Gone with the Wind is turned inside out in this tragic, page-turning novel in which a white indentured servant girl lives and works with black slaves. 這本小說就和《姊妹》一樣感人。 ──《紫色姊妹花》作者愛麗絲‧渥克 (Alice Wa
最新雅思聽力版本 ──納入《劍17》新增考題方向以鑑別度的試題,提升考生應試能力無懼更難的變化題一次掌握各種同義轉換和判斷能力綜合理解能力猛提升文學經典小說和暢銷書加持口說和寫作亦迅速邁向9.0高分––––––––––––––––與《劍17》最新的出題完全一致,試題的「選項敘述加長」+「判斷作者/講者/學生意圖」+「高階同義轉換」而非僅檢視考生是否聽對某個單字並正確地拼出考生務必要演練此調整後的試題,以游刃有餘的應考A Pride and Prejudice B Gone with the Wind C 1984 D The History of Tom Jones, a Founding E Gone with the Wind and 1984F lecturer G other people’s perception 11. Youth is not permanent12. Countenances created by genes will be affected by other factors13. Genes determine most of people’s fate from birth 14. With the conviction that good-looking people are not the winner.15. To gainsay the fact that beauty is luscious is ridiculous. 16. One’s destitution will be the downside for one’s inherent look.17. The attainment of an optimum stage in a short time18. Penchant for choosing the spouse much more attractive than they are19. Practicality comes first, when it comes to sustaining a marriage20. All men are created equal, when it comes to making a living收錄各式人名、地名、專有名詞,強化聽各樣的人名和配對與各人物間的細
The California-based editor/writer of a Gone with the Wind biomonthly periodical satisfies fans' desire to know about all aspects of the popular 1939 film. Drawing on the notes of director David O. Se
This book presents the first comprehensive overview of how this iconic novel became an international phenomenon that has managed to sustain the public's interest for 75 years. It tells how Mitchell's
In this daring and provocative literary parody which has captured the interest and imagination of a nation, Alice Randall explodes the world created in GONE WITH THE WIND, a work that more than any ot
Gone with the Wind (1939) is one of the greatest films of all time - the best-known of Hollywood's Golden Age and a work that has, in popular imagination, defined southern American history for three-q
Margaret Mitchell's epic novel of love and war won the Pulitzer Prize and went on to give rise to two authorized sequels and one of the most popular and celebrated movies of all time. Many novels have
Margaret Mitchell's epic novel of love and war won the Pulitzer Prize and went on to give rise to two authorized sequels and one of the most popular and celebrated movies of all time. Many novels have
The pampered daughter of a wealthy Georgian plantation owner of Irish descent, sixteen-year-old Scarlett O'Hara soon realizes that young men can't resist her charms, despite her forthright manners and
At age 75, Gone with the Wind endures magnificently and is often considered one of the best films of all time. Just as LIFE Books did so successfully with 50 years of the James Bond, the editors will
Set against the turbulent backdrop of the Civil War South, the classic story of tempestuous Southern belle Scarlett O'Hara and the dashing Rhett Butler comes to life in a new sixtieth anniversary edit
-- "Gone With The Wind" sold more than 176,000 copies within the first three weeks of its initial publication in 1936. The Warner mass market edition (1993) sold over 330,000 copies. Over 28 million c