達賴喇嘛、歐普拉推薦《紐約時報》暢銷榜Top1最有意義的人生經驗,往往很痛苦;你以為的絕境,其實藏著豐收的祕密。發掘生命價值的啟蒙書,助你在惶惶不安的職涯中,跨越難關。當改變發生,你有沒有勇氣展開另一種人生﹖過去,我們總以為只要認真努力,擁抱簡單的成功公式:心無旁騖,犧牲個人生活,一心一意往上爬,辛苦總會有代價。如今,我們領悟到人生不是一路往上衝,高峰過後可能就是谷底;不管是誰,現在多閃耀、多風光,有一天都會走下坡。當人生從走得光彩奪目變成走鋼索,該如何活出新意義?許多拚命三郎,發現愈來愈力不從心,家庭關係也開始變得緊張。面對人生的四分五裂,他們以一貫方式回應,否認愈來愈明顯的變化,加倍努力,試圖彌補衰退與不足,最後結局卻往往陷入更大的憤怒、害怕與失望。原本以為到了人生某個階段,生活就會更令人自豪,充滿喜悅與滿足感。然而,事與願違。你的人生不必這樣過。破解奮鬥者的詛咒,把害怕做出的人生改變,轉變成全新的力量泉源。哈佛大學教授布魯克斯幫助你打破「奮鬥者的詛咒」,從科學、哲學、神學、歷史的角度出發,分享違反直覺的策略,教你戒除舊習慣,培養新的生活方式,發掘潛在的生命價值。‧重新思考成功︰不自我物化,戒掉對成功的癮。‧活好︰思考失敗/死亡,擊敗恐懼,好好活著。‧認識自己︰從追求外在成就,到發展內在力量。‧化脆弱為力量:分享脆弱,生活中的愛會成長。人生不會因為無條件的相信和努力就變得幸福,有時候你必須捨棄,才會發現生活中真正重要的事情。當改變發生,你不一定要為此感到痛苦。這本書教你以優雅的姿態,帶著喜悅與更深層的使命感,接受挫折帶來的禮物。各界推薦丁菱娟 影響力品牌學院創辦人林以正 自由教練/前台大心理系副教授黃惠如 《慢老》作者楊文正 三平咖啡老闆/繪本畫家嫺人 「嫺人的好日子」部落格版主謝文憲 企業講師/作家/主持人「這本書幫助你隨著年齡增長和人生變化,活得更快樂自在。」─達賴喇嘛「亞瑟.布魯克斯是一個你必須認識的人。」─歐普拉「有的人追求好成績、對成功上癮,終日疲於奔命。雖然明知不可能永遠強撐下去,依舊努力嘗試。如果你也是這樣,這本書是為你寫的。作者證明有可能愈活愈美好。」──賽門.西奈克(Simon Sinek),暢銷書《無限賽局》作者「啟迪人心的智慧指南,教我們重新設想剩餘的人生。如果你一直很努力,你累了,這本好書適合你。」──丹尼爾.品克(Daniel H. P
The roadmap for finding purpose, meaning, and success as we age, from bestselling author, Harvard professor, and the Atlantic's happiness columnist Arthur Brooks. Many of us assume that the more successful we are, the less susceptible we become to the sense of professional and social irrelevance that often accompanies aging. But the truth is, the greater our achievements and our attachment to them, the more we notice our decline, and the more painful it is when it occurs. What can we do, starting now, to make our older years a time of happiness, purpose, and yes, success? At the height of his career at the age of 50, Arthur Brooks embarked on a seven-year journey to discover how to transform his future from one of disappointment over waning abilities into an opportunity for progress. From Strength to Strength is the result, a practical roadmap for the rest of your life. Drawing on social science, philosophy, biography, theology, and eastern wisdom, as well as dozens of interviews with
The #1 New York Times BestsellerFrom the bestselling author and columnist behind The Atlantic's popular "How to Build a Life" series, a guide to transforming the life changes we fear into a source of strength. In the first half of life, ambitious strivers embrace a simple formula for success in work and life: focus single-mindedly, work tirelessly, sacrifice personally, and climb the ladder relentlessly. It works.Until it doesn't. It turns out the second half of life is governed by different rules. In middle age, many strivers begin to find success coming harder and harder, rewards less satisfying, and family relationships withering.In response, they do what strivers always do: they double down on work in an attempt to outrun decline and weakness, and deny the changes that are becoming more and more obvious. The result is often anger, fear, and disappointment at a time in life that they imagined would be full of joy, fulfillment, and pride. It doesn't have to be that way.In From Streng