Help your preschooler learn how to trace, copy and write key first words with this colorful, practical and fun wipe-clean book. The sturdy board pages are full of great exercises and activities for yo
《史密森尼》(Smithsonian Magazine)年度十大科學書籍多乾淨才算是「乾淨」?人類清潔的範圍和強度已來到前所未有的程度。然而越來越多研究指出,我們照顧皮膚的方式不只影響自己,也與環境和微生物息息相關。 從19世紀的「肥皂潮」到現代的護膚產業,如今排列在我們浴室裡的瓶瓶罐罐,陣容比從前帝王的收藏品還要可觀。這些產品的定位大多不是奢侈品,而是必需品。這個主打幫人體抵禦外在世界的產業,已經成長到前所未有的規模。同時,我們卻忽略了清潔行為對於皮膚表層微生物的影響。科學家才剛開始了解這些微生物是如何影響人體的各種作用,甚至與免疫系統的運作有關。皮膚微生物群系促使我們重新省思對肥皂和護膚的既有認知,以及為了追求身心健康所建立的日常習慣。皮膚和體表的微生物群系是人體與自然的交界處,可以算是我們的一部分,但又不完全是。隨著我們越來越了解這個複雜而多元的生態系,人類對於自身與環境的看法可能會完全改變。一本好玩、有趣、可信的書。 —The New York Times Book Review 從健康角度出發的社會史。寫作通俗易懂,表達清晰,甚至帶有奇妙的驚喜。 —The Wall Street Journal 深入探討細菌學、社會規範及現代文化對我們身體的影響。 —Vanity Fair 詹姆斯.漢布林探索了人類逐漸著迷於「乾淨」的歷史,以及龐大的產業如何點燃我們對擦洗每一吋肌膚的渴望。 —Smithsonian 透過廣泛的研究表明,清潔並非總是美德。 —Kirkus Reviews
A fun way for children to master the art of telling the time, allowing them to complete the activities over and over again using the special wipe-clean pen.With the help of a hoard of friendly monster
Packed with simple, fun, and effective exercises, this is a great, practical activity book to help your child get ready to start school. Alongside key early years topics to practice including upper an
Little children will have fun using the wipe-clean pen as they solve pet-themed mazes, join dots, spot differences and trace over pictures and numbers. At the same time, they will be practising the vital pen-control skills they need for learning to write letters and numbers. The ink easily rubs off the shiny pages to make the activities ready to be done time and time again.
Eid-themed drawing, counting and spotting activities for pen-control practice in a reusable format.Young children need plenty of practice in pen control - an essential skill they must learn before starting to form letters and numbers. This book is full of Eid-themed activities, encouraging children to join the dots, spot differences, solve mazes and trace the dotted lines with the special pen provided, then wipe clean and repeat.