“這本書對每個時代的重要作品和思想家作了快速介紹,是一本清晰易懂的入門書。”——《金融時報》的劉拉·加莫森(Laura Garmeson) 是什麼造成貧窮?資本主義下的經濟危機是否必然?政府在經濟中的介入到底有沒有幫助?這些基本問題對每個人都很重要,但經濟學的專業術語和數學可能會讓人望而卻步。這本書清晰易懂,甚至帶有幽默感,非常適合對經濟概念還不熟悉的年輕讀者,以及希望更好地了解經濟史和思想的讀者。 經濟史學家尼爾·基斯坦尼(Niall Kishtainy)將書分成短短的章節,著重介紹重要的思想和事件。他向我們介紹了亞當·斯密、大衛·里卡多、卡爾·馬克思、約翰·梅納德·凱恩斯等重要思想家,同時探討了貨幣發明、大蕭條、企業家精神和行為經濟學等主題。這本書帶給讀者愉悅的閱讀體驗,成功地解釋了影響我們世界的經濟理念和力量。A lively, inviting account of the history of economics, told through events from ancient to modern times and the ideas of great thinkers in the fieldWhat causes poverty? Are economic crises inevitable under capitalism? Is government intervention in an economy a helpful approach or a disastrous idea? The answers to such basic economic questions matter to everyone, yet the unfamiliar jargon and math of economics can seem daunting. This clear, accessible, and even humorous book is ideal for young readers new to economics and for all readers who seek a better understanding of the full sweep of economic history and ideas.Eco
Looks at Jesus Christ's influence on world history, helping the poor, education, the founding of America, civil liberties, science, economics, health, medicine, morality, the arts, and music
Things which we regard as the everyday objects of consumption (and hence re-purchase), and essential to any decent, civilised lifestyle, have not always been so: in former times, everyday objects would have passed from one generation to another, without anyone dreaming of acquiring new ones. How, therefore, have people in the modern world become 'prisoners of objects', as Rousseau put it? The celebrated French cultural historian Daniel Roche answers this fundamental question using insights from economics, politics, demography and geography, as well as his own extensive historical knowledge. Professor Roche places familiar objects and commodities - houses, clothes, water - in their wider historical and anthropological contexts, and explores the origins of some of the daily furnishings of modern life. A History of Everyday Things is a pioneering essay that sheds light on the origins of the consumer society and its social and political repercussions, and thereby the birth of the modern w
A jargon-free, highly visual guide to every aspect of politics, from political philosophy to 21st-century activism.Discover everything you need to know about political history and thought, and the inner workings of governments around the world with this unique graphic guide.Combining clear, jargon-free language and bold, eye-catching graphics, How Politics Works is a comprehensive and user-friendly guide to all aspects of politics. Covering everything from political theory to methods of government, the book presents the ideas and theories of key political philosophers, leaders, movements, and activists in a uniquely visual and easy-to-understand way. Explaining political ideas on a conceptual level, entries explore how they apply to governments, movements, and trends throughout history, along with 21st-century examples such as the Feminist movement and #BlackLivesMatter. The book also shows how political history is affected by economics, sociology, and the role of the media―an ever-re
History comes alive in this fascinating story of opposing views that continue to play a fundamental role in today's politics and economics. "The Big Three in Economics" traces the turbulent lives and
Harcourt has made substantial and wide-ranging contributions to economics in general, and to post Keynesian economics in particular. In this volume more than forty leading economists pay tribute to an
An enormous amount of literature exists on Greek law, economics, and political philosophy. Yet no one has written a history of trust, one of the most fundamental aspects of social and economic interac
This year's volume includes an obituary for and a symposium on Warren J. Samuels, reviews of M. Rutherford's 2011 The Institutionalist Movement in American Economics, 1918-1947, six other review artic