要激進地談論女人,就不可能沒有爭議。曾有學者評論她的主張:「非常容易被誤解,但很難被忘記。」她曾遭受來自學界的排拒與敵視,並因為對於性的立場而飽受攻訐。她是凱瑟琳‧麥金儂――英語世界最具影響力的女性主義法律學者與運動者。本書是她訪臺演講的全紀錄,是她在臺灣刮起的一道思想旋風。 在當代最具影響力的法學家中,無人如凱瑟琳‧麥金儂(Catharine A. MacKinnon)一般,既在學術上以開創性的
Michael J. Klarman, author of From Jim Crow to Civil Rights, which won the prestigious Bancroft Prize in American History, is one of the leading authorities on the history of civil rights law in the U
An exciting board book series that asks deep questions in a wonderfully accessible way.Even little children have big questions about life. Simone de Beauvoir focused much of her work on the concept of