In this groundbreaking novel, Fumiko Hayashi tells a powerful story of tormented love and one woman's struggle to navigate the cruel realities of postwar Japan. Spare, affecting prose recounts Japanes
In this groundbreaking novel, Fumiko Hayashi tells the powerful story of tormented love and one woman's struggle to navigate the cruel realities of postwar Japan. The novel's characters, particularly
Cumulus clouds look like puffy, cotton balls floating through the sky. Most cumulus clouds have flat grey bottoms and puffy white tops. Readers will discover how these clouds form, the different kinds
The renowned classical scholar and archaeologist A. B. Cook (1868–1952) published the final volume of his monumental Zeus: A Study in Ancient Religion in two parts in 1940. The volume covers the theme of Zeus as a weather-god - the god of earthquakes, clouds, wind, dew, rain and meteorites - an idea that became common during the classical period. Part 2 contains three detailed appendixes on floating islands, the iconography of Eros and the idea of hierogamy. It includes a comprehensive index for the volume and addenda for all three volumes, and contains a rich selection of illustrations: maps, diagrams, photographs, and engravings, including many images of ancient pottery, statues, busts, friezes and ancient coins. A treasure-trove of primary texts, both Greek and Latin, epigraph material and archaeological data, this magnificent work remains an indispensable tool for students and scholars of classics, mythology and ancient religion.
Beside the Waters is a transcription, by the composer, of an original solo vocal work. The text for this piece describes water flowing in a stream, clouds floating past, time standing still, and huma
Beside the Waters is a transcription, by the composer, of an original solo vocal work. The text for this piece describes water flowing in a stream, clouds floating past, time standing still, and huma
Graffiti made from cake icing, man-made clouds floating indoors, a luminous moon resting on water. Collected here are dozens of jaw-dropping artworks—site-specific installations, extraordinary sculptu
An interactive book to help you get your head out of the clouds and back on your shoulders Where are you right now? Are you here? Or are you sort of somewhere else?You're Grounded is an exploration of what it means to be connected to the present moment. Sometimes your head can be in a completely different place than your body. Whether you're checking Instagram or reliving an embarrassing scene from the past, chances are that you're often missing what is happening right in front of you. This guide will help you figure out why you keep floating away from yourself and how to reconnect.
The first picture book to introduce young children to yoga’s beloved sun salutation flow.Step back and gaze forward,saluting the sky.Warm light shining brightlyand clouds floating by . . .Hello, Sun!S
BLAST OFF into the WONDERS OF OUTER SPACE with ONE THOUSAND INCREDIBLE FACTS!Did you know … that one of Saturn’s moons is so hollow it would float in water? That the largest known star is 3.69 billion times bigger than our sun? Or that Jupiter likely has diamonds floating in its clouds?Explore dazzling facts about the vast expanse of space, from glowing stars billions of light-years away to supermassive exploding supernovas to rockets thundering into the unknown. This comprehensive book takes you on a mind-blowing tour of our unbelievable universe and is full of fascinating facts on topics such as space exploration, our solar system and galaxy, and beyond.Expert astronomer Dean Regas―former host of PBS’s Star Gazers and astronomer of the Cincinnati Observatory―takes you on an incredible tour of facts about each planet in our solar system, dwarf planets, our sun and other stars, exoplanets, comets, asteroids, galaxies, space travel, and so much more. Hundreds of stunning photographs bri