Silicon Valley, Singapore, Tel Aviv--the global hubs of entrepreneurial activity--all bear the marks of government investment. Yet, for every public intervention that spurs entrepreneurial activity, t
Achieve more, do more, create more with the power of creative courage Creative Courage challenges you to step outside of your comfort zone and truly make an impact. Set aside the same old routine
This book argues far the need to make design the driving force for propelling innovation, as it provides important impetus for innovation, realizing dreams and obtaining a different focus from cost, t
Many people have million-dollar ideas. They’re confident that their new product or service or innovation will make them rich and that all their dreams will come true. The problem is: Most people don’t
當代中國青年既是個性閃耀、勇敢追逐夢想的一代人,也是為中國經濟快速發展奉獻青春與智慧的生力軍。本冊圖書以90後普通青年人為主人公,講述了他們步入社會後在時代舞臺上嶄露頭角、實現夢想的過程,勾畫出這一代年輕人昂揚向上、積極進取、追求人生價值的閃光魅力。 The youth in contemporary China are not only a generation of people who have strong personalities and bravely pursue their dreams, but also a new force contributing fresh ideas to China's rapid economic development. This book tells the stories of ordinary young people born in the 90s who have emerged on the national stage by striving for and realizing their dreams. It is an essential reader for those wishing to understand the mindset and values of today's successful young people in China, who use boundless energy and innovation to find meaning and success in life.
In The Dream Seekers, Lee Irwin demonstrates the central importance of visionary dreams as sources of empowerment and innovation in Plains Indian religion.Irwin draws on 350 visionary dreams from publ