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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:威廉‧麥唐諾; 麥克‧布朗嘉  出版社:野人文化  出版日:2022/04/08 裝訂:精裝
★ 博客來選書、誠品選書、金石堂強力推薦 ★★ 誠品暢銷榜 ★好的設計就像大自然,沒有浪費這回事!想像一下,河流想要怎樣的肥皂?櫻桃樹又會怎樣設計一棟房子? 在大自然裡,沒有需要丟棄的東西──當一棵櫻桃樹開滿花朵、而這些花朵又紛紛落地時,沒有人會覺得資源被浪費了──因為所有枯枝、落葉、落花,都將回到土壤,再度成為養分,培育出新的花朵和果實。 如果人類社會是由櫻桃樹所繁衍的,世界將會是怎樣的情景?那樣一來,我們所思考的,將不再是如何減少對環境的汙染、如何減少資源的浪費、如何減少廢棄物的排放……;而是回到源頭去想,如何從一開始,就像棵櫻桃樹一樣,縱然繁花落盡,卻依然生生不息。 只要所有事物的設計,都依循「從搖籃到搖籃」概念,而不是一生產出來,就走向墳墓! 第一次工業革命時,大自然的資源一經開採,就注定了一條直線的「從搖籃到墳墓」之路:加工、製造、使用、拋棄、汙染。而如今,搖籃到搖籃的設計(C2C design)觀點,為我們帶來第二次工業革命!無論是產品的材質、設計乃至都市規劃,在設計之初,就先考慮如何像大自然一樣,不斷循環利用,依然不減其價值(甚至還能增值利用),從搖籃持續走向搖籃。 想像一下,以C2C概念設計出來的各項物品: 用壞了的地毯,可以丟棄在花園裡,提供土壤所需的養分; 用肥皂洗滌過的廢水,可以成為河流的養分; 買一台車,可以在五年後款式過氣時丟棄,也毫不可惜,因為所有材料都能回收,另創價值; 而紙張,將不再只是回收一次兩次,而是重複使用一百次、兩百次………。 從搖籃到搖籃的新典範,不僅對生態友善,對經濟成長同樣抱持正面思維:東西得以不斷推陳出新、將舊有的完全回收來製造新一代的產品。在我們將打造東西的方法重新打造時,創意、美學和精湛的工業技術,都受到了鼓勵,充滿嶄新的刺激與挑戰。 這場革命不是理想家的空談,目前已開發出600多種C2C產品:福特將推出由大豆和玉米所建造的汽車;Nike設計出了可回收的球鞋;全球最符合人體工學的辦公椅製造商Herman Miller製造了幾乎可以百分百再利用的椅子;波特蘭gDiapers公司生產出不含毒素的棉質尿布,內層可在100 天內由土壤分解;中國開始進行永續發展的造城試驗、荷蘭更進入「C2C狂熱」中,著手打造全球第一個徹底實踐從搖籃到搖籃的國度。 這將是一次全球國家競爭力和工業技術力的轉移,藉由大自然
定價:380 元, 優惠價:9 342
作者:愛麗絲‧葛雷戈里  出版社:貓頭鷹  出版日:2020/09/10 裝訂:平裝
終身受用的睡眠科學 ◎倫敦大學睡眠權威剖析睡眠的科學 🛏睡眠是從小到老的人生大事💤為什麼嬰兒總是半夜哭鬧?💤小孩常常尿床是睡眠問題嗎?💤為什麼明明在睡前放了舒緩的音樂卻怎樣也睡不著?💤「美容覺」是真有其事嗎? 「睡覺」這件事占據了我們人生1/3的時間。從剛出生不久的嬰兒到幼兒、青少年與成人、中年人以至於老年人,睡眠對生命中的每個階段都會帶來不同的影響。在
定價:540 元, 優惠價:9 486
作者:Inaaya Jaggi  出版社:INGSPARK  出版日:2024/12/22 裝訂:平裝
定價:650 元, 優惠價:1 650
作者:Miriam Kensington  出版社:CREATIVE ARTS MGMT OU  出版日:2025/02/07 裝訂:平裝
定價:2650 元, 優惠價:1 2650
作者:Miriam Kensington  出版社:CREATIVE ARTS MGMT OU  出版日:2025/02/07 裝訂:精裝
定價:2650 元, 優惠價:1 2650
Gift Exchange 2: From the Cradle, to the Cross, to Creation Restored
作者:Margo Klundt  出版社:Trilogy Christian Pub  出版日:2025/03/18 裝訂:平裝
定價:646 元, 優惠價:1 646
A Tabby Cat's Easter Tale: Yoshi's Journey From Cradle To The Cross
作者:Larissa Larsen  出版社:INDEPENDENT CAT  出版日:2025/03/03 裝訂:精裝
定價:684 元, 優惠價:1 684
Cat's Cradle: Suri's Dragon (Graphic Novel)
作者:Jo Rioux  出版社:Macmillan Pub Ltd  出版日:2024/11/19 裝訂:平裝
Suri the monster tamer is back in the thrilling conclusion of this middle grade fantasy graphic novel trilogy!Suri gets a chance to show off her monster-taming skills as her journey with Caglio, Kolya, and her giant-sized lap dog, Byron, continues. With the caitsiths in hot pursuit, can this ragtag crew make it to the Monster's Cradle? To get to the Cradle, Suri and her friends must pass through Bridgetown, but the tollbooth charges an outrageous entrance fee! Luckily, monster tamers may pass through for free. All Suri needs to do is help the town with its "little monster problem." When she learns this problem involves a vengeful and strangely familiar dragon, her courage is put to the test!
定價:608 元, 優惠價:75 456
Cat's Cradle: The Mole King's Lair (Graphic Novel)
作者:Jo Rioux  出版社:First Second  出版日:2023/06/20 裝訂:平裝
Suri the monster tamer is back for the second volume of this thrilling graphic novel trilogy! Suri has what it takes to be a monster tamer--she just knows it! She's even tamed her first monster...if you count Byron. He's less like a monster, more like a giant dog. He needs a master that's just his size, so Suri, Caglio, and Byron set off for the land of the giants: the Monster's Cradle. An epic journey like this requires money and provisions, which they don't have. But the treasure at the heart of the mole king's lair might be the solution to their problem!
定價:608 元, 優惠價:75 456
作者:Julie Crea Dunbar  出版社:Bloomsbury Academic  出版日:2025/02/20 裝訂:平裝
定價:2397 元, 優惠價:1 2397
Making Wooden Toys ─ 12 Easy-To-Do Projects With Full-Size Templates
作者:James T. Stasio  出版社:Dover Pubns  出版日:1986/07/01 裝訂:平裝
Diagrams, photos, templates for 12 simple, sturdy wooden toys. Freight train, doll cradle, cargo ships, helicopter, biplane, rocking horse and squirrel, and more. Full-size templates, diagrams and pho
定價:302 元, 優惠價:1 302
The Brothers Hawthorne (The Inheritance Games #4)(美國版)
作者:Jennifer Lynn Barnes  出版社:Little; Brown Books for Young Readers  出版日:2023/08/29 裝訂:平裝
OVER 4 MILLION COPIES SOLD OF THE #1 BESTSELLING SERIES!Four brothers. Two missions. One explosive read. Jennifer Lynn Barnes returns to the world of her #1 bestselling, TikTok sensation Inheritance Games trilogy, and the stakes have never been higher. Grayson Hawthorne was raised as the heir apparent to his billionaire grandfather, taught from the cradle to put family first. Now the great Tobias Hawthorne is dead and his family disinherited, but some lessons linger. When Grayson’s half-sisters find themselves in trouble, he swoops in to do what he does best: take care of the problem—efficiently, effectively, mercilessly. And without getting bogged down in emotional entanglements. Jameson Hawthorne is a risk-taker, a sensation-seeker, a player of games. When his mysterious father appears and asks for a favor, Jameson can’t resist the challenge. Now he must infiltrate London’s most exclusive underground gambling club, which caters to the rich, the powerful, and the aris
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
The Brothers Hawthorne (Book 4)
作者:Jennifer Lynn Barnes  出版社:Little; Brown & Company  出版日:2023/08/29 裝訂:精裝
Four brothers. Two missions. One explosive read. Jennifer Lynn Barnes returns to the world of her #1 bestselling, TikTok sensation Inheritance Games trilogy, and the stakes have never been higher. Grayson Hawthorne was raised as the heir apparent to his billionaire grandfather, taught from the cradle to put family first. Now the great Tobias Hawthorne is dead and his family disinherited, but some lessons linger. When Grayson’s half-sisters find themselves in trouble, he swoops in to do what he does best: take care of the problem—efficiently, effectively, mercilessly. And without getting bogged down in emotional entanglements. Jameson Hawthorne is a risk-taker, a sensation-seeker, a player of games. When his mysterious father appears and asks for a favor, Jameson can’t resist the challenge. Now he must infiltrate London’s most exclusive underground gambling club, which caters to the rich, the powerful, and the aristocratic, and win an impossible game of greatest stakes.
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
Bedtime Rhymes (硬頁書)(附歌謠音檔QRcode)
作者:Campbell Books; Joel; Ashley Selby  出版社:Campbell Books UK  出版日:2021/04/01 裝訂:有聲書
Watch the cow jump over the moon, rock the baby's cradle and gaze at all the twinkly stars in the night sky before bed in Bedtime Rhymes. Toddlers will love using the chunky push, pull and slide mechanisms to bring these classic playtime rhymes to life. Scan the QR code to sing along together too! With bright, bold illustrations from Joel and Ashley Selby, this is the perfect gift for little ones. Toddlers can enjoy more classic rhymes with Playtime Rhymes. 曲目1. Wee Wille Winkie2. Hey, Diddle, Diddle3. Diddle Diddle Dumpling4. Rock-a-Bye Baby5. Sleep, Baby, Sleep6. All the Pretty Little Horses7. Twinkle, Twinkle Star8. Star Light, Star Light按此可連接至試聽音檔
定價:329 元, 優惠價:79 260
The Brothers Hawthorne (The Inheritance Games #4)(美國版)
作者:Jennifer Lynn Barnes  出版社:Little Brown Books for Young Readers  出版日:2024/10/01 裝訂:平裝
OVER 3 MILLION COPIES SOLD OF THE #1 BESTSELLING SERIES! Four brothers. Two missions. One explosive read. Jennifer Lynn Barnes returns to the world of her #1 bestselling, TikTok sensation Inheritance Games trilogy, and the stakes have never been higher. Grayson Hawthorne was raised as the heir apparent to his billionaire grandfather, taught from the cradle to put family first. Now the great Tobias Hawthorne is dead and his family disinherited, but some lessons linger. When Grayson's half-sisters find themselves in trouble, he swoops in to do what he does best: take care of the problem--efficiently, effectively, mercilessly. And without getting bogged down in emotional entanglements. Jameson Hawthorne is a risk-taker, a sensation-seeker, a player of games. When his mysterious father appears and asks for a favor, Jameson can't resist the challenge. Now he must infiltrate London's most exclusive underground gambling club, which caters to the rich, the powerful, and the aristocratic, and w
定價:494 元, 優惠價:75 370
作者:威廉.麥唐諾; 麥克.布朗嘉  出版社:野人文化  出版日:2008/01/01 裝訂:精裝
好的設計就像大自然,沒有浪費這回事!想像一下,河流想要怎樣的肥皂?櫻桃樹又會怎樣設計一棟房子?在大自然裡,沒有需要丟棄的東西——當一棵櫻桃樹開滿花朵、而這些花朵又紛紛落地時,沒有人會覺得資源被浪費了——因為所有枯枝、落葉、落花,都將回到土壤,再度成為養分,培育出新的花朵和果實。 如果人類社會是由櫻桃樹所繁衍的,世界將會是怎樣的情景?那樣一來,我們所思考的,將不再是如何減少對環境的污染、如何減少資
作者:威廉.麥唐諾; 麥克.布朗  出版社:野人文化  出版日:2018/04/25 裝訂:精裝
好的設計就像大自然,沒有浪費這回事!想像一下,河流想要怎樣的肥皂?櫻桃樹又會怎樣設計一棟房子? 在大自然裡,沒有需要丟棄的東西——當一棵櫻桃樹開滿花朵、而這些花朵又紛紛落地時,沒有人會覺得資源被浪費了——因為所有枯枝、落葉、落花,都將回到土壤,再度成為養分,培育出新的花朵和果實。如果人類社會是由櫻桃樹所繁衍的,世界將會是怎樣的情景?那樣一來,我們所思考的,將不再是如何減少對環境的汙染、如何減少資源
作者:Alysa Levene; Martin Powell; John Stewart; Becky Taylor  出版社:Peter Lang Pub Inc  出版日:2011/05/12 裝訂:平裝
Public sector health care in Britain during the 1920s and 1930s is explored by Levene (history, Oxford Brookes U.), Martin Powell (health and social policy, U. of Birmingham), John Steward (health his
From Cradle to Grave
作者:Patricia MacDonald  出版社:Severn House Pub Ltd  出版日:2010/01/01 裝訂:精裝
A nail-biting novel of domestic suspense from a best-selling author - When Morgan Adair arrives at the small seaside town of West Briar on the Long Island shore, she is looking forward to attending th
定價:1330 元, 優惠價:79 1051
作者:Diana Walsh  出版社:Ingram Pub Services  出版日:2012/10/16 裝訂:平裝
There is something about the loss of a child that everyone takes to heart. A lot of suffering happens in this world, but when it involves a child, it touches everyone all the more and it is tolerated
定價:950 元, 優惠價:1 950
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