"Every morning when I awake I greet the Holy Spirit and invite Him to go with me through the day and take the lead in all my affairs, and He does. I say, Good morning Holy Spirit. Let's work together
When a stressed-out Wolf tells his four-year-old daughter Nina that he can only spend ten more minutes reading her bedtime stories before getting back to work, she wishes that they could have a million minutes together 'on the really good things. Let's go so far away, until we have time,' she says. While Nina is physically disabled, Wolf feels that what really makes her different is her complete freedom of thought, uninhibited by political correctness and unlimited by the restrictions of 'reality'.As Wolf comes to understand the magnitude of his daughter's condition, he starts to reconsider what is most important in life. Despite a huge break-through in a profession he has worked so hard to make his mark on, he decides to step off the career ladder. Colleagues claim he is ruining his life, but Wolf slowly learns that fulfilling Nina's wish is worth much more than professional success.Wolf, his wife Vera, his son Simon and Nina spend a million minutes - two years - travelling through Th