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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:彼得‧柏克  出版社:麥田  出版日:2022/06/30 裝訂:平裝
500位西方博學者群像X新文化史權威學者彼得.柏克以古觀今書寫這些「知道太多」的博學者達文西右手畫畫左手解剖、桑塔格嚴詞反戰也溫柔書寫在這個多工、斜槓的時代,了解關於「十項全能」博學者的一切 跨領域推薦──王崇名 東海大學博雅書院書院長兼通識教育中心主任 陳建守 中央研究院近代史研究所助研究員 劉安婷 「為台灣而教」創辦人暨董事長蔡俊彥 國立中山大學博雅教育中心教授兼中心主任 謝哲青 作家、旅行家、知名節目主持人顏擇雅 作家、出版人本書以引人入勝、博學多聞的手法描繪一群特別的知識人,不僅意義非凡,而且來得正是時候。藉由闡述我們的文化為什麼不僅需要專家,也需要博學者,本書刺激我們重新思考教育的目的,以及如何豐富公眾對話。──英國哲學家葛瑞林(Anthony Clifford Grayling)柏克不僅闡明了博學者的共同特質,更描繪出他們各自的力量、執著與生命力。──《好奇在近代法德之應用》作者尼爾.肯尼柏克用他包羅萬象的生花妙筆,道出一個個精彩的「博學怪物」故事,帶領我們一窺資訊氾濫年代下通才思想家(universal thinker)的命運。──,《時光的製圖學》共同作者丹尼爾.羅森堡作者柏克和他筆下人物顯然是同個世界的人。他在書中以無比的洞見與理解力向我們介紹那個世界,不僅有歷史深度,更具跨領域的廣度。──《資訊革命了什麼》共同作者保羅.杜奎德 「世人需要全才,因為連結萬物者能以一當十」從文藝復興到當代,彼得.柏克將使我們對這群特別的知識人徹底改觀! 本書探討「對學識具有百科全書般興趣的」博學者們如何造就了時代,又是如何在日益專門化的文化裡生存,不論是文藝復興人、博學怪物、文人……無所不知的他們又是如何受到興趣、能力、教養、環境和所處時代影響!李約瑟:「像我這樣一位生物化學家,怎麼會變成史學家和漢學家?」博學者的產地與神話在只有少數學科存在的中世紀時期,「博學者」這樣的概念還未成形。同時對許多事物感到好奇不僅正常,甚至可以說是基本需求。由於當時可以知道的事情比文藝復興之後少,因此只要努力,就能精通主要的知識領域。早期王室與貴族是學者的重要棲身之所,專長藝術、音樂的博學者最為明顯,在大學興起、流通資訊大幅增加之後,更引領一波通才潮流。資助者說:「萊布尼茲的好奇心永
定價:520 元, 優惠價:9 468
作者:柯琳妮‧盧普科  出版社:健康你好  出版日:2019/10/30 裝訂:平裝
沒任何事物能傷害你,除非你給了它們傷害的力量10步驟 X 10轉念,不再人際恐慌、想太多、易受傷,即刻找回心靈平靜。「美國公共電視網」專訪,亞馬遜5星好評!隨書附收藏書套【獨家】《奇蹟課程練習筆記》★焦慮與無助,皆起因「對未來的不安」►【情境1】主管把專案交由我主導,雖然高興,卻也擔憂做不好讓他失望,十分緊張。►【情境2】跟老朋友聚會後隔天,對方已讀不回我的訊息。不禁擔心,是否聚會時做錯什麼?
定價:370 元, 優惠價:79 292
作者:蘇.希茲曼  出版社:臉譜文化  出版日:2020/12/03 裝訂:平裝
提升運動表現、解除疼痛的關鍵不在肌力,而是能正確徵召肌肉、支持身體穩定的「神經力量」風靡16國,幫助數千萬人解決慢性傷害、預防疼痛並增加運動表現的自我照護法運動作家暨跑步教練 徐國峰、解放疼痛學院(Freedom From Pain Institute)創辦人 Erik Dalton──專文作序你想在上班一整天後仍然感覺通體舒暢,再也不肩痠背痛嗎?你想輕鬆提起重物,而不會時常閃到腰或扭傷手肘嗎?你
定價:450 元, 優惠價:9 405
Jelly Roll: From Struggles to Spotlight: The Transformative Journey of a Music Icon
作者:Jennifer X. Riley  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/12/31 裝訂:平裝
定價:720 元, 優惠價:1 720
Stamped from the Beginning (平裝本)─ The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America
作者:Ibram X. Kendi  出版社:Nation Books  出版日:2017/08/15 裝訂:平裝
Some Americans cling desperately to the myth that we are living in a post-racial society, that the election of the first black president spelled the doom of racism. In fact, racist thought is alive an
定價:760 元, 優惠價:1 760
Lil Nas X: Rise of a Star: From campaign to global success, a unique biography
作者:James K. Lawton  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2025/01/10 裝訂:平裝
定價:960 元, 優惠價:1 960
Max Meow Book 3: Pugs from Planet X (graphic novel)
作者:John Gallagher  出版社:Random Young  出版日:2021/09/28 裝訂:精裝
Max Meow is BACK and up against PUG invaders from OUTER SPACE! This PAWS-itively hilarious graphic novel with CAT-ITUDE is PURR-fect for anyone who likes to LAUGH--and for fans of Dog Man, Bad Guys, a
定價:532 元, 優惠價:75 399
Spy x Family, Vol. 13
作者:Tatsuya Endo  出版社:Viz Media; Subs. of Shogakukan Inc  出版日:2025/02/27 裝訂:平裝
An action-packed comedy about a fake family that includes a spy, an assassin and a telepath!Master spy Twilight is unparalleled when it comes to going undercover on dangerous missions for the betterment of the world. But when he receives the ultimate assignment—to get married and have a kid—he may finally be in over his head!Twilight is on the ropes after his battle with an Ostanian spy! Can Nightfall save Twilight from disaster? Will WISE manage to recover their stolen secrets? And what will become of Loid and Yor’s marital crisis? Meanwhile, Anya’s friendship scheme gets thrown off by an unexpected gift from Damian!
定價:456 元, 優惠價:79 360
#10: Spy School Project X (平裝本)(Spy School)
作者:Stuart Gibbs  出版社:Simon & Schuster  出版日:2023/08/29 裝訂:平裝
In the tenth book in the New York Times bestselling Spy School series, Ben Ripley races against time and across state lines—by car, train, boat, and plane—to avoid his new cyber enemies and track down Murray Hill.Ben Ripley’s longtime nemesis, Murray Hill, has put a price on Ben’s head and accused him of being at the center of a conspiracy on the internet. Now Ben finds himself in his greatest danger yet, on the run from both assassins and conspiracy theorists.Ben must find Murray before his machinations catch up to Ben—but with so much at stake, even some of Ben’s most trusted friends might not be at the top of their game, leaving Ben to be tested like never before.
庫存 > 10
定價:342 元, 優惠價:75 256
The Orient Explorer Collection (Box set)
作者:Katharine A. Carl  出版社:香港城市大學出版社  出版日:2024/01/01 裝訂:盒裝
co-published with Guangxi Normal PressThe Orient Explorer Collection is a series of interesting texts written by Westerners travelling in China in the 1800s and early 1900s. Each volume has been reprinted from scans of the original publication and is included under a particular theme.The box set focuses on the theme “Women Writers” and features seven books written by women from various walks of life. It is suitable for readers interested in early China depicted by women travellers in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Each volume of the collection is to reignite interest and also to allow readers to explore how these books relate to the region today. With the Empress DowagerKatharine A. CARLThis book provides a sensational account of the author’s time with the Empress Dowager Cixi and the Chinese Court while painting her portrait for an exposition in St. Louis in the United States.978-962-937-405-1 • HK$278 / US$36Jan 2024 • 140 x 216 mm • 396 pp • PbA Woman in ChinaMary GAUNTThis
定價:7590 元, 優惠價:79 5996
Annihilation: A Novel
作者:Jeff VanderMeer  出版社:McD  出版日:2022/06/07 裝訂:平裝
“Successfully creepy, an old-style gothic horror novel set in a not-too-distant future. The best bits turn your mind inside out.” —Sara Sklaroff, The Washington PostJeff VanderMeer's acclaimed Southern Reach trilogy – now in a beautiful new paperback edition.Area X has been cut off from the rest of the continent for decades. Nature has reclaimed the last vestiges of human civilization. The first expedition returned with reports of a pristine, Edenic landscape; all the members of the second expedition committed suicide; the third expedition died in a hail of gunfire as its members turned on one another; the members of the eleventh expedition returned as shadows of their former selves, and within months of their return, all had died of aggressive cancer.This is the twelfth expedition.Their group is made up of four women: an anthropologist; a surveyor; a psychologist, the de facto leader; and our narrator, a biologist. Their mission is to map the terrain and collect specimens; to record a
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
Maisy Goes to the Dentist (平裝本)(美國版)
作者:Lucy Cousins  出版社:CANDLEWICK BOOKS  出版日:2023/04/11 裝訂:平裝
On his first trip to the dentist, Charley gets lots of moral support from Maisy and friends in a full-length story readers will be eager to sink their teeth into. Maisy's friend Charley has a wiggly tooth! He's going to the dentist for the first time, and he's a little nervous. Luckily, Maisy, Tallulah, Eddie, and Cyril are happy to accompany Charley to the dentist's office, where they make some fun discoveries: a twirly chair that goes up and down, a special cup to spit in, and a proper tooth-brushing demonstration. Charley gets an X-ray, a smiley button, and a book to take home, but what will happen with his wiggly tooth?
定價:304 元, 優惠價:79 240
Pantone 100 Postcard
作者:Pantone Inc.  出版社:Chronicle Books Llc  出版日:2011/06/22 裝訂:平裝
With a palette drawn from the systems of Pantone, each postcard in this set of 100 offers a different bold hue to brighten up the mail. Each card measruses 4-3/8 x 6-1/4 x 5-1/2 inches.
定價:948 元, 優惠價:79 749
Adventures with Discoveries and Inventions
作者:Karen Kwek and Kathy Wong  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/08/11 裝訂:平裝
《發現與發明歷險記》身歷其境接觸對對我們生活產生巨大影響的重要發現和發明。是誰想出協助盲人閱讀的方法?萊特兄弟是如何讓他們的夢想起飛的?超越蛋(Beyond Eggs)是什麼?了解拱門如何穩定建築物。透過雷文霍克(Antonie van Leeuwenhoek)的顯微鏡觀察微觀生物;並從蔡倫的堅持不懈中得到啟發。從馬車到無人駕駛汽車,從X射線到魚菜共生系統,以前所未有的方式體驗世界上偉大發現和發明背後的創造力。Adventures with Discoveries and Inventions is an immersive encounter with important discoveries and inventions that have made a great impact on our lives. Who came up with a way to help the blind read? How did the Wright brothers make their dreams take flight? What are Beyond Eggs? Learn how arches can stabilise buildings. Observe the microworld through van Leeuwenhoek's microscope. And be inspired by Cai Lun's perseverance. From horse carriages to driverless cars, and from x-rays to aquaponics systems, experience the creativity behind some of the world's great discoveries and inventions as never before!
庫存 > 10
定價:270 元, 優惠價:9 243
Adventures with Discoveries and Inventions
作者:Karen Kwek and Kathy Wong  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/08/11 裝訂:精裝
《發現與發明歷險記》身歷其境接觸對對我們生活產生巨大影響的重要發現和發明。是誰想出協助盲人閱讀的方法?萊特兄弟是如何讓他們的夢想起飛的?超越蛋(Beyond Eggs)是什麼?了解拱門如何穩定建築物。透過雷文霍克(Antonie van Leeuwenhoek)的顯微鏡觀察微觀生物;並從蔡倫的堅持不懈中得到啟發。從馬車到無人駕駛汽車,從X射線到魚菜共生系統,以前所未有的方式體驗世界上偉大發現和發明背後的創造力。Adventures with Discoveries and Inventions is an immersive encounter with important discoveries and inventions that have made a great impact on our lives. Who came up with a way to help the blind read? How did the Wright brothers make their dreams take flight? What are Beyond Eggs? Learn how arches can stabilise buildings. Observe the microworld through van Leeuwenhoek's microscope. And be inspired by Cai Lun's perseverance. From horse carriages to driverless cars, and from x-rays to aquaponics systems, experience the creativity behind some of the world's great discoveries and inventions as never before!
定價:508 元, 優惠價:9 457
Gruffalo - Small Mouse Plush Toy (22cm*10.3cm*13.1cm)
作者:Aurora  出版社:Aurora  出版日:2024/01/15 裝訂:平裝
The adorable plush rendition of the clever little mouse from "The Gruffalo," with light beige fur, large ears that stand ready to catch every sound, and whiskers that add a touch of curiosity to its endearing face.This plush is approx. 5" x 4.5" x 8.5" in sizeHigh quality materials make for a soft and fluffy touchBased on the British children's picture book created by Julia Donaldson and Axel SchefflerLock-washer eyes ensure safety and long-term enjoymentThis plush contains bean pellets and small parts suitable for ages 36 months and older
定價:934 元, 優惠價:95 887
Classic Cookbooks:1000 Piece Puzzle
作者:Richard Baker  出版社:Princeton Architectural Pr  出版日:2022/08/04 裝訂:盒裝
Piece together your own colorful collection of vintage cookbook covers with this iconic 1000-piece puzzle from artist Richard Baker. It's a visual feast, and the perfect gift for foodies and book lovers alike.Classic Cookbooks 1000 Piece Puzzle features 42 amazing paintings of beloved classic cookbooks, ranging from the iconic, like The Joy of Cooking, The French Chef Cookbook, and The Edna Lewis Cookbook, to quirkier classics like Fabulous Fondues and Love and Knishes. Each cookbook cover featured in this puzzle is intentionally painted to capture the telltale signs of wear from years of use in the kitchen.This 1000-piece puzzle features high-quality pieces that assemble to 25 x 20 inches, accompanied by a folded, oversize insert of the puzzle image for easy reference and an artist statement.Whether you're a home cook, chef, bibliophile, or puzzle fanatic, you will love piecing your way through decades of cookbook classics and chatting with family or friends about your favorite recipe
定價:682 元, 優惠價:79 539
作者:喬治‧戈登‧拜倫  出版社:笛藤  出版日:2022/06/24 裝訂:平裝
拜倫無疑是本世紀最偉大最有才能的詩人,他既不是古典時代,也不是浪漫時代的;他體現的視現時代。我所要求的就是他這種人。 ―(德)歌德 中英對照版 X 紀念藏書票 “She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that’s best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellow’d to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies.” 她漫步在美的光影,像夜晚 皎潔無雲,繁星滿天; 明與暗最美妙的色澤 在她的容顏和明眸裡呈現: 耀眼的白晝只嫌光太強, 在1833年由後人彙總所出的《拜倫詩集》便有十七卷之多,其中便包括《恰爾德.哈洛爾德遊記》、 《異教徒》、《普羅米修斯》、《錫雍的囚徒》、《曼佛雷特》、 《該隱》、《唐璜》等詩。 而本書精選了拜倫眾多詩篇當中的 代表作,如《當初我倆分別》、《漫步在美的光影》、《我看 過你哭》……每一首都是璀璨的經典。 “The sword, the banner, and the field, Glory and Greece, around me see! The Spartan, borne upon his shield, Was not more free.” 拜倫一生為民主、自由、民族解放的理想而奮鬥,也致力於寫作,從學生時期便開始創作詩歌。他的作品具有重大的歷史進步意義和藝術價值,他未完成的長篇詩體小說《唐璜》,便是一部氣勢宏偉、意境開闊、見解高超且卓越的敘事長詩,在英國當地乃至於歐洲文學史上都是罕見的作品。 “There is a pleasure in the pathless woods, There is a rapture on the lonely shore, There is society, where none intrudes, By the deep sea, and music in its roar: I love not man the less, but nature more, From these our interviews, i
定價:300 元, 優惠價:79 237
Operation Chaos (the Forgotten Five, Book 5)
作者:Lisa McMann  出版社:PUTNAM YOUNG READERS  出版日:2024/10/15 裝訂:精裝
X-Men meets Spy Kids in the fifth installment of The Forgotten Five middle-grade fantasy/adventure series by the New York Times bestselling author of The Unwanteds. The Forgotten Five and their friends are reeling in the aftermath of the raid on Magdalia Palacio's campaign rally--an attack masterminded by her corrupt opponent President Fuerte and his henchmen. Birdie is in the hospital with a head injury, and under arrest for stealing a police horse in her attempt to evade capture. Separated from her friends--and not even allowed to see her mother--how can Birdie escape when she is utterly alone? Then the Librarian is taken captive in the heavily guarded palace dungeon after Fuerte discovers she's been acting as a double agent. What will they do without their trusted mentor? Luckily, the five have been honing their supernatural abilities, and it's Brix who takes the lead, forging an unlikely alliance and putting together a plan. Does the group have what it takes to rescue their friends
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
Richard Scarry: Cars and Trucks and Things That Go Tote Bag
出版社:Penguin Group USA  裝訂:袋裝
Cars and Trucks and Things That Go tote bag - It's time to start your engines in this Richard Scarry classic all about vehicles. Buckle-up for a fun-filled day of planes, trains, automobiles ... and even a pickle truck! Featuring hundreds of clearly labeled vehicles, this is the perfect book for little vehicle fans from the one and only Richard Scarry.Product Details• 100% cotton canvas• Inner pocket• Flat tote• 15" w x 17" h• 11" strap (hanging)• Made in the USA
定價:836 元, 優惠價:79 660
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