Conservatively, at least 100 million people are affected by house dust mite allergy worldwide, manifesting itself as asthma, rhinitis or atopic dermatitis. Despite the growing recognition of this majo
Blood clots on airline flights? Getting a sunburn in only seven minutes? Balls of lightning moving through your window? Waves on the beach as tall as a two-story building? Volcanoes in your own backya
A basic introduction to mites, examining where they live, how they grow, what they eat, and the unique traits that help to define them, such as their ability to live on animals and in dust. Some of ou
An illustrated reference to organizing and detoxifying a home covers a wide range of topics from battling dust mites and dehumidifying to implementing storage solutions and minimizing energy costs. Or
In this program, the pathophysiology of both allergies and anaphylaxis is explained. In addition, common types of allergens such as pollen, weeds, grass, dust mites, molds, animal dander, insect venom
Books in this series introduce readers to the different pests and plants that could be growing in the different rooms of a house. Read In This Bedroom to learn about dust mites, life in a closet, and
A practical guide to repelling indoor and outdoor pests using organic methods, updated with new information on getting rid of bedbugs and dust mites, plus includes updated online resources. If you’ve