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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

How to Eat Weed and Have a Good Time: A Cannabis Cookbook
作者:Vanessa Lavorato  出版社:ATRIA  出版日:2025/04/15 裝訂:精裝
定價:1235 元, 優惠價:79 975
How to Eat (And Still Lose Weight):A Science-backed Guide to Nutrition and Health
作者:Dr Andrew Jenkinson  出版社:Penguin Books Ltd  出版日:2025/01/09 裝訂:平裝
Unlock a better understanding of your brain, body and environment to eat well and lose weight, forever.‘One of Britain’s top weight-loss experts’ This MorningFor years we’ve been told that successful weight loss is a simple matter of willpower and calorie control. But this argument fails to take into account how our brains and bodies respond to food – in particular, to the ultra-processed foods that seem inescapable in modern life.Bariatric surgeon and Sunday Times bestselling author Dr Andrew Jenkinson gives us a game-changing blueprint to free us from our biological impulses. Even though our brains are hardwired to seek out quick rewards in salty and sugary foods, he demonstrates how to escape our default behaviours to create long-lasting change.With cutting edge metabolic science, mental reprogramming strategies, easy lifestyle changes and even delicious recipes, maintaining a healthy weight never felt so good.
定價:604 元, 優惠價:79 477
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat, Vol. 5
作者:Sakaomi Yuzaki; Caleb Cook; Phil Christie  出版社:Yen Pr  出版日:2025/01/21 裝訂:平裝
Nomoto-san and Kasuga-san have decided to live together, but apartment hunting as a same-sex couple has been quite the stormy voyage. Luckily, Yako-san connects them with a realtor that may be able to help—and slowly but surely, the pair move toward their new life together. Meanwhile, Nagumo-san has taken a good look at herself, and she decides to pay a visit to the hospital…
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
Good Little Wolf
作者:Nadia Shireen  出版社:Jonathan Cape UK  出版日:2011/06/02 裝訂:平裝
How to be a Real Wolf:1. Howl at the moon.2. Blow houses in.3. Eat people up. Once upon a time there was a wolf called Rolf - a good little wolf who liked baking cakes and was always kind to his frie
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Kay's Anatomy: A Complete (and Completely Disgusting) Guide to the Human Body (美國版)
作者:Adam Kay  出版社:YEARLING  出版日:2023/07/25 裝訂:平裝
This complete (and completely gross) guide to the human body is the hilarious debut nonfiction children′s book from worldwide bestselling author and former doctor Adam Kay!Do you ever think about your body and how it works? Like really, really think about it? The human body is extraordinary and fascinating and, well . . . pretty weird. Yours is weird, mine is weird, your math teacher′s is even weirder.This book is going to tell you what′s actually going on in there and answer the really important questions, like:Are boogers safe to eat? Look, if your nose is going to all that effort of creating a snack, the least we can do is check out its nutritional value. (Yes, they′re safe. Chew away!)And how much of your life will you spend on the toilet? About a year—so bring a good book. (I recommend this one.)Sit back, relax, put on some rubber gloves, and let a doctor take you on (slightly repulsive) tour of your insides. Welcome to Kay′s Anatomy*.*A fancy word for your body. See, you′re learn
定價:418 元, 優惠價:79 330
Kay's Anatomy: A Complete (and Completely Disgusting) Guide to the Human Body (Longlisted for Blue Peter Book Awards 2022)
作者:Adam Kay; Henry Paker  出版社:Penguin Random House Children's UK  出版日:2021/05/27 裝訂:平裝
Longlisted for Blue Peter Book Awards 2022《Kay的身體百科》是亞當·凱(Adam Kay)幽默又知識豐富的首部兒童書,由喜劇演員亨利·帕克(Henry Paker)插畫,榮登暢銷榜首!這本有趣的解剖學書適合小學和初中生,揭露人體奇妙又詭異的秘密:鼻屎能吃嗎?為何人一生要花一年在廁所?跟隨本書展開一場充滿趣味和「惡趣味」的內臟之旅,笑中學習,樂享知識!Do you ever think about your body and how it all works? Like really properly think about it? The human body is extraordinary and fascinating and, well... pretty weird. Yours is weird, mine is weird, your maths teacher's is even weirder.This book is going to tell you what's actually going on in there, and answer the really important questions, like:Are bogies safe to eat? Look, if your nose is going to all that effort of creating a snack, the least we can do is check out its nutritional value. (Yes, they're safe. Chew away!)and...How much of your life will you spend on the toilet? About a year - so bring a good book. (I recommend this one.)So sit back, relax, put on some rubber gloves, and let a doctor take you on a poo (and puke) filled tour of your insides. Welcome to Kay's Anatomy*.*a fanc
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Dear Beast #4: Simon Sleeps Over
作者:Dori Hillestad Butler  出版社:Holiday House  出版日:2022/02/08 裝訂:平裝
A stuck-up cat and a good-natured dog are pen pals from a distance, until a disastrous sleepover brings them together in this playful illustrated chapter book told in letters. Andy has two pets and two houses: a cat, Simon, at his mom's house and a dog, Baxter, at his dad's house. But when Andy's mom goes on a business trip, Simon must spend a few nights at Andy's dad's house. A sleepover with the beast? Simon says, "No, thank you." Baxter, on the other hand, is sooooo excited to play together. He and Simon can go on walks! Stay up late! Eat liver treats! He can't wait to finally meet his pen pal in person. What could go wrong? The big introduction does NOT go well for these wildly different pets. Simon is so desperate to get back home to his quiet, clean oasis that he escapes through a basement window. Can Baxter convince him to return before Andy notices his beloved cat is gone? This funny and heartwarming collaboration between Geisel Honor and Edgar Award-winning author Dori Hillest
定價:304 元, 優惠價:79 240
Sonny Says Sorry!
作者:Caryl Hart  出版社:Bloomsbury Childrens Books  出版日:2022/08/02 裝訂:精裝
This picture book series―featuring four adorable friends―focuses on relatable social/emotional learning topics.While playing Hide and Seek with his friends, Sonny finds a box. It has a label on it that says “Do not open.” But Sonny really wants to know what’s inside. He pokes the box. Sniffs the box. And when Boo and Meemo come along, Sonny says “Look!” He opens the box, and they peek inside. CAKE!“Yummy!” says Boo. It looks so good, they can’t help it. They eat it.But when Honey comes by, she sees Sonny and Meemo and Boo’s chocolatey hands and faces. “That was my cake!” she cries. What will Sonny and his friends do?Perfect for fans of Salina Yoon, this series by Caryl Hart and bestselling illustrator Zachariah OHora covers universal kid experiences in sweet and funny ways―in this case, saying sorry, and trying to make things right.
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
Bad Kitty's Tasty Treats ─ A Slide and Find ABC
作者:Nick Bruel  出版社:Roaring Brook  出版日:2014/07/22 裝訂:硬頁書
Bad Kitty doesn’t mean to be bad. Whether she’s trying to be a good little kitty and eat her vegetables, or a quiet little kitty and behave, trouble just always find its way to her… Nick Bruel’s lovea
定價:494 元, 優惠價:66 326
Adventures with Germs and Your Health
作者:Boo Benedict Wee Kiat  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2022/04/25 裝訂:平裝
《病菌與你的健康歷險記》是一場身臨其境的接觸,了解在我們生活周圍、身上和內部的微生物,以及它們對我們的生活有什麼影響。細菌如何傳播?感冒和流感有什麼區別?為什麼要注意你吃進去的東西?培養好菌,在疾病大流行中倖存下來,並避免食物中毒的危險!打破一些關於疾病的常見神話,武裝自己對抗癌症!從免疫系統的防禦到藥物的治療效果,以前所未有並令人驚奇的方式感受身體內部的運作!*本書擴增實境(AR)互動功能,需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。Adventures with Germs and Your Health is an immersive encounter with the microorganisms that live around, on and inside us, and their impact on our lives. How do germs travel? What's the difference between a cold and the flu? Why should you watch what you eat? Grow your good bacteria, survive a pandemic, and avoid the perils of food poisoning! Bust some common myths about disease, and arm yourself to fight cancer! From the defences of your immune system to the healing effects of medication, experience the mind-blowing inner workings of your body as never before!
庫存 > 10
定價:270 元, 優惠價:9 243
Adventures with Germs and Your Health精裝
作者:Boo Benedict Wee Kiat  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2022/04/25 裝訂:精裝
《病菌與你的健康歷險記》是一場身臨其境的接觸,了解在我們生活周圍、身上和內部的微生物,以及它們對我們的生活有什麼影響。細菌如何傳播?感冒和流感有什麼區別?為什麼要注意你吃進去的東西?培養好菌,在疾病大流行中倖存下來,並避免食物中毒的危險!打破一些關於疾病的常見神話,武裝自己對抗癌症!從免疫系統的防禦到藥物的治療效果,以前所未有並令人驚奇的方式感受身體內部的運作!*本書擴增實境(AR)互動功能,需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。Adventures with Germs and Your Health is an immersive encounter with the microorganisms that live around, on and inside us, and their impact on our lives. How do germs travel? What's the difference between a cold and the flu? Why should you watch what you eat? Grow your good bacteria, survive a pandemic, and avoid the perils of food poisoning! Bust some common myths about disease, and arm yourself to fight cancer! From the defences of your immune system to the healing effects of medication, experience the mind-blowing inner workings of your body as never before!
庫存 > 10
定價:508 元, 優惠價:9 457
作者:Nigella Lawson  出版社:Vintage Classics UK  出版日:2017/06/08 裝訂:平裝
In this inspiring, witty and eminently sensible book, Nigella Lawson sets out a manifesto for how to cook (and eat) good food every day with a minimum of fuss. From basic roast chicken and pea risotto
定價:219 元, 優惠價:79 173
NG書-City of Girls
作者:Elizabeth Gilbert  出版社:Riverhead Books  出版日:2020/04/07 裝訂:平裝
“Gilbert’s new novel… is a pitch-perfect evocation of the era’s tawdry glamour and a coming-of-age story...” –NY Times Book ReviewFrom the author of Eat Pray Love and The Signature of All Things, a delicious novel of glamour, sex, and adventure, about a young woman discovering that you don’t have to be a good girl to be a good person. An international bestseller now in mass market.
定價:342 元, 優惠價:5 171
#2: The Last Kids on Earth: Zombie Parade (美國版)(平裝本)
作者:Max Brallier; Douglas Holgate  出版社:Viking Pr  出版日:2021/10/26 裝訂:平裝
A Netflix Original series!The second book in the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling series, with over 7 million copies in print!"Terrifyingly fun! Delivers big thrills and even bigger laughs."--Jeff Kinney, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Diary of a Wimpy KidThe zombies are disappearing. This might seem like a good thing, since zombies eat your brains, but normal human kid Jack Sullivan is suspicious. He keeps hearing an eerie shrieking noise that seems to be almost summoning the zombies―but to where, and for what (probably) foul purpose?Jack, his three best friends (maybe the only people left on Earth), and their pet monster Rover need to get to the bottom of this. Along the way they encounter a lot more than they bargained for, including a giant Wormungulous, a pizza parlor monster hangout, an ancient evil who destroys worlds, and a stereo system that is totally the bomb. Can Jack figure out why the zombies are vanishing . . . before he and his
定價:361 元, 優惠價:79 285
Princess Minna 6: The Giant Beanstalk
作者:Kirsty Applebaum; Sahar Haghgoo  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2024/07/04 裝訂:平裝
Princess Minna loves to sort out mix-ups and mishaps in the kingdom! In this full-colour illustrated chapter book, join her on her hilarious adventure up the beanstalk!Princess Minna lives in Castle Tall-Towers with the King and Queen, Raymond the Wizard and her best dragon friend, Lorenzo. There are often mix-ups and mishaps in the kingdom and Princess Minna loves to sort them out!She can tame unicorns, kiss frogs and fight dragons (apart from Lorenzo) and she is very good at fixing things before it’s time for bed.A giant beanstalk has grown up in the kingdom and the giant who lives at the top of it keeps stealing things from the townsfolk! Is Minna brave enough to climb the beanstalk and bring back the stolen things, and will the giant EAT HER if she does?Full of colourful illustrations, these short, funny stories are perfect for readers just moving on from picture books and visual readers.
定價:384 元, 優惠價:75 288
Minecraft: Zombies! (An Official Minecraft Novel 13)(平裝本)
作者:Nick Eliopulos  出版社:Random House US  出版日:2022/07/05 裝訂:平裝
Meet the next big thing in the world of official Minecraft novels: zombies!Looking after a little sibling can be a real headache . . . especially when they’re trying to eat your brains! Life is good for Bobbie in the sleepy village of Plaintown. Sure, her villager parents only ever say “Hrm,” but you pick up the local language quickly. And maybe her little brother, Johnny, is always getting into trouble, but the village’s iron golem is there to look out for him. And, yeah, things are too busy for exploring when you’re the only one in town who ever takes their hands out of their sleeves. But maybe that’s for the best. After all, there are things out there beyond the torchlight that are better handled by adventurers. But one night, a stranger comes to Plaintown―and he’s followed by a horde of ravenous zombies. Bobbie’s village is overrun, and her world is turned upside down. Life is not so good for Ben, an adventurer with nothing left to his name but the armor on his back. When dawn’s li
定價:608 元, 優惠價:79 480
Dream on
作者:Sarah Mlynowski; Emily Eiden (NRT)  出版社:Brilliance Audio  出版日:2015/06/19 裝訂:有聲書
Good night, sleep tight,Don't let the magic mirror bite.... My friend Robin and I were going to have the best sleepover ever. We'd stay up late, eat s'mores, share secrets—and NOT knock on my magic mi
定價:380 元, 優惠價:66 250
The Gruffalo (平裝本)(美國版)
作者:Julia Donaldson; Axel Scheffler  出版社:Penguin Group USA  出版日:2006/03/02 裝訂:平裝
A mouse is taking a stroll through the deep, dark wood when along comes a hungry fox, then an owl, and then a snake. The mouse is good enough to eat but smart enough to know this, so he invents . . .
庫存 > 10
定價:280 元, 優惠價:79 221
Nature Matters: Leopard Doesn't Waste Food
作者:Sue Graves; Trevor Dunton  出版社:Hachette Children's Group  出版日:2025/03/13 裝訂:精裝
Picture book story which offers a gentle introduction to the concept of reducing food waste for young children, perfect for supporting PSHE learningLeopard Doesn't Waste Food offers a gentle introduction to the concept of not wasting food for young children.In this humorous story, Leopard often throws away food. He sometimes takes too much, or he doesn't store it carefully and then doesn't want to eat it. But after a day on the farm and Wolf's party, he wants to make a change!This charming book is the perfect way to introduce young children to the concept of food waste. Also included are suggestions for activities and ideas to talk through together to help children understand the concept.The Nature Matters series of picture books provide a gentle means of promoting concepts of environmental issues, boosting self-esteem and reinforcing good behaviour. Supports the Personal, Social and Emotional Development Area of Learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage, and is also suitable for us
定價:779 元, 優惠價:79 615
I am Reading:Brown Bear Gets in Shape /Friends Forever/ Grandad's Dinosaur(三書+1CD)
作者:Alan Durant; Sally Grindley; Brough Girling  出版社:Macmillan Children's Books UK  出版日:2012/07/05 裝訂:有聲書
I Am Reading with CD: Brown Bear Gets In ShapeBrown Bear is alarmed when he discovers he can't see his feet . . .Poor Brown Bear's tummy is sticking out! He decides to change his shape and asks Bunny and Chimp what they eat. But lettuce, carrots and bananas don't agree with Brown Bear. He wonders whether exercise might be the answer, but - Crack! Crunch! Crash! - swinging through the trees isn't such a good idea! Brown Bear is sadder than ever, until his friends reassure him that bears are supposed to be round - he's the perfect shape and size! The I AM READING series provides just the right balance of challenge and support for newly independent readers.Large, easy-to-read type, satisfying stories by top writers and cheerful full-colour pictures help children make the transition from picture books to chapter books. Each book includes a bookmark flap, tips for beginner readers and either short, numbered chapters or two short stories.I Am Reading with CD: Friends ForeverFiggy Twosocks is
定價:1098 元, 優惠價:79 867
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