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原文書 (14)

可訂購商品 (13)
無法訂購商品 (2)

有庫存 (1)
無庫存 (14)

$400~$599 (1)
$800以上 (14)

2024年 (2)
2022~2023 (1)
2020~2021 (3)
2016~2017 (1)
2016年以前 (8)

平裝 (8)
精裝 (7)

Keiko Ueki-polet (EDT)/ Klaus Klemp (EDT) (2)
Cees W. de Jong; Klaus Klemp; Jorrit Maan; Erik Mattie (1)
Deutscher Designer Club (COR)/ Tassilo von Grolman/ Niko Gultig/ Dieter Rams/ Nils Holger Moormann (1)
Deyan Sudjic (1)
Dieter Rams (1)
Klaus Klemp (1)
Klaus Klemp (EDT)/ Keiko Ueki-polet (EDT) (1)
Klaus Klemp/ Dieter Rams/ Matthias K. Wagner (1)
Mateo Kries(EDI) (1)
Shah Mohammed (1)
Sophie Lovell (1)
Sophie Lovell/ Jonathan Ive (1)
de Jong, Cees W. (1)
克勞斯.克倫普 (1)

Les Gestalten UK (3)
Independently published (1)
Birkhauser Architecture (1)
Natl Book Network (1)
Phaidon Inc Ltd (1)
Phaidon Press Ltd (1)
Phaidon UK (1)
Prestel (1)
Prestel UK (1)
Random House Inc (1)
Vitra Design Museum (1)
臉譜文化 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

Dieter Rams(迪特.拉姆斯):作品全集
作者:克勞斯.克倫普  出版社:臉譜文化  出版日:2023/11/09 裝訂:精裝
德國工業設計之父,二十世紀最有影響力的設計師本書為台灣第一本Dieter Rams專書,277個經典設計,302幅彩色照片長達73年的永恒設計「Dieter Rams:對Apple深具影響的傳奇設計師。」——CNN「Rams的作品及帶給我們的啟發,稱得上是設計之本。」——Jony Ive,前蘋果首席設計長此作品全集與Rams本人密切合作,是了解Rams,這位史上對後世影響最深遠的產品設計師之終極參考書。六十多年來,Rams為世界上最受歡迎的消費品定義了外觀、感覺和功能。他將「好設計十原則」做為一種理念和實踐,以更全面、更負責任的方式讓這個領域變得更好,也讓他建立了享譽全球的聲名。這本書是Rams一生中所有設計產品的詳細目錄,是對他在工業和產品設計領域開創性貢獻的真正紀念。書中包括302幅彩色照片,按時間順序編排,且每件產品都附有說明和規格明細。Dieter Rams是德國著名的工業設計大師,1932年出生於德國威斯巴登,1947年,進入威斯巴登藝術學院(Werkkunstschule Wiesbaden)攻讀建築和室內設計。1955年,投身德國家電企業Braun,隔年開啟與家具品牌Vitsoe合作的契機,1961年成為Braun首席設計師,1981年受聘為漢堡設計學院教授。他領導百靈設計部門超過三十年,產品橫跨咖啡機、電腦、收音機、視聽設備、家電產品與辦公室用品,經典作品如留聲機SK-4、D系列幻燈片投影機、RZ57模組化家具系統、606通用貨架等,為世界各地博物館收藏。“Less, but better” (少,卻更好)是Rams一生追求的設計理念,可謂當代極簡主義和新功能主義的設計大家,與日本最重要的工業設計師、GK 設計集團創辦人榮久庵憲司志同道合。拉姆斯認為好設計是創新的、實用的、具美學價值的、簡單明瞭的、不突兀炫耀的、克制的、經久耐用的、周密的、環保的、愈簡單愈好的;他提出的好設計十原則,被奉為設計最高準則和美學典範,強調功能、以實用為核心,乾淨俐落、簡約優雅的設計,對前蘋果首席設計師Jony Ive、深澤直人都有著深遠的影響。德國20世紀中後期的工業設計,給予21世紀成功電子產品一個無可取代的靈感來源,而Rams顯然是最重要的靈魂人物。本書堪稱Rams的設計生涯全紀錄,以五大時序呈現,從1947年的手繪草圖拉開序幕,到2020年最新一版的606通用貨架,
定價:1800 元, 優惠價:9 1620
Dieter Rams:As Little Design as Possible
作者:Sophie Lovell  出版社:Phaidon Press Ltd  出版日:2024/09/05 裝訂:精裝
定價:3597 元, 優惠價:9 3237
作者:Sophie Lovell; Jonathan Ive  出版社:Phaidon UK  出版日:2011/06/22 裝訂:精裝
Indifference towards people and the reality in which they live is actually the one and only cardinal sin in design' - Dieter Rams. Dieter Rams' life and work are indelibly linked to his thoughts about how people live, and how they can live better. Products he designed in the 1960s are still being produced and sold today - only one demonstration of the strength of his work.This comprehensive monograph covers both Rams' life and his work, as well as his ideas on good design, which continue to inspire designers and consumers today. A personal foreword by Jonathan Ive evokes the influence that Rams has had on his own work and, by extention, the objects with which so many of us share our everyday lives. An introduction and an essay by Klaus Kemp tell the story of Rams' early life, his training as an architect, and the intellectual context in which his ideas were developed. The next four chapters examine Rams' work and his life - which are more or less synonymous - in depth. This includes hi
作者:Dieter Rams  出版社:GESTALTEN  出版日:2014/08/25 裝訂:平裝
The new edition of the benchmark work published by the Dieter Rams Stiftung, which had been out of print. / Dies ist die Wiederauflage des vergriffenen Standardwerks, herausgegeben von der Dieter Rams
作者:Klaus Klemp  出版社:Phaidon Inc Ltd  出版日:2020/10/13 裝訂:精裝
Dieter Rams: Ten Principles for Good Design
作者:de Jong; Cees W.  出版社:Prestel  出版日:2021/03/04 裝訂:平裝
定價:2199 元, 優惠價:95 2089
Dieter Rams: Ten Principles for Good Design
作者:Cees W. de Jong; Klaus Klemp; Jorrit Maan; Erik Mattie  出版社:Prestel UK  出版日:2017/10/11 裝訂:精裝
For decades, anyone who cared about product design looked to the Braun label when choosing their appliances, radios, and other consumer items. Now Dieter Rams, the guiding force behind the Braun look,
定價:2475 元, 優惠價:9 2228
作者:Keiko Ueki-polet (EDT); Klaus Klemp (EDT)  出版社:Les Gestalten UK  出版日:2011/11/28 裝訂:精裝
The definitive collection of work by Dieter Rams is available again. In recent years Dieter Rams has been rediscovered and celebrated as one of the most influential designers of the twentieth century.
Less and More ─ The Design Ethos of Dieter Rams
作者:Klaus Klemp (EDT); Keiko Ueki-polet (EDT)  出版社:Les Gestalten UK  出版日:2015/09/25 裝訂:平裝
Now available again, this is the definitivereference book on the work of DieterRams. In his more than 40 years at Braun,Rams established himself as one of the mostinfluential designers of the twentiet
定價:3300 元, 優惠價:79 2607
Disrupting Perfection: Uncovering the Limitations of Dieter Rams' Design Principles
作者:Shah Mohammed  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/02/07 裝訂:平裝
定價:576 元, 優惠價:1 576
Design in Frankfurt ─ 1920-1990
作者:Klaus Klemp; Dieter Rams; Matthias K. Wagner  出版社:Natl Book Network  出版日:2014/09/22 裝訂:平裝
定價:1440 元, 優惠價:1 1440
Gute Gestaltung / Good Design 2011
Good Design 11 presents the works selected by the Deutscher Designer Club (DDC) in its annual "Good Design" competition – prizewinning design from architecture, product and trade fai
定價:2897 元, 優惠價:1 2897
German Design 1949-1989: Two Countries, One History
作者:Mateo Kries(EDI)  出版社:Vitra Design Museum  出版日:2021/04/27 裝訂:平裝
The fertile dual evolution of design under socialism and capitalism in postwar GermanyThe cheap, colorful plastic designs of East Germany pitted against the cool functionalism of West German design: German Design 1949-1989: Two Countries, One History does away with such clich s. More than 30 years after German reunification, it presents a comprehensive overview of German design history of the postwar period for the first time ever. With over 300 illustrations and numerous examples from the fields of design--fashion, furniture, graphics, automobile, industrial and interiors--the book shows how design featured in daily life on both sides of the Wall, the important part it played in the reconstruction process and how it served as a propaganda tool during the Cold War. Key objects and protagonists--from Dieter Rams or Otl Aicher in the West to Rudolf Horn or Renate M ller in the East--are presented alongside formative factors such as the Bauhaus legacy and important institutions such as th
定價:3762 元, 優惠價:1 3762
Less and More
作者:Keiko Ueki-polet (EDT); Klaus Klemp (EDT)  出版社:Les Gestalten UK  出版日:2010/02/15 裝訂:平裝
Presents a catalog of an exhibition showcasing the products, sketches, and models of industrial designer Dieter Rams.
定價:2964 元, 優惠價:79 2342
B is for Bauhaus, Y Is for YouTube ─ Designing the Modern World, from A to Z
作者:Deyan Sudjic  出版社:Random House Inc  出版日:2015/02/17 裝訂:精裝
A tool kit, done in A–Z form, for understanding the world around us through the way we design and use things. Covering subjects that range from authenticity to Grand Theft Auto to Dieter Rams, Deyan S
定價:950 元, 優惠價:79 751



