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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:傑瑞米‧哈里斯  出版社:如果  出版日:2024/10/03 裝訂:平裝
光看故事就能弄懂量子力學在搞什麼,捧腹大笑的同時,還能思索人類存在的意義,一本讓你拿起來就停不下來的量子力學書。在好萊塢闖蕩的量子物理學家,從僵屍貓談到平行世界、從多重宇宙講到萬物有靈,讓你徹底掉進量子力學魅力的無底洞裡。PanSci 泛科學、怪奇事物所所長、量子熊(量子國家隊推廣計畫)、中研院天文及天文物理研究所研究技師 曾耀寰 強力推薦★嚴謹的量子力學理論配上有趣的舉例,笑著笑著就搞懂了★從現代物理演進的歷程講起,讓你不僅認識量子物理,同時也能認識重要的物理學家★用量子力學的角度重新審視人類的世界,為我們提供理解人類本質的唯一科學視角什麼!電子竟然可以同時向左轉又向右轉?貓可以同時是死的又是活的?意識可以改變宇宙竟然不再只是口號? 而宇宙大爆發的那一刻,我們的命運就已經決定?量子力學到底在搞什麼?為什麼我們現在討論任何有關人類、生命和宇宙本質的問題,都避不開它?自從20世紀初年出現量子力學後,這一百多年來,我們對世界的認識產生了天翻地覆的改變。從世界是唯一存在,我們是神靈揀選的獨特生物,物體的運動可以預測,轉變到不但有平行世界,還有多重宇宙,我們可能同時生活在多不可數的世界中,且萬物可能都有意識,我們也不一定有自由意志。這可不是什麼幻想,一切都有科學上的可能性。為什麼會發生這樣令人抓狂的轉變?這一切都是量子物理學家搞出來的,從某一天,有一名科學家,把意識拉進物理學中,成為其中一項基本元素開始。本書將人類意識發展的歷史與物理發現的演進交織,帶你一窺物理學家腦中的多重宇宙。讀這本書不需要任何數學,只需要跟著物理學家的腦,就能瞭解現代物理學所繪製的複雜而美麗的世界,是一本人人都會邊讀邊笑的量子力學書。
定價:420 元, 優惠價:9 378
Everything, Everything
作者:Nicola Yoon  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2015/09/01 裝訂:精裝
This innovative, heartfelt debut novel tells the story of a girl who’s literally allergic to the outside world. When a new family moves in next door, she begins a complicated romance that challenges everything she’s ever known. The narrative unfolds via vignettes, diary entries, texts, charts, lists, illustrations, and more.My disease is as rare as it is famous. Basically, I’m allergic to the world. I don’t leave my house, have not left my house in seventeen years. The only people I ever see are my mom and my nurse, Carla.But then one day, a moving truck arrives next door. I look out my window, and I see him. He's tall, lean and wearing all black—black T-shirt, black jeans, black sneakers, and a black knit cap that covers his hair completely. He catches me looking and stares at me. I stare right back. His name is Olly.Maybe we can’t predict the future, but we can predict some things. For example, I am certainly going to fall in love with Olly. It’s almost certainly going to be a disast
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
Tell Me Everything (Amgash# 5)(Oprah's Book Club)
作者:Elizabeth Strout  出版社:Random House Inc  出版日:2024/09/10 裝訂:平裝
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • OPRAH’S BOOK CLUB PICK • From Pulitzer Prize–winning author Elizabeth Strout comes a “stunner” (People) of a novel about new friendships, old loves, and the very human desire to leave a mark on the world.“Tell Me Everything hits like a bucolic fable. . . . A novel of moods, how they govern our personal lives and public spaces, reflected in Strout’s shimmering technique.”—The Washington PostA BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR: Time, NPR, Vogue, ParadeWith her remarkable insight into the human condition and silences that contain multitudes, Elizabeth Strout returns to the town of Crosby, Maine, and to her beloved cast of characters—Lucy Barton, Olive Kitteridge, Bob Burgess, and more—as they deal with a shocking crime in their midst, fall in love and yet choose to be apart, and grapple with the question, as Lucy Barton puts it, “What does anyone’s life mean?”It’s autumn in Maine, and the town lawyer Bob Burgess has become enmeshed in an unfolding murder investigation, def
定價:722 元, 優惠價:75 541
Die for Me
作者:Amy Plum  出版社:HarperCollins US  出版日:2011/05/10 裝訂:精裝
My life had always been blissfully, wonderfully normal. But it only took one moment to change everything. Suddenly, my sister, Georgia, and I were orphans. We put our lives into storage and moved to
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
The Bones of Me
作者:Kel Duckhouse  出版社:Flying Eye Books UK  出版日:2022/10/06 裝訂:平裝
與家人一同住在倫敦東區的社會住宅,15歲的莫莉暗自懷抱著業餘拳擊夢。當大哥兼教練的丹尼在她的首場擂台賽神秘失蹤,自此音訊全無。接著警方找了上門,懷疑他與一樁襲擊案有關。莫莉只能一邊繼續訓練,將內心的焦灼與對自己底層出身的憤怒投注在一次次的出拳與防禦上,一邊瞞著爸媽,秘密追蹤關於丹尼下落的蛛絲馬跡…全書散文體及詩文交錯,不時穿插圖像詩及對話紀錄。故事在文體流暢切換間逐步推進、攀升,讓敘事節奏強烈且充滿驚喜。滿載腎上腺素及青春的苦澀與鼓動,富詩意的成長小說。Told in dynamic verse and prose, The Bones of Me is a thrilling debut novel about friends and family amid the world of amateur boxing.Living on an East London council estate has its worries - and life for teenager Molly hasn't always been easy. But she has a dream, a dream to be a boxer just like her older brother Denny. When he agrees he'll help her train she couldn't be more excited.But then everything changes. Denny goes missing and the police are after him. Her mum and dad are working all hours to keep the bailiffs from their door and don'thave time to worry about Denny.So as Molly secretly continues her training with her friend Kwaku, they decide to search for Denny and find out the truth about his disappearance.Included in the CBC’s October 2022 Hot Off t
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Will You Help Me Fall Asleep?
作者:Anna Kang  出版社:Hodder Childrens Book UK  出版日:2019/09/19 裝訂:平裝
Help your child learn how to drift off happily on their own with this calming bedtime story. Monty the frog just can't get to sleep. He's tried everything. Counting sheep doesn't work, his book is far
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
Monkey and Me (精裝本)(美國版)
作者:Emily Gravett  出版社:Simon & Schuster  出版日:2008/03/04 裝訂:精裝
Monkey and me, Monkey and me, Monkey and me, We went to see... A little girl and her toy monkey love imitating different animals, everything from jumping like kangaroos to waddling like penguins! Op
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
Obey Me! The Comic Vol. 2
作者:Subaru Nitou  出版社:Seven Seas Pr  出版日:2024/04/16 裝訂:平裝
Based on the hit otome mobile game with an anime, this fantasy comedy about seven devil boys will be available in English-language print for the first time from Seven Seas!As the underworld’s school bells ring, a little sheep wakes up at the Royal Academy of Diavolo in the Devildom—where seven eccentric demon brothers await. This wooly critter is actually a human exchange student…so how did they end up a sheep? Everything is a blank!Now, this sheep must figure out how to turn back into a human and regain their memories as Lucifer and the other demons raise hell with devilish hijinks!
定價:570 元, 優惠價:79 450
It Wasn't Me! (英國版)(平裝本)
作者:Marta Altes  出版社:Pan Macmillan  出版日:2024/04/25 裝訂:平裝
這是一本有關友情、爭執和寬恕的溫暖繪本。讓我們來認識艾利斯和查理:兩位朋友,快樂地生活在他們自己的小島上。無論做什麼事情,他們都是一起做,無論擁有什麼,他們都是一起分享。直到某些東西開始不見了……沒有人願意承認,沒有人對此感到高興。但如果不是艾利斯也不是查理,那麼是誰呢?孩子們會喜歡在這個有趣而引人入勝的故事中找出真正的罪魁禍首,而這個故事也展示了即使擁有堅固友情的朋友有時也會失和,了解在爭吵的過程中,寬恕將會是重回彼此懷抱的解藥。Hilarious, heartwarming and full of charm, It Wasn't Me! is a fun and reassuring tale of friendship, falling out and forgiveness from CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal nominee and BookTrust Time to Read favourite, Marta Altés.Meet Ellis and Charlie: two friends, living happily on their very own island. Everything they do, they do together, and everything they have, they share. Until, that is, things start to go missing . . .NOBODY is owning up and NOBODY is happy about it. But if it isn't Ellis and it isn't Charlie, then WHO IS IT?Children will love spotting the real culprit in this funny and engaging tale, which shows that even the firmest of friends sometimes fall out - but not, usually, for very long!
定價:439 元, 優惠價:46 199
Me, My Dad and the End of the Rainbow
作者:Benjamin Dean; Sandhya Prabhat  出版社:UK Simon & Schuster Childrens  出版日:2021/02/04 裝訂:平裝
My name's Archie Albright, and I know two things for certain: 1. My mum and dad kind of hate each other, and they're not doing a great job of pretending that they don't anymore. 2.They're both keeping a secret from me, but I can't figure out what. Things aren't going great for Archie Albright. His dad's acting weird, his mum too, and he all he wants is for everything to go back to normal, to three months before when his parents were happy and still lived together.When Archie sees a colourful, crumpled flyer fall out of Dad's pocket, he thinks he may have found the answer. Only problem? The answer might just lie at the end of the rainbow, an adventure away. Together with his best friends, Bell and Seb, Archie sets off on a heartwarming and unforgettable journey to try and fix his family, even if he has to break a few rules to do it...A rainbow-coloured, joy-filled celebration of love, family and being true to yourself, from a hugely exciting new talent. Perfect for fans of Lisa Thompson
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
How to Draw a Secret
作者:Cindy Chang  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers Inc  出版日:2025/03/27 裝訂:平裝
An empowering autobiographical story of a young Taiwanese American artist striving to find her voice to save what matters most. For fans of Raina Telgemeier’s Sisters and Jen Wang’s Stargazing.Twelve-year-old Cindy relishes drawing flawless images, but she is stumped by an art contest prompt: “What family means to me.” No one at school can know that Cindy’s dad moved back to Taiwan four years ago, so Cindy sketches out the perfect plan to draw the perfect picture while keeping her parents’ separation secret.Then an unexpected trip to Taipei reveals devastating new secrets. Suddenly everything from Cindy's art to her family is falling apart. With her dream of perfection in tatters, Cindy must figure out how to draw from her heart and share her secrets. But can she really reveal the truth, messy lines and all?
定價:608 元, 優惠價:75 456
I Give You the World (平裝本)
作者:Stacey McCleary; Carmen Saldaña  出版社:Little Tiger Press UK  出版日:2018/08/09 裝訂:平裝
I give you the world and everything in it.Come, let me show you – it won’t take a minute… From soaring eagles and timid deer, to the winter’s chill and summer’s laughter, I Give You the World is a be
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
One Little Word
作者:Joseph Coelho  出版社:Quarto Publishing PLC  出版日:2024/02/08 裝訂:平裝
Waterstones Children's Laureate, Joseph Coelho, tells the story of a hairy monster that rips two best friends apart. And there’s only one little word that can make it go away! This big hairy monster slowly balloons in size, ruining everyone’s fun. But this isn’t any old monster.This is a hairy argument that just won’t go away. They try calling it names, yelling at it, and even ignoring it. Nothing works."The argument came from nowhere. It sat huge and bloated in the middle of the playground between me and my best friend." Until… the best friends say that one little word that makes everything better. They learn how to shrink the monster until it vanishes completely.And soon, they can't even remember what it looks like! We all know how an argument can balloon into something we never expected. What starts as a simple tiff has the power to really hurt our feelings. This book describes those intense feelings perfectly and provides a comforting solution in the form of an apology, which serve
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
作者:麥書編輯部  出版社:麥書文化  出版日:2017/06/01 裝訂:平裝
◎流行鋼琴雙月刊雜誌 ◎一網打盡港台日韓最in的哈燒金曲 ◎獨家推出忠於原味的鋼琴獨奏+伴奏完整套譜 ◎揭露鍵盤編曲必殺技 ◎橫跨古典與流行,揉合東西方音樂元素 曲目收錄 封面人物╱星之所向-小球(莊鵑瑛) 音樂主播台╱韓流音樂家-古典音樂,韓流也當道 東洋動漫館╱恋をしたのは-動畫電影《聲之形》主題曲 爵士咖啡╱Everything Happens To Me 爵士鋼琴講座╱認識Stride
定價:240 元, 優惠價:9 216
All I Said Was True
作者:Mahmood Imran Mahmood  出版社:Raven Books  出版日:2022/07/21 裝訂:平裝
出庭律師兼敘述性詭計大師Imran Mahmood懸疑新作。「去找麥可,找到他」她說,「就會找到真相。」但這個被稱作麥可的人究竟是誰?或者說,真的存在嗎?你來得及拆解故事裡精巧的陳述,在結局前還原真相嗎?'The very definition of a compulsive page-turner' CHRIS WHITAKER I didn t kill her. Trust me When Amy Blahn died on a London rooftop, Layla Mahoney was there. Layla was holding her.But all she can say when she s arrested is that It was Michael. Find Michael and you ll find out everything you need to know. The problem is, the police can t find him they aren t even sure he exists.Layla knows she only has forty-eight hours to convince the police that bringing in the man she knows only as Michael will clear her name and reveal a dangerous game affecting not just Amy and Layla, but her husband Russell and countless others. But as the detectives begin to uncover the whole truth about what happened to Amy, Layla will soon have to decide: how much of that truth can she really risk being exposed? 'A relentless, absorbing thriller' JANICE HALLETT 'I loved every single page!' GILLIAN MCALLISTER
定價:769 元, 優惠價:79 608
A Star Shines Through (2024 School Library Journal Best Book of the Year)
作者:Anna Desnitskaya  出版社:WM B EERDMANS CO (JUVENILE)  出版日:2024/08/20 裝訂:精裝
"A beautiful tale of loss and adjustment; for those who have never had to leave home, perhaps a lesson in insight and empathy. Highly recommended." — School Library Journal (STARRED REVIEW)"Beautifully crafted and warmly empathetic." — Kirkus Reviews (STARRED REVIEW)A poignant story about a displaced family making a home in the aftermath of war.​We used to live in a big city. In our apartment window was a star-shaped lamp, shining through the cold. I could recognize home from far away. But then the war began, and we left for another country. Everything is different here—the food, the language, even Mom and me. Today Mom bought us a package of scissors, glue, and cardboard. Can we make this place feel a little more like home? Narrated by a young refugee, A Star Shines Through illustrates the long process of healing with an evocative palette of blues and yellows. This resonant book shows how making art can create a sense of hope and belonging, even in a new and different place.
定價:722 元, 優惠價:1 722
The Twelve Elves of Christmas
作者:Evie Day; Liam Darcy  出版社:Hachette Children's Group  出版日:2023/10/26 裝訂:平裝
On the first day of Christmas Santa asked, "Who's helping me?"I told him . . ."Leave everything to me and Elfie!"Count and sing along as more and more elves join in helping Santa with his festive jobs over the twelve days of Christmas! From three selfie-elfies snapping photos in Santa's grotto to five twinkling elves hanging lights to nine elves brushing the reindeer... and Santa's beard! An elf-filled twist on the infamous 'Twelve Days of Christmas' carol, this hilarious festive romp is the perfect book to share and read together.
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
作者:Akwaeke Emezi  出版社:Faber and Faber  出版日:2019/06/06 裝訂:平裝
Completely blew me away.' Daisy Johnson, author of Everything Under'One of the most dazzling debuts I've ever read.' Taiye Selasi, author of Ghana Must Go'I'm urging everyone to read it.' Sophie Macki
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
Oliver's Great Big Universe: Volcanoes are Hot!
作者:Jorge Cham  出版社:Simon & Schuster Ltd  出版日:2024/09/26 裝訂:精裝
The second book in the hilarious series that makes you laugh-out-loud AND grows your brain. Perfect for readers age 8+ and fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid and The 13-Storey Treehouse.‘Mind-expanding and hilarious!’ Jeff Kinney, author of the bestselling DIARY OF A WIMPY KID series.'A brainy guide to the barfs, farts and burps of Planet Earth.' The TimesThe second book in the hilarious series that makes you laugh-out-loud AND grows your brain. Perfect for readers age 8+ and fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid and The 13-Storey Treehouse.Hi, I’m Oliver! Writing a book has made me kind of a celebrity around school – no big deal. But does that mean everything is perfect? No way!I’m still trying to figure out the usual stuff: school cliques, weird family, and how to finally win the science fair. While I may know EVERYTHING about space, there’s a lot to learn about the planet we live on, like:volcanic burps and bacteria fartshow the Earth’s layers are like boba teaaliens! (Are we the aliens?)From best
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
World of Our Body, The: Super Mi Discovery
作者:Cee Mia Cee  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2023/09/12 裝訂:平裝
Come discover with me, Super Mi!In what ways are our bodies like racing cars? What do our bodies need to survive?My name is Mi and though I''m still small, the world has no more secrets from me anymore! That''s because of my superpowers. As Super Mi, I can discover everything I want to know!Discover, experiment and learn with the little scientists! Each little scientist has something new to teach readers. Through engaging narratives and full-colour illustrations, I''m a Little Scientist! introduces children to the exciting and ever-advancing world of science. Everyone can be a little scientist!Series features:快來和我一起探索超米(Super Mi)吧!我們的身體在哪些方面像賽車? 我們的身體需要什麼才能生存?我叫米,雖然我還小,但世界對我來說已經沒有秘密了! 那是因為我的超能力。 作為超米(Super Mi),我可以發現我想知道的一切!與小科學家一起發現、實驗和學習! 每個小科學家都有新的東西可以教導讀者。 透過引人入勝的敘述和全彩插圖,我是一名小科學家! 向孩子介紹令人興奮且不斷進步的科學世界。每個人都可以成為小科學家!系列特點:踏上科學冒險之旅:該系列揭開了科學的奇蹟,吸引了年輕讀者,並激勵他們探索、質疑和理解周圍的世界。 它簡化了複雜的 STEM 概念,透過適合年齡的解釋使兒童易於理解,確保對科學原理有清晰且相關的理解。互動學習:超越故事,透過有趣的活動和簡單的實驗來鼓勵互動學習! 每本書都配有科學實驗,讓孩子們將所學到的知識付諸實踐。
庫存 > 10
定價:338 元, 優惠價:9 304
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