20世紀享譽全球的英國都市規劃學者彼得.霍爾(Peter Hall),在其經典著作《明日城市》(Cities of Tomorrow)中深入剖析都市規劃的核心價值——它不僅僅引導資源與空間的分配,更是一門城市與區域發展的藝術,指引城市在全球化變遷的過程中走向最適合的方向。邁入21世紀,環境氣候的驟變、科技與人工智慧(AI)的快速發展,迫使許多城市重新思索都市規劃的方向。地方文化的保存、自然生態的保護、產業發展、經濟成長,以及民眾生活需求,在全球化加速推進及聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)引領下,面臨前所未有的挑戰與機遇。臺中市做為臺灣重要城市之一,積極回應國際趨勢提出施政藍圖,包括2050願景計畫、十五項守護臺中幸福策略,引領臺中市成為以人為本、具有獨特魅力的城市,也是健康、創新、幸福、富強、宜居及永續的城市。2020年臺中市被全球化及世界城市網絡(GaWC)評為世界城市的Gamma級,為臺灣僅有的五個入榜城市之一;2024年從APSAA亞太暨臺灣永續行動獎評選中抱回二十四座獎項,並連續兩年從亞太地區眾多參賽城市中脫穎而出,獲得宜居永續城市獎Outstanding City的最高榮譽。此外,更屢次在全國性的評比調查中,拿下施政滿意度、宜居城市首獎。書中梳理了臺中市引領都市規劃發展的八大實踐計畫,並針對達成的效益以及理想目標詳加介紹,同時更對接國際案例。
How do we imagine the cities of tomorrow? This is one of the most difficult questions that architects, designers, and urban planners need to answer in a time where more than half of the world s popula
Peter Hall’s seminal Cities of Tomorrow remains an unrivalled account of the history of planning in theory and practice, as well as of the social and economic problems and opportunities that gave rise
Cities of Tomorrow is a critical history of planning in theory and practice in the twentieth century, as well as of the social and economic problems and opportunities that gave rise to it. A critica
Each day, the world’s urban population swells by almost 200,000. With every passing week, more than a million people new to cities face unexpected realities and challenges of urban life. Just like the
Since cities emerged 10,000 years ago, they have become one of the most impressive artifacts of humanity. But their evolution has been anything but linear - cities have gone through moments of radical
In recent years, Brazil has discovered vast quantities of petroleum deep within its territorial waters, inciting the construction of a series of cities along its coast and in the ocean. We could term
Hackers, cyber-criminals, Dark Web users, and techno-terrorists beware! This book should make you think twice about attempting to do your dirty work in the smart cities of tomorrow.Scores of cities ar
Most, one of the most impressive historical cities of Northern Bohemia, was destroyed in the sixties and seventies for coal mining. When plans to redevelop the city began, hope and expectations ran hi
Since cities emerged ten thousand years ago, they have become one of the most impressive artifacts of humanity. But their evolution has been anything but linear—cities have gone through moments of rad