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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:大衛.柏恩斯  出版社:柿子文化  出版日:2024/03/04 裝訂:平裝
「認知」是你的看法、心態和信念, 會決定你快樂、憤怒或難過; 好的想法, 甚至能改善大腦的化學物質和結構! ★暢銷突破500萬冊,授權20種語言版本 ★美國心理健康專業人士最常推薦給憂鬱症患者的自救聖經Top1 ★首次科學實證「一本自助書籍能對重度憂鬱症患者產生顯著抗憂鬱效果」 根據美國精神病協會《精神疾病診斷準則手冊》標準,臨床證實本書對憂鬱有70%的成功療癒力,且持續3年憂鬱症不復發,特別獻給: ◆生活、感情、課業、經濟、工作壓力大…… ◆憂鬱、焦慮、孤獨、自卑、悲觀、拖延症、低自尊、嚴重罪惡感、自殺衝動者…… ◆容易胡思亂想、易受外在評價影響的人…… ◆心理健康專業人員…… 為何失去快樂,甚至變得焦慮、憂鬱或絕望? 是你的「認知」導致你的「感受」! 所有心情都是你的「認知」或想法所造成的!「認知」就是你的看法、心態和信念,包含了你詮釋事情的方式。你當下的感受,是你在此刻的想法所致。在你有某種想法並相信它的那一刻,你會立刻產生一個情緒回應:你的情緒來自於你傳道給自己的訊息。這就是「認知療法」的核心概念──事實上,比起實際發生的事,你的想法與你怎麼感覺的關係往往更大。 ◆你對自己和全世界的看法黑暗又陰鬱,而且你會相信事情確定如你所想的一樣糟…… →憂鬱時,你的想法被一種無孔不入的消極情緒所支配! ◆你覺得你所想的都是真的,並因為那些想法而深深痛苦著…… →造成情緒陷於混亂不安的負面想法,通常包含了嚴重的認知扭曲;扭曲的思維看似合理,卻往往不理性或完全錯誤! 1全有或全無的思考方式:你用非黑即白的方式看事情。 2以偏概全:你把一個單一的負面事件,看作是一種永無休止的挫敗模式。 3心理過濾:你單獨挑出一個負面細節並對此糾結不放,導致你對所有實際情況的看法都很灰暗。 4輕視正面事物:你用某些理由堅持否定正面經驗,讓自己維持負面信念,即使那不符合現實。 5妄下結論:你總是做出負面解釋,即使沒有明確事實可以支持你的結論。 6誇大(災難化)或貶低:你誇大事情的重要性(例如你的錯誤或別人的成就),或是不當地貶低事情直到它們顯得微不足道(你的個性或是其他人的缺點)。 7情緒化推理:你認定自己的負面情緒必然反映了事情的真實情況:我覺得是這樣就一定是真的。 8「應該」陳述句:你用種種「應該」或「不應該」來針對自己和別人。 9貼標籤和貼錯標籤:極端的以偏概全,你不是描述自己或
定價:640 元, 優惠價:9 576
庫存 > 10
Feeling Good: All the Time
作者:Jack Randall Cook  出版社:PFP PUB  出版日:2024/04/03 裝訂:精裝
定價:765 元, 優惠價:1 765
作者:梅格‧亞若  出版社:知田出版  出版日:2024/04/23 裝訂:平裝
★亞馬遜4.5顆星讀者好評★★風行英、美、法、荷等十二個國家★沒遇到什麼大事,但就是感覺心裡不痛快?原因就在「微創傷」!心理學家梅格‧亞若博士發現:不以為意的心靈小傷口──「微創傷」──在日復一日的累積之下,竟會產生跟重大創傷一樣的負面影響。本書提供識別和克服「微創傷」的技巧,給予當代人及時的心靈OK繃。許多我們覺得「沒什麼」的事:小時候放學時家裡只有自己、以為互相喜歡但被拒絕交往、為了「以和為貴」壓抑自己、總覺得能力撐不起自己的頭銜……,因為很一般、很日常,我們往往忽略這些心靈小傷口。這些「微創傷」不斷累積,人們開始出現委靡不振、暴飲暴食、睡眠障礙、人際問題等現象,卻找不到理由。重度憂鬱症、廣泛性焦慮症、創傷後壓力症候群等,這些重大創傷對身心健康的危害眾所周知,研究者們也不斷尋找修復它們的方法。可是沒什麼書籍告訴我們,如何修復你我更常遭遇的「微創傷」。而現在,亞若博士填補了這塊空白,提供我們療癒自己的途徑:• 覺察:找出你獨有的「微創傷」組合。• 接受:觀察生活中哪些面向受到這些「微創傷」的影響。• 行動:採取行動,主動創造自己想要的人生。藉由這三個步驟,練習如何辨識與處理過往經驗,讓我們克服長久以來的痛苦及有害的影響,展開真正心無牽掛的人生,過得更輕鬆、更快樂。本書特色●配合真實案例,更好理解何為「微創傷」及其克服方法。●每章開頭列出探討議題,結尾總結重點資訊,條理分明。●文字溫暖親切而又不失幽默風趣;說明專業術語時也淺顯易懂,閱讀無壓力。
定價:420 元, 優惠價:79 331
The Feeling Good Club: Believe in Yourself, Bella!
作者:Kelly McKain  出版社:Little Tiger Press Group  出版日:2024/05/09 裝訂:平裝
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
A Bad Woman Feeling Good:Blues and the Women Who Sing Them
作者:Buzzy Jackson  出版社:WW Norton & Co  出版日:2024/05/29 裝訂:平裝
定價:1260 元, 優惠價:79 995
You Wouldn't Want To Live Without Pain!
作者:Fiona MacDonald  出版社:Salariya Book UK  出版日:2016/01/07 裝訂:平裝
Learn the surprising truth about pain: how it actually helps keep us alive, healthy, and feeling good. You Wouldn’t Want to Live Without Pain! is part of a brand-new science and technology strand with
定價:384 元, 優惠價:9 346
This Makes Me Sad: Dealing with Feelings
作者:Courtney Carbone; Hilli Kushnir  出版社:Random Young  出版日:2022/03/08 裝訂:平裝
If feeling blue isn’t bad enough, it’s even worse without your best furry friend. This Makes Me Sad follows a young boy after he accidentally lets his dog, Kit, loose from the yard. Despite his parents’ attempt to find her, nothing can cheer up the boy. His favorite things, like a pretty sunset, going to the park, and his beloved teddy bear, just make him more sad. Even happy memories of Kit no longer feel good. With help from his family, the boy must learn to accept and express how he’s feeling inside. And by dealing with his feelings, he might just be able to do some good until Kit comes home.Easy-to-read text and evocative illustrations make this relatable second story in the Dealing with Feelings series a perfect practice in emotional maturity for kids.
定價:210 元, 優惠價:79 166
The Cool Bean Presents: As Cool as It Gets : Over 150 Stickers Inside (貼紙書)
作者:Jory John; Pete Oswald  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2022/09/13 裝訂:精裝
Based on the New York Times bestselling picture book sensation The Cool Bean, Jory John and Pete Oswald present: As Cool as It Gets! Includes two sticker sheets, perfect for decorating your own holiday cards and gifts.When the Cool Bean picks the name of the coolest of the cool beans, Beanadette, out of a hat for the annual gift exchange, he's not feeling very merry or festive--he's feeling pressure! Beanadette is definitely expecting the coolest present of all. Will the Cool Bean find the perfect gift in time for the party?Find out in this hilarious, charming, and cozy continuation of Jory John and Pete Oswald's bestselling Food Group series.Check out Jory John and Pete Oswald's funny, bestselling books for kids 4-8 and anyone who wants a laugh: The Bad SeedThe Good EggThe Cool BeanThe Couch PotatoThe Good Egg Presents: The Great Eggscape!The Bad Seed Presents: The Good, the Bad, the Spooky!The Cool Bean Presents: As Cool as It GetsThat's What Dinosaurs Do
定價:455 元, 優惠價:79 359
MoneyBunny 4 Book Set (共4本平裝本)
作者:Cinders McLeod  出版社:Nancy Paulsen Books  出版日:2021/04/02 裝訂:平裝
Earn It!Bun wants to be rich and famous. She loves to sing and knows she’s meant for a career on stage. It should all be pretty easy—her mom can just drive her to the concert hall to perform! But her mom reminds her that most good things, like the garden they are growing, take time and work. At first, Bun isn’t terribly excited by the idea of singing lessons and practice, but as she does the math and daydreams about her future singing career, the more she starts to like the idea of earning her way to stardom—a feeling just as good as being rich and famous!Spend It!A charming introduction to simple money concepts in which a bunny learns he can't buy everything he wants with his allowance!Sonny gets three whole carrots a week for his allowance and wants to buy everything with it! But he soon discovers his money won't go that far, and his mom tells him he needs to make some choices. That doesn't sound like much fun to Sonny, especially when he learns that the bouncy castle he's been eyein
定價:1260 元, 優惠價:32 399
庫存 > 10
Tater Tales Book 1-2 (套書2冊)
作者:Ben Clanton  出版社:HarperCollins Childrens UK  出版日:2024/03/20 裝訂:平裝
Tater Tales 1: The Greatest in the World"Chock-full of spudtacular puns and a feel-good surprise ending, Clanton offers a delightful laugh-on-every-page” Booklist Two spud siblings face off in a series of epic challenges in the first of a hilariously silly graphic novel series from the bestselling creator of the Narwhal and Jelly books. Rot is a mutant potato who wakes up feeling great, maybe even…the greatest in the world! But that only makes Rot’s brother Snot the grumpiest in the world. The only solution? An epic contest to prove who is the greatest once and for all, judged by the only impartial party they can find—their small fry little sister, Tot.But as the stakes get higher through the muddy potato sack race, sacred hot potato roll, and a hilarious laughing contest, their rivalry spirals out of control. Suddenly Rot’s not feeling so spudtacular anymore. Will this tater trio ever be able to determine who the greatest in the world really is?Tater Tales 2: The King of the World!: K
定價:768 元, 優惠價:79 606
#21: Heidi Heckelbeck and the Never-Ending Day (平裝本)
作者:Wanda Coven; Priscilla Burris (ILT)  出版社:Little Simon  出版日:2017/09/12 裝訂:平裝
Heidi wishes her perfect day would never end in the twenty-first Heidi Heckelbeck adventure!When Heidi wakes up to a bird singing at her window, she has a feeling that this Saturday might be the best day ever. Then, after her favorite breakfast, a shopping trip with friends, and an incredible movie night sleepover, Heidi knows it’s better than the best day. It’s the perfect day! In fact, it’s so good that Heidi sneaks in a little magic to make every day just as awesome. But when she wakes up to relive the same perfect day over and over again…will her best day ever turn into a never-ending disaster?With easy-to-read language and illustrations on almost every page, the Heidi Heckelbeck chapter books are perfect for beginning readers.
定價:245 元, 優惠價:79 194
作者:植物系女巫Claudia  出版社:楓樹林  出版日:2022/06/10 裝訂:平裝
~不單單依賴香味,依命盤找出自己最需要的療癒精油~★臺灣第一本【星盤╳精油╳魔法】專書★4大魔法精油提升自己的【總體運】、【愛情】、【財富】與【好情緒】★12星座的女巫擇日使用配方,針對各星座屬性療癒小物配方教學★隨書附贈【Claudia╳拾心香研聯名】「魔法許願調香盒」折扣碼【本書特色】◎超過70種【魔法╳星盤】精油組合,針對自己的星座命盤客製專屬自己的魔法精油◎收錄12星座的女巫配方,代表各星座特質的【香水】、【護手霜】等療癒保養小物◎【總體運】、【愛情】、【財富】、【好情緒】4大需求用油介紹,搭配女巫擇日技巧讓你365天充滿魔法能量【芬芳推薦】芳療天后 Gina許怡蘭So Good塔羅牌館 Ricky Otis芳療與香草生活保健作家 女巫阿娥御康養生企業,藥師、芳療師、占星師 石明立拾心香研創辦人暨feeling品牌總監 何欣潔poky這本書展現了「由上往下」和「由下往上」的雙重路徑:不但從行星律動來爬梳自身的生命脈絡,也透過微型的藥草精油儀式,讓個人能量不斷進化,拓展到大宇宙層次,可說把芳香療法和神祕學間的「共時性」發揮到極致。──芳療天后 Gina許怡蘭《占星芳療》將占星魔法與精油魔法完全整合,也對於古典及現代占星因年代演進所產生的歷史差異性做出細膩剖析,再將醫療占星與各種藥草結合女巫配方,統整出十二星座、十二宮位各自所適用的魔法祕方;尤其將十二星座最容易遇到的心境難題,搭配掌管情緒的月亮星座魔法精油,完全可以讓讀者輕鬆地使用配方自行調油,引領大家運用占星芳療來面對人生的各種酸甜苦辣,值得推薦給喜歡占星及香氛療癒身心的你!──So Good塔羅牌館 Ricky Otis行星屬性是藥草學的重要主題之一,透過《占星芳療》的介紹,對照個人星盤調配藥草香氛便有所本。──芳療與香草生活保健作家 女巫阿娥不得不佩服植物系女巫──Claudia老師,能精巧的融合兩大知識結構,占星學與芳香療法。以淺顯易懂的方式,結合行星、星座、宮位和精油特性,描述人類最感興趣的戀愛運、財運,以及情緒心境難題。書中的十二星座女巫手作配方也相當實用喔!──御康養生企業,藥師、芳療師、占星師 石明立 【各章要點】① 依照不同植物獨特療癒性,調配精油以改善自己的身心、愛情、金錢運及情緒② 查明自己的太陽、月亮、金星星座以及宮位命盤,調配出專屬於自己的幸運香味③ 各星座與對應精油的依據分析,全面性
定價:420 元, 優惠價:9 378
Tater Tales 1: The Greatest in the World
作者:Ben Clanton  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers  出版日:2023/11/09 裝訂:平裝
"Chock-full of spudtacular puns and a feel-good surprise ending, Clanton offers a delightful laugh-on-every-page” Booklist Two spud siblings face off in a series of epic challenges in the first of a hilariously silly graphic novel series from the bestselling creator of the Narwhal and Jelly books. Rot is a mutant potato who wakes up feeling great, maybe even…the greatest in the world! But that only makes Rot’s brother Snot the grumpiest in the world. The only solution? An epic contest to prove who is the greatest once and for all, judged by the only impartial party they can find—their small fry little sister, Tot.But as the stakes get higher through the muddy potato sack race, sacred hot potato roll, and a hilarious laughing contest, their rivalry spirals out of control. Suddenly Rot’s not feeling so spudtacular anymore. Will this tater trio ever be able to determine who the greatest in the world really is?
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
Grumpy Monkey Oh, No! Christmas (精裝本)
作者:Suzanne Lang; Max Lang  出版社:RANDOM HOUSE STUDIO  出版日:2021/09/14 裝訂:精裝
聖誕將近,小猴子卻心情鬱悶,朋友能陪他一起找回快樂嗎Jim Panzee, our favorite #1 New York Times bestselling grumpy monkey, is feeling like quite the Scrooge this holiday season!It's Christmas time in the jungle, and Jim just can't get into the holiday spirit. Then Norman offers Jim a "festive" green banana and Jim feels sick, making everything seem worse. All the other animals in the jungle are ready and eagerly awaiting Christmas, but Jim feels everything stinks. Norman tries to find the solution...and shows Jim that everything can be solved with a soothing cup of tea and time spent with a good friend.
定價:665 元, 優惠價:79 525
Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes (平裝本)(英國版)
作者:Eric Litwin; James Dean; James Dean  出版社:HarperCollins Childrens UK  出版日:2014/05/08 裝訂:平裝
Pete the Cat is feeling good in his brand new white shoes, just walking along, singing his song. ‘I love my white shoes, I love my white shoes…’ Groovy! But when Pete steps in some strawberries, some
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Pete the Cat Saves Christmas (平裝本)(英國版)
作者:Eric Litwin; James Dean  出版社:HarperCollins Childrens UK  出版日:2014/09/25 裝訂:平裝
聖誕節到了,但是聖誕老公公似乎生病了,誰能拯救聖誕節?不用擔心,我們有皮皮貓啊!皮皮貓這次回來首要任務就是幫聖誕老公公送聖誕禮物,快跟著他的腳步去看看他要怎麼扮演聖誕老公公吧。 It’s Christmas, and Santa isn’t feeling well! Who can save not just the day, but Christmas? It’s all good… Pete
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Nat for Nothing (Nat Enough #4)(graphic novel)
作者:Maria Scrivan  出版社:Graphix  出版日:2023/02/07 裝訂:平裝
A companion to the New York Times bestselling series that began with Nat Enough!Clubs, group activities, sports -- they've never really been Nat's thing. She prefers playing with her pets, hanging with her friends, and drawing in her sketchbook. But this year, students are required to participate in an extracurricular activity. Flo tries her hand at puppetry, Zoe makes the volleyball team, and Nat dabbles with all sorts of activities, but nothing seems to be a good fit. While her friends are busy with other commitments, Nat's feeling left behind and more alone than ever. But when she meets a new student who's having the same difficulty finding a club, they decide to create one together. Could this be the solution to Natalie's dilemma, or are bigger problems yet to come?
定價:455 元, 優惠價:75 341
A First Time for Everything (graphicovel)(入選美國國家書卷獎)
作者:Dan Santat  出版社:First Second  出版日:2023/02/28 裝訂:平裝
A middle-grade graphic memoir based on bestselling author and Caldecott Medalist Dan Santat's awkward middle-school years and the trip to Europe that changed his life.Dan's always been a good kid. But being a good kid doesn't stop him from being bullied and feeling like he's invisible, which is why he has low expectations when his parents send him on a class trip to Europe.At first, he's right. Stuck with the same girls from his middle school who love to make fun of him, Dan doesn't know why his teacher insisted he come on this trip. But as he travels through France, Germany, Switzerland, and England, a series of first experiences begin to change him―first Fanta, first fondue, first time stealing a bike from German punk rockers . . . and first love.Funny, heartwarming, and poignant, A First Time for Everything is a feel-good coming-of-age memoir based on New York Times bestselling author and Caldecott Medal winner Dan Santat's awkward middle school years.
定價:525 元, 優惠價:79 415
Mastering the Art of Feeling Good
作者:Wendy Kay  出版社:Tate Pub & Enterprises Llc  出版日:2011/11/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:490 元, 優惠價:79 387
Feeling Good!
作者:Kojo Sarfo  出版社:Adams Media Corp  出版日:2022/12/06 裝訂:平裝
Develop a healthy outlook on life and assess your own mental health with this informative guided workbook to staying positive and living life to the fullest―no matter what you’re going through.Do you struggle with stress, worry, anxiety, or depression? The Feeling Good workbook is here to help you take control of your mental health once and for all so you can start finding healthy ways to cope and improve your overall outlook.With prompts, lists, activities, and more, you can learn why different types of mental health disorders exist and determine if you should seek a diagnosis. You’ll learn healthy strategies for dealing with mental illness, process difficult emotions, and map out ways to help you feel happier, more confident, and more fulfilled in life. With expert advice from Dr. Kojo Sarfo, you’ll toss the stigma, have fun completing exercises as you learn positive mental health, and, best of all, accept yourself for who you are.No matter what mental health struggles you’re facing,
定價:595 元, 優惠價:79 470
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