這是一本有關友情、爭執和寬恕的溫暖繪本。讓我們來認識艾利斯和查理:兩位朋友,快樂地生活在他們自己的小島上。無論做什麼事情,他們都是一起做,無論擁有什麼,他們都是一起分享。直到某些東西開始不見了……沒有人願意承認,沒有人對此感到高興。但如果不是艾利斯也不是查理,那麼是誰呢?孩子們會喜歡在這個有趣而引人入勝的故事中找出真正的罪魁禍首,而這個故事也展示了即使擁有堅固友情的朋友有時也會失和,了解在爭吵的過程中,寬恕將會是重回彼此懷抱的解藥。Hilarious, heartwarming and full of charm, It Wasn't Me! is a fun and reassuring tale of friendship, falling out and forgiveness from CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal nominee and BookTrust Time to Read favourite, Marta Altés.Meet Ellis and Charlie: two friends, living happily on their very own island. Everything they do, they do together, and everything they have, they share. Until, that is, things start to go missing . . .NOBODY is owning up and NOBODY is happy about it. But if it isn't Ellis and it isn't Charlie, then WHO IS IT?Children will love spotting the real culprit in this funny and engaging tale, which shows that even the firmest of friends sometimes fall out - but not, usually, for very long!
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My name's Archie Albright, and I know two things for certain: 1. My mum and dad kind of hate each other, and they're not doing a great job of pretending that they don't anymore. 2.They're both keeping a secret from me, but I can't figure out what. Things aren't going great for Archie Albright. His dad's acting weird, his mum too, and he all he wants is for everything to go back to normal, to three months before when his parents were happy and still lived together.When Archie sees a colourful, crumpled flyer fall out of Dad's pocket, he thinks he may have found the answer. Only problem? The answer might just lie at the end of the rainbow, an adventure away. Together with his best friends, Bell and Seb, Archie sets off on a heartwarming and unforgettable journey to try and fix his family, even if he has to break a few rules to do it...A rainbow-coloured, joy-filled celebration of love, family and being true to yourself, from a hugely exciting new talent. Perfect for fans of Lisa Thompson
A New York Times Best Children's Book of 2024A Kirkus Best Picture Book of the YearA Kirkus Best Picture-Book Conversation Starter of 2024A 2024 Kids’ Indie Next List pickA Society of Illustrators 2024 Gold Medal WinnerFrom three-time NYT Best Illustrated creator of On a Magical Do-Nothing Day comes a stunning picture book about a little girl, the scab on her knee, and the healing they do together. In this utterly enchanting and unexpected tale from international picture book star Beatrice Alemagna, a childhood mishap is the occasion for growth and self-reflection. When a little girl falls on the street, scraping her knee, her father tells her not to worry, that "a beautiful scab will form." But she does worry! The scab is not beautiful and it's keeping her from bending her knee! When will it ever go away? By the time the scab--who she has named Pepper--falls off, something astonishing has happened: the girl has come to feel affection for the scab and has a hard time letting go. With a
Sometimes I find it really tough to make sure I'm not in a huff because there's simply so much stuff that makes me want to yell. We all get angry once in a while, but it can be hard to know what to do
THE PHENOMENAL KOREAN BESTSELLERTRANSLATED BY INTERNATIONAL BOOKER SHORTLISTEE ANTON HURPSYCHIATRIST: So how can I help you? ME: I don't know, I'm - what's the word - depressed? Do I have to go into detail? Baek Sehee is a successful young social media director at a publishing house when she begins seeing a psychiatrist about her - what to call it? - depression? She feels persistently low, anxious, endlessly self-doubting, but also highly judgemental of others. She hides her feelings well at work and with friends; adept at performing the calmness, even ease, her lifestyle demands. The effort is exhausting, overwhelming, and keeps her from forming deep relationships.This can't be normal. But if she's so hopeless, why can she always summon a desire for her favourite street food, the hot, spicy rice cake, tteokbokki? Is this just what life is like? Recording her dialogues with her psychiatrist over a 12-week period, Baek begins to disentangle the feedback loops, knee-jerk reactions and ha
Unlock the secret code of cats for a deeper connection with the feline in your life. Why does my cat always want to sleep on my computer keyboard? How can I keep her from bullying the dog? This used to be her favorite food, but now she won't touch it Why will she only drink from the bathroom faucet? Does she actually like me? If you've ever wondered, as she sits on your head at 4am, what on earth is going on beyond your cat's inscrutable gaze, this book has the answers. Drawing on extensive animal behavior psychology and the latest research, it reveals what's really behind those things cats do--whether they're amusing, irritating, or just downright bizarre. Cats may not telegraph their emotions (unlike the dogs they look down on), but they do show their feelings, often quite subtly, in the way they relate to you, other animals, and their home environment. With gorgeous and accurate illustrations across a range of breeds, this book helps you read and interpret your cat's body language a
Turn common objections into BIG OPPORTUNITIES!It costs too much… We're switching to overseas vendors… Let me think about it… NO!You can do one of two things when a customer is reluctant to buy: You ca
There's a smell I can't ignore. It's wafting through the kitchen door. It's time for me to find out more. I think it might be cake. How do you resist the most amazing cake ever? Especially when your m
The next stunning novel from Donna Barba Higuera, author of Newbery and Pura Belpr?Award-winning The Last Cuentista This is the story as it was told to me by Leandro the Mighty. For 400 years, Earth has been a barren wasteland. The few humans that survive scrape together an existence in the cruel city of Pocatel - or go it alone in the wilderness beyond, filled with wandering spirits and wyrms. They don't last long. 13 year-old pickpocket Leandro and his sister Gabi do what they can to forge a life in Pocatel. The city does not take kindly to Cascabel like them - the descendants of those who worked the San Joaquin Valley for generations. When Gabi is caught stealing precious fruit from the Pocatelan elite, Leando takes the fall. But his exile proves more than he ever could have imagined -- far from a simple banishment, his consciousness is placed inside an ancient drone and left to fend on its own. But beyond the walls of Pocatel lie other alebrijes like Leandro who seek for a better w
閒聊有梗,商談有物!無論 on & off、正式or非正式,透過多樣化的動筆練習和大量聆聽,學習適時適地的社交英文,活絡話題,拓展人脈!【本書特色】有人說,在高爾夫球場上敲定的生意比在會議室裡還多。的確,雖然想法或提案是在會議室裡討論與評估,但做成決定的場合往往是後來的酒吧或餐廳,因為生意和人有關,也和信任與交情有關。本書彙整了滿滿的英語洽談技巧,並提供一些適用於各個社交場合的實用詞語,協助各位不再畏懼以英語和外國人開拓/維繫關係。◎ 愈忙愈要學,愈學愈敢開口!!獻給在英語職場工作的你,於公於私你都需要加強社交英文!海外出差、接待國外客戶、與老外同事相處……上下班談論的不僅僅只有公事,三兩句講完要事之後就只好冷場?本書作者為在台灣教書近 30 年的英國人,擁有豐富的教學經驗,從西方人習慣的談話模式分析並設計出利於溝通的 tips 和學習方式,化解文化差異、突破心防,電影、文化、音樂、運動、時事皆可聊!◎ 豐富語庫,舉一反三,各種話題聊起來!!針對不同情境、談話目的;開啟話題、延續/中斷話題或回應,本書彙整了一系列「語庫」,例如:▲用來鼓勵某人多說一點的問題Why is that?Why do you say that?What makes you say that?What do you mean by that?▲用來表示同意Indeed! / Definitely! / Absolutely!Well, that’s exactly what I always say.▲用來婉拒邀約Could we do it another time?Another time perhaps? I’ve got to dash.▲希望對方保密I don’t want this to get out.You didn’t hear this from me.This is not to go outside the room.This is not to go any further of course.This is just between you and me of course.▲示意離開I’d better be off.It’s high time I left.I really must be going.I’d best be on my way.Gos
TikTok made me buy it! The teen bestseller from the YA Prize winning author and creator of Netflix series HEARTSTOPPERWith special bonus content – a Q&A between Alice Oseman and bestselling author David LevithanThe debut novel from Alice Oseman, author of the 2021 YA Book Prize winning Loveless. Solitaire features the characters that inspired the beloved series Heartstopper – now a major Netflix series.My name is Tori Spring. I like to sleep and I like to blog. Last year – before all that stuff with Charlie and before I had to face the harsh realities of A-Levels and university applications and the fact that one day I really will have to start talking to people – I had friends. Things were very different, I guess, but that’s all over now.Now there’s Solitaire. And Michael Holden.I don’t know what Solitaire are trying to do, and I don’t care about Michael Holden.I really don’t.This incredible debut novel by outstanding young author Alice Oseman is perfect for fans of John Green, Rai
'I started reading this with my ten-year-old son ... until he decided the book was so good, he had to carry on without me' - Val, parent reviewer'A superbly funny debut comedy story ... A wonderful read, full of fun but, above all, heart and a clear message to not give up on your dreams' - Karla, Netgalley reviewer-----------------------------------------------------The hilarious bestselling debut children's adventure from YouTuber Adam B!There's nothing thirteen-year-old Adam wants more than to become a successful YouTuber, but it has always seemed impossible.Then one day a mysterious pop-up ad calling itself Popularis Incrementum promises to make ALL HIS DREAMS COME TRUE. Suddenly a world of FAME, FORTUNE and FANCY TVs awaits!All Adam has to do is gain one million followers in one year. And if he doesnt ...? GULP!Featuring bold black-and-white illustrations from bestselling illustrator James Lancett. The perfect summer holiday read for budding young YouTubers everywhere! Fans of Davi
A beautiful and urgent exploration of the experience of child poverty from Tom Percival, creator of the bestselling Big Bright Feelings series, for fans of Boy at the Back of the Class. Working in partnership with the National Literacy Trust, £1 from the sale of a hardback copy in the UK will go towards supporting children in poverty.'Powerful and moving with the potential to change lives' Hannah Gold'Full of empathy and most importantly, heart' Phil EarleThere's a bunch of kids in there and suddenly they're all looking at me like someone who can actually do something, not just some weirdo with the wrong shoes and a rubbish coat . . .Will has the wrong shoes – he's always known it but doesn't know how to change it. Navigating the difficulties of home and school when you feel you stick out is tough, but finding confidence with the help and empathy of friends can be all you need to see the way.Praise for The Wrong Shoes:‘An extraordinary, powerful and moving book that has
來認識旺德,他是個像你我一樣的孩子,常常搬家,上過很多不同的學校。十幾歲的時候,她在圖書館當過女服務員,並幫助老人。然後,她發現自己想成為一名醫生。一路上,她遇到了一位患有結節病的患者。該患者的免疫系統沒有按照應有的方式運作。 Wonder決定她要學習如何進行醫學研究,以便了解這種疾病。有一天,她希望能夠幫助找到結節病的治療方法。我是誰?該系列以科學家的勵志傳記為特色,年輕讀者將能夠將這些科學家視為像他們自己一樣的人。這些書由科學家本人和范德比爾特大學的合著者撰寫,旨在幫助年輕讀者了解科學家是像他們一樣的普通人,他們對學習和發現新事物感到興奮,並決定在學校努力學習,以便為自己創造成為科學家的機會。在了解這些科學家的故事的同時,讀者也將了解一些解釋清楚且易於理解的基本科學思想,並了解這些科學家當今正在研究的前沿科學。我是誰?系列共同編輯:David A Weintraub,范德比爾特大學藝術與科學學院天文學、歷史學和科學技術傳播教授; Ann Neely,范德比爾特大學皮博迪教育與人類發展學院教育實踐榮譽副教授;凱文‧約翰遜 (Kevin Johnson),范德比爾特大學和范德比爾特大學醫學中心生物醫學資訊學和兒科教授。在本系列中:由 STEM 領域的頂尖專家撰寫科學概念的愉快探索Meet Wonder, a kid like you and me, who moved around a lot and went to lots of different schools. As a teenager, she worked as a waitress, at a library, and helped out with older people. Then, she discovered she wanted to become a doctor. Along the way, she met a patient with an illness called sarcoidosis. This patient's immune system was not working the way it was supposed to. Wonder decided that she would learn how to do medical research so that
Hi! I’m Daisy Dreamer and my totally true imaginary friend Posey invited me to his amazing world of make believe! Oh, and you’re totally invited, too!Remember me? Daisy Dreamer? Of course you do, silly! And you remember my totally true imaginary friend, Posey, too. Obviously! But did you know that Posey comes from a totally true imaginary world! You won’t believe the things that live there, like sparkle fairies, pretty pixies, ghosts, and cloud critters, just to name a few. And guess what! They all have a story to tell. And guess who’s going to tell it. Yep, that’s right. Me, Daisy Dreamer, the girl with her head in the clouds.With easy-to-read language and illustrations on almost every page, the Daisy Dreamer chapter books are perfect for emerging readers.
連大人都想排隊報名的「葳姐親子英語共學」版主葳姐領軍! 橫跨金融、電子科技、英語教學界最強專業師資群! ★隨書附贈!發音示範!QR Code線上音檔,現學現說! ◎please代表請,但如果說:「Give me some water, please.」你就會被當成奧客。 ◎別再跟部屬說:Do you understand?(你懂我意思嗎?), 更好的說法是:Do you get it? ◎點餐要用哪個動詞?別用order,你得說:I’d like to have… ◎say、tell、talk,都是「說」,用法差在哪?see、look、watch,又該怎麼分? 本書作者周昱葳(葳姐),成立「葳姐親子英語共學」線上平臺近5年, 因為簡單說故事,且具有MBA商學院背景, 她設計的英語線上課程,實用到連大人都搶報名。 本書從心智圖、片語動詞、時態變化、助動詞、基本句型, 搭配超過200組的生活例句、實戰練習題, 告訴你,英文要學好,這6個動詞就夠了! ◎ 六大動詞,10天英語表達能力速成 介紹六大動詞:be、have、do、say、get、make, 教你用你早就會的簡單動詞,食衣住行玩,完整表達自己的想法、經驗。 問同事午餐哪裡吃?have lunch比eat lunch更道地! like只代表喜歡?美國明星泰勒絲曾在致詞典禮上,提到了20次的like。 本書特別收錄like六大用法 ╳ 大明星金句 ╳ 獨創心情溫度計(第4天)。 ◎ 職場、考試、生活,一定會用到的動詞 用圖像式記憶,教你從核心字義掌握,一學就懂!例如: ‧打開(關掉)電視,用open(close)?正確是:turn on(turn off)。 ‧交報告怎麼說?你可以用turn in the report,或是submit the report。 ‧take(拿) + off(離開)=請假: I want to take two days off.(我想要請假兩天。) ‧搭公車用get on、搭乘計程車則是用get into。 ‧倒垃圾、外帶食物,都是用take out。 ◎ 職場英文好好聊!疑問詞&附加問句 只要用5W1H,就能輕鬆打開話匣子,跟別人聊不停!例如: Who’s calling?(電話中,請問你是誰?) Who will join us?(誰會跟我們一起去?) When will the