;rocco, MD Elizabeth A. (Clinical Professor, Medical Director, UM Memory Disorder Clinic, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience & Aging (CNSA), Clinical Professor, Medical Director, UM Memory Disorder Cli
After the age of 40, we may notice occasional lapses—a forgotten phone number, a friend's name, or a word that was right on the tip of our tongue. By 60, we may find ourselves wondering who called thi
In recent years the field of cognitive aging has flourished and expanded into many different disciplines. It is probably, therefore, inevitable that some of the research has become very narrow, prima
With an ever increasing population of aging people in the western world, it is more crucial than ever that we try to understand how and why cognitive competence breaks down with advancing age. Why do
"One in ten adults over 65 has some form of mild cognitive impairment or MCI--thinking problems that go beyond those associated with normal aging, but that fall short of the serious impairments experi
Cognitive aging is a flourishing area of research. A significant amount of new data, a number of new theoretical notions, and many new research issues have been generated in the past ten years. This n
"Provides a unique perspective. I am particularly impressed with the sections on innovative design and methods to investigate cognitive aging and the integrative perspectives. None of the existing te
"Provides a unique perspective. I am particularly impressed with the sections on innovative design and methods to investigate cognitive aging and the integrative perspectives. None of the existing te
Cognitive Aging and the Role of Strategy is the English Language edition of ‘Vieillissement cognitif et variations strategiques’, oriiginally published in French . Lemaire is a well-respect
Cognitive Aging and the Role of Strategy is the English Language edition of ‘Vieillissement cognitif et variations strategiques’, oriiginally published in French . Lemaire is a well-respect
Chronic Medical Disease and Cognitive Aging: Toward a Healthy Body and Brain explores the important and often overlooked connection between how chronic medical diseases of the body can affect cognitiv