According to the Bible, ancient Israel's neighbors worshipped a wide variety of gods. In recent years, scholars have sought a better understanding of this early polytheistic milieu and its relation to
In "Early Biblical Hebrew, Late Biblical Hebrew, and Linguistic Variability," Dong-Hyuk Kim attempts to adjudicate between the two seemingly irreconcilable views over the linguistic dating of biblical
A Companion to Biblical Interpretation in Early Judaism presents eighteen commissioned articles on biblical exegesis in early Judaism, covering the period after the Hebrew Bible was written and before
The study of biblical Aramaic, an ancient Semitic language from which the Hebrew alphabet was derived, is necessary for understanding texts written during certain periods of early Jewish and Christian
Early modern drama is steeped in biblical language, imagery and stories. This collection examines the pervasive presence of scripture on the early modern stage. Exploring plays by writers such as Shak
This volume excavates the biblical and classical sources behind three early modern treatises that denounce the numerous sins of the tongue that cause damage in the Elizabethan society.
Matlockanalyses five lengthy biblical prose prayers from the exilic and post-exilicperiod: Solomon's prayer (1 Kings 8.14-61), Ezra's prayer (Ezra 9.5-15),Nehemiah's prayer (Nehemiah 1.4-11), the Levi
Discover the Power of CommunityWhat is the biblical pattern for local church life? The book of Acts shows a community of joyful believers, empowered by the Holy Spirit, serving the Lord and one anothe
Warfare exerts a magnetic power, even a terrible attraction, in its emphasis on glory, honor, and duty. In order to face the terror of war, it is necessary to face how our biblical traditions have mad
Thisbook offers a regional paradigm for understanding the development of the traditions about Egypt and the exodus in the Hebrew Bible. It offers fresh readings of the golden calf stories in 1 Kings 1
A History of Christianity examines the development of Christianity from its biblical foundations to modern timesand is an ideal introductory survey for undergraduate students and any reader who desire