發現缺陷、提高品質、完美交付! 軟體QA、測試工程師、開發老手必讀 打造全面的測試策略,交付高品質的API! Web API 是程式的門面,需要至臻完美,而實作自動化測試就是確保 Web API 可以交付的最佳方法。 這是一本獨特且實用的 Web API 指南。從測試套件的初步設計到文件記錄、實作、交付出色的API,都提供了技術指引。你將看到各種不同的測試技術,從探索性測試到正式環境的測試,並學會運用業界等級的測試工具來打造自動化測試,為你省下大量時間。本書可以消除你所遇到的 API 測試障礙,制定出一套適合你的測試策略,交付高品質的產品。 書中的範例程式皆以Java語言撰寫,這些範例包含了很多自動化程式的設計模式,並且在各個語言中也能通用。 本書包含 ● 設計與實作 Web API 的測試策略 ● 從零打造一個測試自動化套件 ● 使用 Pact 進行契約測試 ● 提供 Java 程式範例解說 ● 本書附錄提供 API 沙盒實作練習 【本書重點】 ✔ 測試的想像與實作模型 ✔ 辨識品質與風險 ✔ 探索性測試 ✔ 自動化測試 ✔ 契約測試 ✔ 效能測試 ✔ 安全測試 適合讀者 本書適合專業 QA、測試工程師與開發老手 本書讚譽 「書中的技術與模型可以幫助你打造高品質、可靠的 API,對許多其他類型的測試也很有用。值得一讀!」 ───── Janet Gregory & Lisa Crispin,Agile Testing Fellowship 共同創辦人 「這本書含有大量的測試活動!是打造 Web API 測試策略前必讀的一本書。」 ───── Anne-Laure Gaillard,ManoMano 「內容精彩絕倫。書中的自動化測試、效能測試與安全測試部分更是畫龍點睛!」 ───── Dr. Michael Piscatello,Ernst & Young 「它能讓團隊享受測試帶來的樂趣!」 ───── Christopher Kardell,DEBS API 沙盒下載 本書提供專屬可下載的 API 沙盒,讓你可以在安全的環境進行實驗,可前往GitHub下載: https://github.com/mwinteringham/restful-booker-platform 本書範例程式碼下載 本書的許多章節都有測試說明、範例程式碼和效能測試腳本等資源
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When do states acquire nuclear weapons? Overturning a decade of scholarship focusing on other factors, Debs and Monteiro show in Nuclear Politics that proliferation is driven by security concerns. Proliferation occurs only when a state has both the willingness and opportunity to build the bomb. A state has the willingness to nuclearize when it faces a serious security threat without the support of a reliable ally. It has the opportunity when its conventional forces or allied protection are sufficient to deter preventive attacks. This explains why so few countries have developed nuclear weapons. Unthreatened or protected states do not want them; weak and unprotected ones cannot get them. This powerful theory combined with extensive historical research on the nuclear trajectory of sixteen countries will make Nuclear Politics a standard reference in international security studies, informing scholarly and policy debates on nuclear proliferation - and US non-proliferation efforts - for deca
When do states acquire nuclear weapons? Overturning a decade of scholarship focusing on other factors, Debs and Monteiro show in Nuclear Politics that proliferation is driven by security concerns. Proliferation occurs only when a state has both the willingness and opportunity to build the bomb. A state has the willingness to nuclearize when it faces a serious security threat without the support of a reliable ally. It has the opportunity when its conventional forces or allied protection are sufficient to deter preventive attacks. This explains why so few countries have developed nuclear weapons. Unthreatened or protected states do not want them; weak and unprotected ones cannot get them. This powerful theory combined with extensive historical research on the nuclear trajectory of sixteen countries will make Nuclear Politics a standard reference in international security studies, informing scholarly and policy debates on nuclear proliferation - and US non-proliferation efforts - for deca