not Bitter
作者:Richard a. Cross  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2022/11/24 裝訂:平裝
定價:958 元, 優惠價:1 958
Reconstructing Environmental Governance:The Chance to Choose a Better Future
作者:Rick Reibstein  出版社:Rowman & Littlefield  出版日:2022/09/07 裝訂:平裝
定價:2035 元, 優惠價:9 1832
作者:Rick Reibstein  出版社:Rowman & Littlefield  出版日:2022/09/07 裝訂:精裝
Free to Choose
作者:Milton Friedman; Rose Friedman; James Adams (NRT)  出版社:Blackstone Audio Inc  出版日:2007/07/01 裝訂:有聲書
Argues that free-market forces work better than government controls for achieving real equality and security, protecting consumers and workers, providing education, and avoiding inflation and unemploy
定價:1348 元, 優惠價:1 1348
Free to Choose
作者:Milton Friedman; Rose Friedman; James Adams (NRT)  出版社:Blackstone Audio Inc  出版日:2007/08/01 裝訂:有聲書
Argues that free-market forces work better than government controls for achieving real equality and security, protecting consumers and workers, providing education, and avoiding inflation and unemploy
定價:1348 元, 優惠價:1 1348
Changing How We Choose
作者:A. David Redish  出版社:Mit Pr  出版日:2022/11/08 裝訂:精裝
The “new science of morality” that will change how we see each other, how we build our communities, and how we live our lives.In Changing How We Choose, David Redish makes a bold claim: Science has “cracked” the problem of morality. Redish argues that moral questions have a scientific basis and that morality is best viewed as a technology―a set of social and institutional forces that create communities and drive cooperation. This means that some moral structures really are better than others and that the moral technologies we use have real consequences on whether we make our societies better or worse places for the people living within them. Drawing on this new scientific definition of morality and real-world applications, Changing How We Choose is an engaging read with major implications for how we see each other, how we build our communities, and how we live our lives. Many people think of human interactions in terms of conflicts between individual freedom and group cooperation, wher
定價:1252 元, 優惠價:79 989
Choose Your Career Path: Embrace The Power Within Yourself And Live Your Better Life: How To Choose Your Career Path
作者:Dwayne Tusler  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2021/03/29 裝訂:平裝
定價:528 元, 優惠價:1 528
Better Dead
作者:Max Allan Collins  出版社:St Martins Pr  出版日:2016/05/03 裝訂:精裝
Working reluctantly for a zealous Joe McCarthy at the height of 1950s anti-Communist activities, Chicago detective Nate Heller is forced to choose between loyalties when he takes the case of a group o
定價:1026 元, 優惠價:79 811
Choose Your Thoughts: Creating a Better Life from the Power of Your Mind
作者:T. K. Alana  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2020/10/05 裝訂:平裝
定價:718 元, 優惠價:1 718
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