Learning new vocabulary is as easy as ABC with this beautifully illustrated dictionary for children aged 6-9. Featuring 1,000 essential first words and a free audio app, this book is perfect for children who are starting to read and speak English as a second language. Every word in English for Everyone Junior: English Dictionary is illustrated and arranged A-Z to help your child build their vocabulary and learn the English alphabet.Audio for all the words, phrases, and songs featured in the book is available online and via the accompanying app, so children can listen and perfect their pronunciation. At the start of each section, the upper-case and lower-case version of each letter is presented to help reinforce letter recognition. Charming scenes and illustrations help put each word in context, and catchy songs make the process of learning and saying new words fun.A letter bar at the top of each page helps children remember the order of the alphabet and find their place in the book. Fu
My First Big Book of Words, Grade Prek WorkbookMy First Big Book of Words, Grade K WorkbookMy Big Book of Words, Grade 1 WorkbookMy Big Book of Words, Grade 2 WorkbookBuild children’s early reading foundations with whole language activities that develop vocabulary, word recognition, and writing skills. The nine themed-based stories introduce children to 60 new words with fun word activities and games such as Bingo, drawing, and word mazes. Audio read-alouds support language learners and help children work independently.Introduce your preschooler to 60 new words and support early reading with fun stories, games, and word activities such as Bingo, drawing, word mazes, and more! A picture dictionary, mini books, and removable word cards provide additional learning fun.The whole language learning activities develop vocabulary, word recognition and writing skills, and support your child in early reading skills. Engaging stories with an audio read-aloud option help children learn new words i
真實的學習,無可取代的紙本字典!書林出版有限公司與擁有百餘年歷史的英商麥克米倫教育出版公司再度攜手合作,隆重推出學習型詞典的表率--《麥克米倫高級英漢雙解詞典》。本詞典在台灣翻譯學學會理事長蘇正隆教授的主持下,匯集多位專家學者精心編撰,將榮獲國際大獎的Macmillan English Dictionary譯成中文,在英漢對照之下,不僅可學習英語,也示範英漢雙語之間的翻譯之道。譯者專欄https://www.bookman.com.tw/NewsDetail.aspx?advNo=2705本書特色1. 傳統英漢詞典訛誤極多,幾十年來以訛傳訛,滋生不少問題,如將bald eagle誤為「禿鷹」,green bean誤為「綠豆」,a miss is as good as a mile 誤為「失之毫釐,謬以千里。本詞典定義、例句中譯自然順暢,專門術語依據專業說法,在閱讀及翻譯時可以得心應手。2. 收詞超過100,000條,比同類型詞典多20%以上。詞條定義多元的則有一目了然的速檢表,查閱快速便利。3. 最常用的7,500字以紅色字體凸顯,用三顆星到一顆星標示詞頻,都詳細深入解釋和示範用法。4. 收錄片語 (Phrases) 及成語 (Idioms)超過30,000條。5. 450個搭配詞表 (Words frequently used with…) 列出最常用的詞彙搭配,可使英文表達道地自然,增強聽說讀寫譯能力。6. 40多個隱喻解說欄 (Metaphor),把一般人日常習用而不自覺的譬喻用法加以分析、點明,可大幅提升閱讀、寫作、翻譯能力。7. 22個常用的表達方式的示例和解釋,例如:Ways of apologizing, Other ways of saying laugh,… 等。8. 重要詞義的語言層次(語域)都清楚標示,例如:spoken/written, formal/informal等。9. 眾多獨創對說與寫很有用的專欄 "Writing and Talking about" "Words you can use instead of" 等。10. 專文介紹常見的 "false friends",即字面上很像中文,容易讓人望文生義、誤入陷阱的英文。11. 附錄詳列其他詞典難以找到的漢語文化特色詞,如:bodhisattva(菩薩),pearl milk te
Incorporating a decade of musicological research, the Dictionary is unsurpassed in its scope and quality, with contributions from over 1,300 of the world's leading critics and scholars. A remarkable 1
Volume 1 of monumental 3-volume classic offers comprehensive and detailed coverage of architectural terms, individuals, and national styles. Total in set: over 100 photographs and more than 1,000 illu
本書內容:高中或以上程度學生、英語達中至高級程度,日常需使用英語的讀者電腦光盤內附辭典內容,免費隨書附送本書特色:Your link to living language• 155,000 natural examples bring English to life • 1 million additional sentences from books and magazine
本書內容:高中或以上程度學生、英語達中至高級程度,日常需使用英語的讀者電腦光盤內附辭典內容,免費隨書附送本書特色:Your link to living language• 155,000 natural examples bring English to life • 1 million additional sentences from books and magazine
Historical Dictionary of Homosexuality provides a comprehensive survey of same-sex relations from ancient China and Greece to the modern world. It covers the gay rights movement from its origins in 1
An excellent, single-volume Catholic dictionary of the Bible written by respected Catholic Biblical scholar John L. McKenzie S. J. and originally published in 1965. Fr. John L. McKenzie, S.J., (1910-1
Volume 1 of a two-volume work. This classic reference contains most of the more common words used in everyday English conversation, plus slang, archaic words and phrases, coined words and foreign word
The Fifth Edition of Longman Dictionary of American English is the key to vocabulary building! Now with the full contents online, plus online Thesaurus and Vocabulary Checker.Clear and comprehensive 1
First published in 1913, this highly illustrated two-volume work was intended to give as full an account as possible of the lives and works of painters, sculptors and engravers in Ireland from the earliest times to the nineteenth century. Until then, the history of Irish art had been largely neglected, so this project was an extensive undertaking for Walter George Strickland (1850–1928), who became Director of the National Gallery of Ireland. It took him two decades to compile, and involved accessing private collections, corresponding with experts, meeting with the artists' descendants, and consulting letters, diaries and notes relating to their works. Volume 1 covers artists with surnames beginning A to K. Each entry contains biographical information on the artist and details of their works, with portraits and examples provided in hundreds of plates. This unique reference work remains of great interest to art historians and historians of Ireland.