電影《達文西密碼》裡曾經提到費波納奇這個字;當雅克·索尼埃(Jacques Sauniere)在巴黎羅浮宮遭人謀殺,死者擺出的姿勢很像里奧納多·達文西(Leonardo da Vinci)的著名畫作《維特魯威人》(Vitruvian Man)。這幅畫很著名,因為該畫說明了費波納奇比率的密碼或線如何呈現在人體上。◆多數交易者從來不知道,如何運用費波納奇比率進行時間分析,藉以尋找價格支撐與壓力發生的可
Made famous by the Italian mathematician Leonardo De Pisa, the Fibonacci number series holds a Golden Ratio that is universally found in nature and used by architects, plastic surgeons, and many other
Technical analyst Weaver shows readers how to improve their trading of trending currency pairs using trend lines, channels, Fibonacci, symmetrical triangles, and pivot points. He believes in making tr
Let acclaimed forex trader Todd Gordon give you his FEWL system in this new course, and you will be positioned to identify the strong, trending relationships between currencies to repeatedly grab pro