大家都這麼做,不代表就是對的!學會「尊重」彼此的不同Being a part of the cool crowd isn't always what it's cracked up to be.Freddy just wants to fit in, but his new friends' idea of fun means bullying all the other sea creatures! Will Freddy learn how to stop following the crowd and do what's right?成為酷酷群體的一份子,並不是永遠都如外界看起來那麼美好。佛瑞迪想要跟酷酷的魚兒們當朋友,但是這群朋友所能想到的有趣的點子,都是去欺負其他的海洋生物!佛瑞迪以後能學會不跟隨其他人,然後做出正確的選擇嗎?書籍特色: 中英雙語對照閱讀,幫助孩子利用母語輔助學習外語。 附QR code雙語朗讀音檔,方便播放也可當成床邊故事。 搭配點讀筆邊點邊唸,點選故事角色發現意想不到的驚喜。 故事內容附有品格寓意,透過閱讀培養品學兼優的好小孩。
This brand-new adventure series filled with laughs, danger, and facing fears, follows Freddy von Frankenstein and his monster big brother, F.M., as well as and his adopted sister, Riya, who is a were-cat, as they explore the supernatural mountain they call home and discover all the fantastical creatures living there!Freddy has started a Supernatural Action Search Squad with his brother, F.M., to track down the fantasticals that have started coming to their mountain. The S.A.S.S. is mostly an extra credit project to get him out of doing actual homework, but when he boots up his newly fashioned motion sensor, they immediately get a reading! They rush off to check it out, with Riya, their sister, following close behind to keep watch over them at their dad's request.However, as Freddy and F.M. speed off down the mountain, Riya hears a different creature in distress. She goes off to help the fantastical since she can see Freddy's target is just a lost mountain climber-or is it?
【iPEN 點讀筆】產品內容物:光學點讀筆(內含 Micro SD 8G 記憶卡)使用說明書USB 傳輸線可拆式頸掛繩點讀筆產品特色:語言學習最佳工具☆ 貼心的互動方式,隨時隨地、隨點即讀,創造有趣互動學習情境。☆ 專業的學習內容,點讀熟悉外師口音,錄音反覆跟讀,學習好輕鬆。☆ 實用的功能設計,操作容易,一筆三效合一兼具播放、錄音、MP3。☆ 完善的強化學習,錄音跟讀,對照書本,隨時反覆練習。繪本特色:1.中英雙語對照閱讀,幫助孩子利用母語輔助學習外語。2.附QR code雙語朗讀音檔,方便播放也可當成床邊故事。3.搭配點讀筆邊點邊唸,點選故事角色發現意想不到的驚喜。4.故事內容附有品格寓意,透過閱讀培養品學兼優的好小孩。【品格教育雙語3本繪本】第一本雙語繪本:Confident CoC 有自信的可可我可以做到!發現內在「勇氣」的過程Coco LOVED THE PARK and would visit every day.But when she is faced with a new scary challenge, her confidence is shaken.Coco and her friend, Ruby, try to find a solution together - but will Coco find the right mindsetTO OVERCOME HER FEAR?可可喜歡去公園,她每天都會到公園玩耍 。但當她面對恐怖的新挑戰時,她的信心動搖了。可可和她的朋友露比,試著一起找到解決方法-究竟可可能不能調整好心情來克服恐懼呢?第二本雙語繪本:Bucket Sheep 貪心的小羊貪心的代價比你想像的還大!懂得「分享」的快樂與價值This is the true story of a greedy little sheep who wanted every bit of feed for herself.She put her head into a blue bucket… and couldn't get it out!這是一個真實的故事,發生在一隻貪心的小羊身上,她想要獨享所有的食物。她把頭探進藍色的桶子裡……而且桶子就這樣卡在她的頭上了!第三本雙語繪本:Freddy Follows 愛跟隨的佛瑞迪大家都這麼做,不代表就是對的!