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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:史蒂芬.摩斯  出版社:臺灣商務  出版日:2024/02/01 裝訂:平裝
人類的過去,與鳥緊密相依鳥的未來,就是人類的未來倫敦塔渡鴉、飛鴿傳書、感恩節火雞、達爾文雀、納粹黨之鷹……看鳥類如何影響文明進程,甚至改變世界! 2023英國溫萊特自然寫作獎(Wainwright Prize for Nature Writing)決選入圍------------「從來沒有看過一本書,對這些似乎廣為人知的鳥種做這麼仔細的介紹──歷史的,文化的,生物的。令人愛不釋手!」──林思民,國立臺灣師範大學生命科學系教授「《鳥類創世紀》帶領讀者進入一段引人深思的奇幻旅程,從古代神話傳說延伸至近代社會變遷,為我們揭示了人類與鳥類間糾纏且微妙的互動關係。」──吳宜蓉,歷史科普作家、教育學博士「《鳥類創世紀》是一本探討鳥類與人類深刻聯繫的好書,充滿了借鳥鑑人之意,深入揭示了鳥類在人類的神話、日常生活、社會和歷史中所扮演的關鍵角色,巧妙地展現了人類與鳥類之間錯綜複雜的關係,不僅是鳥類學愛好者的珍貴資源,同時也是對自然與文化交織關係有興趣讀者的必讀之選。」──黃貞祥,清華大學生命科學系副教授、Gene思書齋版主------------本書講述一段漫長且扣人心弦的故事,跨越了整個人類歷史,介紹來自世界七大洲的主要鳥類。但為什麼是鳥?為什麼不是哺乳動物或飛蛾、甲蟲或蝴蝶、蜘蛛或蛇?這是因為隨著時間的推移,在世界上所有的野生動物中,鳥類是跟我們人類有著最密切、最深刻和最複雜關係的一個群體,加上它們無處不在,地球上沒有任何地方——從兩極到赤道——沒有鳥類的蹤跡。無論什麼季節,白天或黑夜,您都可以看到它們——而且在一年中的大部分時間裡,也能聽到它們的聲音。作者對鳥類和野生動物充滿熱情,每一個細節和軼事都印證了他的知識深度。書中列舉了十種鳥,按時序排列,從諾亞方舟放出渡鴉開始,接著馴化生活在人類周圍的鴿子,到提供精神和社會寄託的火雞(至今仍是英國和歐洲聖誕盛宴以及北美感恩節的核心),而度度鳥是歷史上第一個被記錄下來、因人類活動而絕種的生物……達爾文從雀鳥身上看見演化,希特勒從老鷹身上鞏固權力;有的鳥靠糞便養活一個國家,有的鳥甚至能戰勝一個國家。這些鳥與我們人類許多基本事物息息相關,涉及神話、溝通交流、食物和家庭、滅絕、進化、農業、保護、政治和氣候變遷等歷史的核心面向。鳥類與人類之間密切持久的關係,不僅改變了人類歷史的進程,也將為未來提供更好的發展基礎。
定價:500 元, 優惠價:79 395
Arlo & Pips #1: King of the Birds (graphic novel)
作者:Elise Gravel  出版社:HarperAlley  出版日:2020/11/12 裝訂:平裝
With his giant-size brain, Arlo the crow can do amazing things! Thank goodness for his pal, Pips, who can remind him not to be such a show-off!Moving to the big city sure can be hectic for a crow on his own. Everywhere you turn—noisy humans, lots of litter, and plenty of competition for French fries!Fortunately, Arlo is a crow with some impressive tricks up his sleeve: big brain, great ideas, and a new pal named Pips, who helps Arlo discover the city, the beach, and the biggest collection of shiny things ever. This first book in a series of graphic chapter books for fans of Narwhal and Jellyfish offers adventure, fun, and lots of great bird facts—each marked with a star on the page. From acclaimed author-illustrator Elise Gravel.
庫存 > 10
定價:304 元, 優惠價:79 240
Arlo & Pips 1-3: King of the Birds / Join the Crow Crowd! / New Kids in the Flock (graphic novel)
作者:Elise Gravel  出版社:HarperAlley  出版日:2022/04/05 裝訂:平裝
Arlo & Pips #1: King of the BirdsArlo & Pips #2: Join the Crow Crowd!Arlo & Pips #3: New Kids in the FlockIn the grand finale of Elise Gravel's graphic chapter book series that Kirkus called a charming treasure, Arlo the crow is going to be a dad! The third book in this quirky series from acclaimed author Elise Gravel is perfect for fans of Narwhal and Jelly and Castronauts.Parenting is tough--even for a genius like Arlo--but luckily he isn't alone: his partner Marla and Uncle Pips are there to help! From building a new nest and taking care of Marla while she incubates the eggs to teaching the chicks everything they need to know, Arlo has his wings full. Join Arlo, Pips, Marla, and the new chicks as they explore this next big chapter in their lives.Snappy dialogue paired with a limited color scheme that's perfect for newly independent readers, this final story has tons of amazing kid-pleasing bird facts.More praise for Arlo & Pips #1: King of the Crows: A New York Publi
庫存 > 10
定價:912 元, 優惠價:79 720
Birds for Dummies
"Filled with the information every bird-owner...needs." Joel Murphy, DVM, ABVP, author of How to Care For Your Pet Bird Praise for Birds for Dummies(r) "Squawk about this! A lighthearted...informative
定價:834 元, 優惠價:77 642
City of Night Birds
作者:Juhea Kim  出版社:Oneworld Publications  出版日:2025/02/06 裝訂:精裝
'A beautifully crafted must read' Jason Mott, author of Hell of a BookA terrible accident forces Natalia to make a devastating choice about her future as a dancer, in this sweeping novel of love and redemptionPrima ballerina Natalia Leonova was once celebrated across the world, her signature bravura in demand on stages from St. Petersburg to Paris to New York. But at the top of her career, an accident forces her into sudden retirement.Injured and alone, she turns to pills and alcohol to numb the pain of her past, still haunted by her relationships with two gifted dancers, Dmitri and Alexander. These men were responsible for her soaring highs, her darkest hours and, ultimately, both played their part in her downfall. So when Dmitri resurfaces with a tantalising offer for Natalia, she must decide what she is willing to sacrifice in order to dance again – and for the chance to return to the great love of her life.Painting a vivid portrait of a world in which ruthless ambition, desire and
定價:934 元, 優惠價:79 737
National Geographic Angry Birds Space
作者:Amy Briggs; Peter Vesterbacka (FRW)  出版社:Random House Inc  出版日:2012/03/20 裝訂:平裝
It's one small step for birds, one giant leap for birdkind...Blast off with the Angry Birds as they fly through space on an intergalactic rescue mission! Evil space piggies have stolen their eggs and
定價:530 元, 優惠價:79 419
Birds of Prey (Science Comics)
作者:Joe Flood  出版社:First Second  出版日:2022/05/17 裝訂:平裝
看漫畫學科普Science Comics新書,以冒險故事的形式,帶讀者深入認識禿鷹、老鷹等擁有利爪、具有速度的掠食性鳥類。除了介紹動物習性、食物鏈位置高低,同時圖文相輔解釋生字。Spread your wings with Science Comics: Birds of Prey, the latest volume of First Second's middle grade nonfiction series!Every volume of Science Comics offers a complete introduction to a particular topic―dinosaurs, the solar system, volcanoes, bats, robots, and more. Whether you're a fourth grader doing a natural science unit at school or a thirty-year-old with a secret passion for airplanes, these books are for you!In this book, you’ll meet some of the world’s most skilled hunters up close and personal, from the majestic eagle to the oft-maligned scavenger vulture! Armed with razor-sharp claws, keen eyesight, powerful wings, and killer instincts, these stealthy predators can make a meal of rodents, fish, snakes, lizards, monkeys, and even kangaroos! Discover how these amazing birds, who are often at the top of the food chain, play an integral role in many different ecosystems around the world.
定價:532 元, 優惠價:79 420
Crows - Genius Birds (Science Comics)
作者:Kyla Vanderklugt  出版社:First Second  出版日:2020/03/24 裝訂:平裝
That's something to crow about! Learn all about these genius birds in Kyla Vanderklugt's Science Comics: Crows, the latest volume in First Second’s action-packed nonfiction graphic novel series for mi
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Birding for Babies: Birds Around the World:An Opposites Book
作者:Chloe Goodhart  出版社:Penguin Putnam Inc  出版日:2025/02/01 裝訂:硬頁書
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Angry Birds: Pigs on Bird Island
出版社:Scholastic UK  裝訂:平裝
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. This Starter Level Popcorn ELT
定價:275 元, 優惠價:79 217
Paint by Sticker: Birds (貼紙書)
作者:Workman Publishing (COR)  出版社:Workman Pub Co  出版日:2017/05/02 裝訂:平裝
Paint by Sticker is the most exciting new idea in activity books, both for grown-ups and kids. A compelling activity for crafters and artists, doodlers and colorers of all ages, each Paint by Sticker
庫存 > 10
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
Maisy Loves Birds: A Maisy's Planet Book
作者:Lucy Cousins  出版社:Walker Books Ltd  出版日:2024/09/05 裝訂:硬頁書
Learn all about beautiful birds in the latest addition to the Maisy's Planet series!Discover the world of birds with Maisy! This bright and cheerful board book introduces little ones to our feathered friends, from starlings, ducks and robins to soaring seabirds and swooping birds of prey – and even birds that don't fly. Follow Maisy as she finds out what birds need, how they build their nests, where they live, and how we can help them. Open out the final scene to join Maisy and her friends bird-watching!Maisy's Planet books are perfect for little nature-lovers aged from 18 months. Each sturdy, toddler-friendly board book celebrates a different feature of the natural world with bright colours, simple language and a fun, final open-out spread.Love our planet with Maisy!
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Beak & Ally #4: Snow Birds (graphic novel)
作者:Norm Feuti  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2024/01/02 裝訂:平裝
When noisy neighbors move in for the winter, will Beak & Ally ever find peace and quiet? Find out in Beak & Ally: Snow Birds, the latest in this Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor Award-winning series from cartoonist Norm Feuti!Winter is coming! Beak loves the snow, but his hopes are dashed when Ally informs him the swamp stays warm year-round and not much changes. As a matter of fact, the only big change is that it gets a lot more crowded! Beak soon discovers what Ally means when the snow birds arrive . . . Hawaiian shirt-wearing, music-jamming new neighbors who have flown south for the winter.At first, Beak is thrilled when they decide to spend their vacation in his tree--he loves to party! But when the noise gets louder and louder, it's time for Beak and Ally to take action. Confronting new friends can be hard, but anything is possible when you have your best friend by your side to help.
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
National Geographic Angry Birds Playground Atlas
作者:Elizabeth Carney  出版社:Natl Geographic Soc Childrens books  出版日:2013/10/08 裝訂:精裝
Follow along with your favorite Angry Birds characters as they fly around the world discovering continents, countries, and cultures. Kids will be hooked on a wacky search for the Angry Birds' eggs as
定價:568 元, 優惠價:79 449
Angry Birds: Stop the Pigs! (1平裝+1CD)
作者:Nicole Taylor; Michael Watts  出版社:Scholastic UK  出版日:2016/10/06 裝訂:有聲書
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. There are pigs everywhere on Bird
定價:435 元, 優惠價:79 344
BBC Earth Do You Know...? Level 1: Birds and Insects
作者:Ladybird  出版社:Ladybird UK  出版日:2020/05/28 裝訂:平裝
Do all birds fly? What do insects eat? Find out about birds and insects in this BBC Earth reader. The Ladybird Do You Know? graded readers series comprises a range of non-fiction STEM titles for you
定價:185 元, 優惠價:1 185
Angry Birds: Pigs on Bird Island (1平裝+1CD)
作者:Nicole Taylor; Michael Watts  出版社:Scholastic UK  出版日:2016/10/06 裝訂:有聲書
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. There are pigs everywhere on Bird
庫存 > 10
定價:435 元, 優惠價:79 344
City of Night Birds: A Novel (Large Print)
作者:Juhea Kim  出版社:PBKHRPLX  出版日:2024/11/26 裝訂:平裝
A once famous ballerina faces a final choice--to return to the world of Russian dance that nearly broke her, or to walk away forever--in this incandescent novel of redemption and love.On a White Night in 2019, prima ballerina Natalia Leonova returns to St. Petersburg two years after a devastating accident stalled her career. Once the most celebrated dancer of her generation, she now turns to pills and alcohol to numb the pain of her past. She is unmoored in her old city as the ghosts of her former life begin to resurface: her loving but difficult mother, her absentee father, and the two gifted dancers who led to her downfall.One of those dancers, Alexander, is the love of her life, who transformed both Natalia and her art. The other is Dmitri, a dark and treacherous genius. When the latter offers her a chance to return to the stage in her signature role, Natalia must decide whether she can again face the people responsible for both her soaring highs and darkest hours.Painting a vivid p
定價:1292 元, 優惠價:79 1020
City of Night Birds: A Novel (Reese's Book Club Pick)
作者:Juhea Kim  出版社:Harper Collins USA  出版日:2024/11/26 裝訂:平裝
A once-famous ballerina faces a final choice—to return to the world of Russian dance that nearly broke her, or to walk away forever—in this incandescent novel of redemption and loveOn a White Night in 2019, prima ballerina Natalia Leonova returns to St. Petersburg two years after a devastating accident stalled her career. Once the most celebrated dancer of her generation, she now turns to pills and alcohol to numb the pain of her past.She is unmoored in her old city as the ghosts of her former life begin to resurface: her loving but difficult mother, her absentee father, and the two gifted dancers who led to her downfall.One of those dancers, Alexander, is the love of her life, who transformed both Natalia and her art. The other is Dmitri, a dark and treacherous genius. When the latter offers her a chance to return to the stage in her signature role, Natalia must decide whether she can again face the people responsible for both her soaring highs and darkest hours.Painting a vivid portr
定價:798 元, 優惠價:79 630
Beautiful Birds (First Explorers)(硬頁推拉書)
作者:Campbell Books; Chorkung  出版社:Campbell Books UK  出版日:2019/03/07 裝訂:硬頁書
Discover peacocks in the park, parrots in the rainforest and cockatoos in the Australian bush in First Explorers: Beautiful Birds. Each scene has chunky push, pull and slide mechanisms perfect for lit
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
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