Numbers can be magical things, and Wizard Plusminus will show you how! With fun pops, flaps and spinners to pull and turn, everyday mathematics becomes extraordinary. Try your luck on the magic roulet
兩河流域的算術泥板、搜尋引擎、巡航定速…數學早已是人類文明進程中的要角。斯德哥爾摩大學最年輕的博士Stefan Buijsman以趣味十足,引人入勝的筆法,向讀者解釋生活中無處不在的數學概念,及數學與哲學、心理學、歷史背後的關聯。Thousands of years ago the inhabitants of Mesopotamia became the first to use numbers. Since then, mathematics has been unstoppable. It's behind almost everything, from search-engines to cruise-control, from coffee-makers to timetables.But now that we hardly ever need to do arithmetic, how relevant is mathematics to everyday life? Pluses and Minuses demonstrates the role mathematics plays in human endeavour. It answers questions such as: What is life without numbers? Is the usefulness of mathematics mere chance? How can we get a grip on uncertainty? Stefan Buijsman's richly entertaining guide makes connections between philosophy, psychology and history, while explaining the wonderful world of mathematics for absolutely everyone.Born in 1995, Stefan gained a master's degree in philosophy in Leiden at the age of eighteen, after which he moved from Sweden to work on a PhD. Wi
This easy-to-use consumable grade-specific book contains extensions and review problems for each lesson to help families support their children's mathematical development. Contains Study Links® Master
This easy-to-use consumable grade-specific book contains extensions and review problems for each lesson to help families support their children's mathematical development. Contains Home Links® Masters
Includes: Student Math Journals (Volumes 1 & 2) – These consumable books provide lesson support material for students to analyze and complete. They provide a long-term record of each student’s mathema
These consumable books provide lesson support material for students to analyze and complete. They provide a long-term record of each student’s mathematical development.
These consumable books provide lesson support material for students to analyze and complete. They provide a long-term record of each student’s mathematical development.
Includes:Student Math Journals (Volumes 1 & 2) ? These consumable books provide lesson support material for students to analyze and complete. They provide a long-term record of each student’s mathemat
This hardcover book is a child’s first mathematical reference book. It contains explanations of key mathematical content, along with directions to the Everyday Mathematics games.
Set includes: Student Math Journals (Volumes 1 & 2) - These consumable books provide daily support for classroom instruction. They provide a long-term record of each student’s mathematical development
Imagine that you’ve finally found a parking space after a long and harrowing search, but are now encountering some difficulty in trying to enter this space. Wouldn’t it be great if you knew a formula