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Alex C. McLaren (2)
Marc De Graef (2)
Danielle Vogel (1)
Katrina Raphaell (1)
卡崔娜.拉斐爾 (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (3)
Aurora Pr (1)
Cambridge University Press (1)
Wesleyan Univ Pr (1)
生命潛能 (1)

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作者:卡崔娜.拉斐爾  出版社:生命潛能  出版日:2023/10/05 裝訂:平裝
「水晶治療排列」的開創者當代靈性導師的導師卡崔娜.拉斐爾絕版多年水晶經典全新改版重新校訂,新增彩圖「這三部曲的英文版寫在上世紀八〇年代,是第一套公開分享遠古水晶智慧和密法的書。直到現在,書中部分內容仍然很前衛。」──新心靈水晶能量課程創辦人Krize周承進「四十年前,當時根本還沒有人提出以水晶作為能量治療的工具,她就已經開始以得天獨厚的天賦……開創出「水晶治療排列」這套系統。」──「AKASH阿喀許心靈教育」創辦人 AKASH阿喀許「卡崔娜水晶三部曲」曾在靈性圈引發了「水晶革命」,為水晶的使用方式引入全新向度。不僅是許多水晶愛好者的案頭書,更影響了眾多靈性導師,連二手書都必須以高價收購!―好評推薦―新心靈水晶能量課程創辦人 周承進聖哲曼空間執行長 林鈺純「AKASH阿喀許心靈教育」創辦人 AKASH阿喀許宇宙之鐘走到了約定的時刻,是時候向人類揭露古老的水晶祕密了。過往僅向高階祭司開放,如今,轉生在此星球之人皆能迎接這股洪流。這強大的靈性力量之流將進入地球,引領我們與造物之力合而為一。 國際知名的水晶教母卡崔娜,在此書中揭露了水晶全新的覺知面向,並整合水晶三部曲前兩部中所探討的各種概念,為我們呈獻了最完整的水晶知識與治療體系。更在本書深入探討多種主力能量石,以及最後六種導師水晶,使我們在物質身體的層面獲得療癒,發揮強大的靈性力量。 本書出自卡崔娜親身經驗,詳細介紹了十二脈輪系統,教導我們如何對準自身的內在水晶光能本質──那存在於每個生命的核心,無以名狀的神聖臨在。而我們所能達成最宏大的狀態,便是有意識地認同那樣的臨在。 本書雖於一九九○年寫就,內容卻為正歷經著地球能量大幅轉化的人類,提供意識提升、顯化美好國度的寶貴線索。作為劃時代的水晶三部曲完成之作,本書提供我們轉化的各種可能性,引領我們進入全新的開始。當我們透過水晶光能傳導,啟動光體並整合進肉體,我們便能成為擁有形體的光,在地球上活出天堂。本書特色:‧深入探討十二脈輪系統,對於一般較不熟悉的「超個人三脈輪」,更詳細解說了其代表的意義及潛力。‧書中介紹了六種罕見的導師水晶,及其相應的能力;也介紹了多種治療用的主力能量石,大大擴展了水晶治療排列的深度與廣度。‧從更寬廣的視野探索水晶治療的本質與人類的課題,也論及如吸收核輻射等重要的健康議題。
定價:590 元, 優惠價:9 531
作者:Katrina Raphaell  出版社:Aurora Pr  出版日:1989/11/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:758 元, 優惠價:1 758
作者:Alex C. McLaren  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1991/06/27 裝訂:精裝
Of the many techniques that have been applied to the study of crystal defects, none has contributed more to our understanding of their nature and influence on the physical and chemical properties of crystalline materials than transmission electron microscopy (TEM). TEM is now used extensively by an increasing number of earth scientists for direct observation of defect microstructures in minerals and rocks. Transmission Electron Microscopy of Minerals and Rocks is an introduction to the principles of the technique written specifically for geologists and mineralogists. The first part of the book deals with the essential physics of the transmission electron microscope and presents the basic theoretical background required for the interpretation of images and electron diffraction patterns. A knowledge of elementary crystallography is assumed, and some familiarity with optics and electromagnetic theory is helpful but not essential. The final chapters are concerned with specific applications
Transmission Electron Microscopy of Minerals and Rocks
作者:Alex C. McLaren  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2005/09/29 裝訂:平裝
Of the many techniques that have been applied to the study of crystal defects, none has contributed more to our understanding of their nature and influence on the physical and chemical properties of crystalline materials than transmission electron microscopy (TEM). TEM is now used extensively by an increasing number of earth scientists for direct observation of defect microstructures in minerals and rocks. Transmission Electron Microscopy of Minerals and Rocks is an introduction to the principles of the technique written specifically for geologists and mineralogists. The first part of the book deals with the essential physics of the transmission electron microscope and presents the basic theoretical background required for the interpretation of images and electron diffraction patterns. A knowledge of elementary crystallography is assumed, and some familiarity with optics and electromagnetic theory is helpful but not essential. The final chapters are concerned with specific applications
定價:3509 元, 優惠價:9 3158
作者:Marc De Graef  出版社:Cambridge University Press  出版日:2003/03/27 裝訂:平裝
This graduate level 2003 textbook covers the fundamentals of conventional transmission electron microscopy (CTEM) as applied to crystalline solids. Emphasis is on the experimental and computational me
作者:Marc De Graef  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2003/03/27 裝訂:平裝
This 2003 book covers the fundamentals of conventional transmission electron microscopy (CTEM) as applied to crystalline solids. Emphasis is on the experimental and computational methods used to quantify and analyze CTEM observations. A supplementary website containing interactive modules and free Fortran source code accompanies the text. The book starts with the basics of crystallography and quantum mechanics providing a sound mathematical footing for the rest of the text. The next section deals with the microscope itself, describing the various components in terms of the underlying theory. The second half of the book focuses on the dynamical theory of electron scattering in solids including its applications to perfect and defective crystals, electron diffraction and phase contrast techniques. Based on a lecture course given by the author in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, the book is ideal for graduate students as well as researche
A Library of Light
作者:Danielle Vogel  出版社:Wesleyan Univ Pr  出版日:2024/02/04 裝訂:精裝
Incantation and elegy shine through one another in this extraordinary poetic memoirWhen poet Danielle Vogel began writing meditations on the syntax of earthen and astral light, she had no idea that her mother's tragic death would eclipse the writing of that book, turning her attention to grief's syntax and quiet fields of cellular light in the form of memory. Written in elegant, crystalline prose poems, A Library of Light is a memoir that begins and ends in an incantatory space, one in which light speaks. At the book's center glows a more localized light: the voice of the poet as she reflects, with ceremonial patience, on the bioluminescence of the human body, language's relationship to lineage, her mother's journals written during years of estrangement from her daughter, and the healing potential of poetry. A mesmerizing elegy infused with studies of epigenetic theory and biophotonics, A Library of Light shows that to language is to take part in transmission, transmutation of energy
定價:988 元, 優惠價:1 988



