小女孩與熊偽裝自己各自搭上火車前往從未到過的地方。一邊是人,一邊是熊,截然不同的她們同樣都為新環境感到不安。所幸,些許的友情加料,他們敞開心扉,找到共同點,一起克服恐懼。What if the Cowardly Lion took a leap of faith? A story of courage, determination, and a dash of friendship. Courage is something that comes from your heart. But if you can't find it there, you can wear it on your head at first. Mae is a girl. Bear is a bear. But over the course of one life-changing, slightly nerve-racking train ride, they find out that this might be the only thing they don't have in common. Kate Hoefler's signature lyricism and Jessixa Bagley's sweetly wry art combine for a gently whimsical, people (and bear) pleaser of a story about the fear of being different, the ways we overcome this fear, and the fact that often what's different is a lot more familiar than we might think. With courage, determination, and a dash of friendship, Mae and Bear discover all the humor, warmth, and beauty found in togetherness and in the unknown. IMPORTANT THEMES: This sweet, moving story about new exper
Women’s courage is ancient. Women fought against slavery and offered shelter to hunted runaways, demanded economic justice for the starving or working poor, raised their voices when rights were trampl
As a free-spirited, independent woman, Bronnie Ware was used to donning a variety of hats: singer, songwriter, author, speaker, traveler, and adventurer. And as her soul would have it in her mid-forti