Rzepka (English, Boston U., Massachusetts) has collected 15 essays he wrote over the course of two decades on women and men, Thomas de Quincey's violent stages, gifts and powers, sites and regions, an
In his third volume of collected English essays, Mieder (German and folklore, U. of Vermont) presents 10 detailed studies on folk proverbs discovered unexpected places. The topics include Alan Dundes
It is now over twenty years since revisionist history began to transform our understanding of early modern England. The debates between revisionists and their critics goes on. But it has become a sterile debate in which both sides are confined by an attenuated conception of politics. Meanwhile scholars in other disciplines have opened new approaches to the political culture of the English Renaissance state, emphasising the importance of representations of authority and reading plays, poems and portraits as texts of power. Kevin Sharpe has been at the forefront of the dialogue between historians and critics, and a leading exponent of interdisciplinary approaches. In the essayscollected here, and in an important new remapping of the field, he revisits earlier debates and urges a 'cultural turn' that will refigure our understanding of the historyand politics of early modern Englandand the materials and methods of our study.
It is now over twenty years since revisionist history began to transform our understanding of early modern England. The debates between revisionists and their critics goes on. But it has become a sterile debate in which both sides are confined by an attenuated conception of politics. Meanwhile scholars in other disciplines have opened new approaches to the political culture of the English Renaissance state, emphasising the importance of representations of authority and reading plays, poems and portraits as texts of power. Kevin Sharpe has been at the forefront of the dialogue between historians and critics, and a leading exponent of interdisciplinary approaches. In the essayscollected here, and in an important new remapping of the field, he revisits earlier debates and urges a 'cultural turn' that will refigure our understanding of the historyand politics of early modern Englandand the materials and methods of our study.
Revisionism has had a far-reaching impact upon the history of politics and religion in early Stuart Britain. The essayscollected here were originally published in 2002, and set out to assess this impact and develop further some of the central themes highlighted in the work of the historian Conrad Russell, and address a series of themes arising out of recent debates on the causes of the English Civil War. The subject-matter ranges from high-political narrative to the study of rumour, gossip, and print culture. Topics covered include the character of Charles I's kingship, the place of Parliament in the political system, the divisive legacy of the English Reformation, and the problems posed by trying to unite England with Scotlandand Ireland. The collection will interest readers concerned with the political and religious history, and also the literature, of early seventeenth-century Britain.
Revisionism has had a far-reaching impact upon the history of politics and religion in early Stuart Britain. The essayscollected here were originally published in 2002, and set out to assess this impact and develop further some of the central themes highlighted in the work of the historian Conrad Russell, and address a series of themes arising out of recent debates on the causes of the English Civil War. The subject-matter ranges from high-political narrative to the study of rumour, gossip, and print culture. Topics covered include the character of Charles I's kingship, the place of Parliament in the political system, the divisive legacy of the English Reformation, and the problems posed by trying to unite England with Scotlandand Ireland. The collection will interest readers concerned with the political and religious history, and also the literature, of early seventeenth-century Britain.
The essayscollected here present the fruits of the most recent research on aspects of the history, politics andculture of England during the `long' fourteenth century - roughly speaking from the re