Serviceability failures of concrete structures involving excessive cracking or deflection are relatively common, even in structures that comply with code requirements. This is often as a result of a
The second edition of Computational Fluid Dynamics represents a significant improvement from the first edition. However, the original idea of including all computational fluid dynamics methods (FDM, FEM, FVM); all mesh generation schemes; and physical applications to turbulence, combustion, acoustics, radiative heat transfer, multiphase flow, electromagnetic flow, and general relativity is still maintained. The second edition includes a new section on preconditioning for EBE-GMRES and a complete revision of the section on flowfield-dependent variation methods, which demonstrates more detailed computational processes and includes additional example problems. For those instructors desiring a textbook that contains homework assignments, a variety of problems for FDM, FEM and FVM are included in an appendix. To facilitate students and practitioners intending to develop a large-scale computer code, an example of FORTRAN code capable of solving compressible, incompressible, viscous, inviscid
Driven by concrete computational problems in quantitative finance, this book provides aspiring quant developers with the numerical techniques and programming skills they need. The authors start from scratch, so the reader does not need any previous experience of C++. Beginning with straightforward option pricing on binomial trees, the book gradually progresses towards more advanced topics, including nonlinear solvers, Monte Carlo techniques for path-dependent derivative securities, finite difference methods for partial differential equations, and American option pricing by solving a linear complementarity problem. Further material, including solutions to all exercises and C++ code, is available online. The book is ideal preparation for work as an entry-level quant programmer and it gives readers the confidence to progress to more advanced skill sets involving C++ design patterns as applied in finance.
Driven by concrete computational problems in quantitative finance, this book provides aspiring quant developers with the numerical techniques and programming skills they need. The authors start from scratch, so the reader does not need any previous experience of C++. Beginning with straightforward option pricing on binomial trees, the book gradually progresses towards more advanced topics, including nonlinear solvers, Monte Carlo techniques for path-dependent derivative securities, finite difference methods for partial differential equations, and American option pricing by solving a linear complementarity problem. Further material, including solutions to all exercises and C++ code, is available online. The book is ideal preparation for work as an entry-level quant programmer and it gives readers the confidence to progress to more advanced skill sets involving C++ design patterns as applied in finance.
Written to complement the second edition of best-selling textbook Introductory Econometrics for Finance, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to the use of the Regression Analysis of Time Series (RATS) software for modelling in finance and beyond. It provides numerous worked examples with carefully annotated code and detailed explanations of the outputs, giving readers the knowledge and confidence to use the software for their own research and to interpret their own results. A wide variety of important modelling approaches are covered, including such topics as time-series analysis and forecasting, volatility modelling, limited dependent variable and panel methods, switching models and simulations methods. The book is supported by an accompanying website containing freely downloadable data and RATS instructions.
Written to complement the second edition of best-selling textbook Introductory Econometrics for Finance, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to the use of the Regression Analysis of Time Series (RATS) software for modelling in finance and beyond. It provides numerous worked examples with carefully annotated code and detailed explanations of the outputs, giving readers the knowledge and confidence to use the software for their own research and to interpret their own results. A wide variety of important modelling approaches are covered, including such topics as time-series analysis and forecasting, volatility modelling, limited dependent variable and panel methods, switching models and simulations methods. The book is supported by an accompanying website containing freely downloadable data and RATS instructions.
The second edition of Computational Fluid Dynamics represents a significant improvement from the first edition. However, the original idea of including all computational fluid dynamics methods (FDM, FEM, FVM); all mesh generation schemes; and physical applications to turbulence, combustion, acoustics, radiative heat transfer, multiphase flow, electromagnetic flow, and general relativity is still maintained. The second edition includes a new section on preconditioning for EBE-GMRES and a complete revision of the section on flowfield-dependent variation methods, which demonstrates more detailed computational processes and includes additional example problems. For those instructors desiring a textbook that contains homework assignments, a variety of problems for FDM, FEM and FVM are included in an appendix. To facilitate students and practitioners intending to develop a large-scale computer code, an example of FORTRAN code capable of solving compressible, incompressible, viscous, inviscid