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Rachel E. Silverman/ Jay Baglia (2)
Andy Stanley/ Lane Jones (1)
Anne K. Armstrong/ Marianne E. Krasny/ Jonathon P. Schuldt (1)
Belinda Lewis/ Jeff Lewis (1)
D'Aprix (1)
Emily Polk (1)
Jeanette L. Drake (EDT)/ Yekaterina Y. Kontar (EDT)/ John C. Eichelberger (EDT)/ Scott T. Rupp (EDT)/ Karen M. Taylor (EDT) (1)
Jeanette L. Drake (EDT)/ Yekaterina Y. Kontar (EDT)/ John C. Eichelberger (EDT)/ T. Scott Rupp (EDT)/ Karen M. Taylor (EDT) (1)
P. Martens (1)
Silvia Serrao-neumann (EDT)/ Anne Coudrain (EDT)/ Liese Coulter (EDT) (1)
Susanne C. Moser (1)
T. J. Larkin/ Sandar Larkin (1)
安迪.史坦利、藍恩.瓊斯 (1)

Springer Verlag (3)
Cambridge Univ Pr (2)
Peter Lang Pub Inc (2)
Comstock Pub Assoc (1)
John Wiley & Sons Inc (1)
McGraw-Hill (1)
Multnomah Pub (1)
Palgrave Macmillan (1)
Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc (1)
橄欖文化 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:安迪.史坦利; 藍恩.瓊斯  出版社:橄欖文化  出版日:2023/04/26 裝訂:平裝
讓聽眾聽了還想再聽!當你站上講台時,你是否發現沒過多久,台下聽眾就已經眼神呆滯,魂飛象外,你好像在對空氣講話……。你不禁自問:這到底是怎麼回事?我不是在神學院學過講道法了嗎?本書以創新的方式,將講道比喻為一趟與聽眾共同進行的卡車旅程。首先你要知道目的地為何,接著要運用地圖和方向燈,帶領乘客到達目的地。因此作者提出七項講道祕訣:設定目標、選擇單點信息、繪製地圖、將信息內化、讓聽眾參與、找到自己的風格、重新思考聽眾要什麼。這七項祕訣將幫助你緊緊抓住聽眾注意力,讓他們聽了還想再聽。當人們願意聽的時候,生命就開始改變!真誠推薦:「本書作者提出各種讓講道者可以做好準備的步驟及方法,其中談到傳講者個人的深刻體悟,將可有效帶出具生命力的訊息。願我們都可落實為行動,成為尋求神心意、報佳音的使者。」――黃葳威 政大廣電系教授
定價:280 元, 優惠價:9 252
作者:Andy Stanley; Lane Jones  出版社:Multnomah Pub  出版日:2006/06/01 裝訂:精裝
When You Talk, Are People Changed?Whether you speak from the pulpit, podium, or the front of a classroom, you don't need much more than blank stares and faraway looks to tell you you're not connectin
定價:760 元, 優惠價:1 760
Communicating For Change: Connecting The Workplace With The Marketplace
作者:D'Aprix  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  出版日:1996/02/02 裝訂:平裝
Marshal support throughout your organizationDevelop a communications strategy that works for -- not against -- you. Based on years of battle-tested principles and case-examples, Roger D'Aprix tells ma
定價:2204 元, 優惠價:9 1984
作者:Anne K. Armstrong; Marianne E. Krasny; Jonathon P. Schuldt  出版社:Comstock Pub Assoc  出版日:2018/11/15 裝訂:平裝
Environmental educators face a formidable challenge when they approach climate change due to the complexity of the science and of the political and cultural contexts in which people live. There is a c
定價:1617 元, 優惠價:1 1617
作者:Silvia Serrao-neumann (EDT); Anne Coudrain (EDT); Liese Coulter (EDT)  出版社:Springer Verlag  出版日:2018/04/04 裝訂:精裝
This book provides important insight on a range of issues focused on three themes; what new climate change information is being developed, how that knowledge is communicated and how it can be usefully
作者:Rachel E. Silverman; Jay Baglia  出版社:Peter Lang Pub Inc  出版日:2014/09/15 裝訂:平裝
Editors Silverman and Baglia present readers with a collection of first-person narratives regarding the experience of pregnancy loss. The contributions that make up the main body of the text are organ
定價:3171 元, 優惠價:1 3171
作者:Rachel E. Silverman; Jay Baglia  出版社:Peter Lang Pub Inc  出版日:2014/12/30 裝訂:精裝
This book is the Winner of the OSCLG Outstanding Book Award The loss of a desired pregnancy or the inability to experience pregnancy are intensely personal phenomena; these losses are also, in our c
This edited volume emphasizes risk and crisis communication principles and practices within the up-to the minute context of new technologies, a new focus on resiliency, and global environmental change
Communicating Change: How to Win Employee Support for New Business Directions
作者:T. J. Larkin; Sandar Larkin  出版社:McGraw-Hill  出版日:1994/04/01 裝訂:平裝
When a company decides to make a major organizational change--whether it's a new emphasis on customer service, quality management, restructuring or downsizing--managers must get the message through to
定價:1400 元, 優惠價:1 1400
作者:Susanne C. Moser  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2007/12/10 裝訂:平裝
The need for effective communication, public outreach and education to increase support for policy, collective action and behaviour change is ever present, and is perhaps most pressing in the context of anthropogenic climate change. This book is the first to take a comprehensive look at communication and social change specifically targeted to climate change. It is a unique collection of ideas examining the challenges associated with communicating climate change in order to facilitate societal response. It offers well-founded, practical suggestions on how to communicate climate change and how to approach related social change more effectively. The contributors of this book come from a diverse range of backgrounds, from government and academia to non-governmental and civic sectors of society. The book is accessibly written, and any specialized terminology is explained. It will be of great interest to academic researchers and professionals in climate change, environmental policy, science
作者:Emily Polk  出版社:Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc  出版日:2015/04/16 裝訂:精裝
In light of impending global climate and financial crises, it is imperative to analyze models for positive social change that are focused on building community resiliency and sustainability. This book
Environmental Change, Climate and Health:Issues and Research Methods
作者:P. Martens  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2009/09/03 裝訂:平裝
The advent of global environmental change, with all its uncertainties and requirement for long-term prediction, brings new challenges and tasks for scientists, the public and policy makers. A major environmental upheaval such as climate change is likely to have significant health effects. Current mainstream epidemiological research methods do not always adequately address the health impacts that arise within a context in which the ecological and other biophysical processes display non-linear and feedback-dependent relationships. The agenda of research and policy advice must be extended to include the larger-framed environmental change issues. This book identifies the nature and scope of the problem, and explores the conceptual and methodological approaches to studying these relationships, modelling their future realisation, providing estimates of health impacts, and communicating the attendant uncertainties. This timely volume will be of great interest to health scientists and graduat
定價:3184 元, 優惠價:9 2866
作者:Belinda Lewis; Jeff Lewis  出版社:Palgrave Macmillan  出版日:2014/12/26 裝訂:平裝
"This book is about communicating for health and social change. With a clear focus on public health and health promotion practice, it provides a unique introduction to media and cultural studies persp
定價:2817 元, 優惠價:1 2817



