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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:加藤史子  出版社:幸福文化  出版日:2022/03/30 裝訂:平裝
★ 作者繼暢銷書>之後,再度推出實用的心靈指引專書。★ 面對新冠壓力症候群、新冠憂鬱症爆增,現在正需要「受挫心靈」的特效藥。★ 從「不安、恐懼」走向「人生新階段」的七種有效方法。★史蒂芬.賈伯斯、比爾.蓋茲及鈴木一朗,都將冥想融入日常生活中,瞬間找回內心的平靜。★掃描QRCODE,每天隨著聲音引導進行冥想練習,幫助自己走出困難。現在你內心的受傷程度是幾%?就算絕望也沒關係。 想哭的時候,放聲大哭也無妨。 覺得痛苦時,軟弱地承認「我很痛苦」也無所謂。 希望別人幫助的話,請別人「幫幫自己」也可以。沮喪或煩惱的事情,都不是壞事。不管你現在心情如何,都要好好珍惜。好好擁抱自己。因為這會成為你從困難中站起來的起跑點……。作者作為心理治療師和美國NLP協會認證的治療師,以通俗易懂的方式介紹了七種心理治療法,當你害怕感染,遭遇生活和交流的不便,對就業和收入感到焦慮……,有一些方法可以讓你在面臨各種壓力、心都要碎的時候,有勇氣恢復頭腦清醒,走向未來。 ◤當你身處的環境是「不安、恐懼的階段」,也正是從重大困境中邁向「學習與成長的階段」。◢★精選「受挫心靈」的特效藥:․「神奇的呼吸法」,屬於冥想的一種,能讓心情平靜下來。․將「注意力放在臍下丹田」,還有助於拋開心中雜念。․內心感到痛苦時,用「瑟多納釋放法」反覆提出5個問題,能讓自己內心放鬆下來。․感覺不安或恐懼擴大時,請將「正向語言」當作護身符唸出來,能夠找回你原來的力量。․向自己提問「積極問題」,讓自己的心情能夠轉為勇敢向前。․運用「3人導師法」,選出來的幾名導師,一定會帶給你向前進的建言與勇氣。․運用「換標籤法」,我們都會成為自己相信的那種人。․利用「內心的微笑冥想法」,提升免疫力,學習及工作的成果也一定會更加提升。․利用「大自然的愛冥想法」,內心會充滿愛,使身體漸漸強健起來。․透過「反映式傾聽」,幫助家人或重要的人點出解決對策。․相信「百分之百一定會實現」。․「虛擬時光機」,會讓人湧現力量進一步敢於挑戰。本書是疫情後重拾希望的心靈良藥,獻給同樣身陷在困難中的你。◤這七種方法,不管你未來遇到任何事情,都能幫助你重新站起來,找到最理想的康莊大道。◢
定價:350 元, 優惠價:9 315
Thinking Heart The
出版社:PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE USA  出版日:2025/01/14 裝訂:平裝
定價:715 元, 優惠價:95 679
Homecomings 重返詩鈔(簡體書)
作者:王潤華  出版社:八方文化創作室  出版日:2023/11/27 裝訂:平裝
Can we ever go home again? This question lies at the heart of Homecomings by Wong Yoon Wah, a veteran Singaporean poet and a prominent voice in global Chinese literature.In these poems, Wong delves into his country’s precolonial and colonial history, the natural heritage of the rainforest, his memories of his kampung hometown, his heartbreak at the closure of Nanyang University, and the global traumas of European colonisation and the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.He expresses the loneliness and dislocation of the Chinese diaspora, as well as the sorrow of his generation as so many of their cultural touchstones are destroyed in the name of progress. At the same time, he embraces a planetary mode of thinking, sensing rapport with fellow humans from distant cultures and geographies, identifying even with the plants and animals that compose our ecosystem.Filled with nostalgia, bitter irony and strange beauty, Homecomings is a love letter to the past, revisiting its glories, making peace with t
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定價:400 元, 優惠價:9 360
作者:Thao Lam  出版社:Owlkids  出版日:2018/04/15 裝訂:精裝
New from the creator of Skunk on a String comes Wallpaper, a wordless picture book in Thao Lam’s signature paper collage style. It tells the story of a young girl whose family moves into a new house. Outside, she can hear other kids playing, but she’s too shy to say hello. So she picks at the old wallpaper in her room—revealing an entryway to a fantastic imaginary adventure world behind the walls.There, she runs between the vibrant and varied environments—surrounded by birds, swimming in a frog pond, in a herd of art-deco sheep—as she finds herself chased by a monster. He is frightening at first, until it becomes clear he simply wants to be her friend. When it comes time to go back to reality, the girl feels inspired with the courage to approach the other kids and say hello.Full of humor and heart, this book delivers exquisite illustrations in a lively fantasy narrative that will inspire thinking about bravery and overcoming obstacles.
定價:720 元, 優惠價:1 720
Sir Ladybug (Book 1)(graphic novel)
作者:Corey R. Tabor  出版社:Balzer & Bray  出版日:2022/03/29 裝訂:精裝
From Geisel Award-winning author-illustrator Corey R. Tabor comes a fresh and funny young graphic novel series sure to delight readers. Perfect for fans of Catwad, Bird & Squirrel, and Narwhal & Jelly.Ladies and gentlebugs, presenting the duke of the dandelion patch, champion of truth and justice, the one, the only--Sir Ladybug!Sir Ladybug never shies away from a quest, even when he'd rather be playing a video game or baking a cake. So when a caterpillar needs rescuing from a "monster" (a hungry chickadee), Sir Ladybug and his trusty friends--his herald, a roly-poly named Pell, and his squire, a snail named Sterling--hatch the perfect (delicious) plan.This is the first in a new graphic novel series for newly independent readers, following the adventures of a ladybug knight and his pals in the dandelion patch.Woven seamlessly into this funny and surprising story are the themes of friendship, bravery, teamwork, creative thinking, and helping others. With warmth and heart, surpris
定價:570 元, 優惠價:79 450
Sir Ladybug and the Queen Bee (Book 2)(graphic novel)
作者:Corey R. Tabor  出版社:Balzer & Bray  出版日:2022/06/28 裝訂:精裝
The second adventure in the fresh and funny Sir Ladybug young graphic novel series, from Caldecott Honor and two-time Geisel Award-winning author-illustrator Corey Tabor. Perfect for fans of Catwad, Bird & Squirrel, and Narwhal & Jelly.Sir Ladybug--the duke of the dandelion patch, champion of truth and justice--is on a new quest! He and his herald, Pell, and his trusty squire, Sterling, will have to be extra-clever to outwit the mean Queen Bee.Woven seamlessly into this funny and surprising story are the themes of friendship, bravery, teamwork, creative thinking, and helping others. With warmth and heart, surprising and delightful asides, and a memorable cast of characters, this series will appeal to avid and reluctant readers alike.Sir Ladybug, the first book in the series, was welcomed by Publishers Weekly in a starred review: Tabor's friend-forward graphic novel series opener is an ensemble comedy starring Sir Ladybug as the proverbial gentle knight. The story's themes of fr
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
作者:加藤史子  出版社:幸福文化  出版日:2022/03/30 裝訂:平裝
★★★年度必讀․改變人生冥想套書★★★☆國際成功人士都在進行的冥想法。☆透過每天幾分鐘的練習,就能看見改變人生的力量。☆即使身陷困難、不安、憂慮中,也能幫助你看見嶄新的未來。 ●《改變人生的冥想習慣:每天3分鐘練習,找回自癒力,看見強大的變化》內容簡介▃掃描QRCODE,每天隨著聲音引導進行冥想練習。▃消除壓力、不安、疲勞,使你隨心所欲掌控心靈,實現夢想。1天3分鐘就能「改變人生」。▃賈伯斯、比爾蓋茲、女神卡卡、妮可基嫚及李察吉爾都身體力行的成功人生冥想法。不用坐禪,更不需要特別場所,搭車期間也能做,且效果立現,隨時隨地都能想做就做的冥想法。摒除壓力來源的雜念,將帶來驚人的成果,讓你每天都有「好事降臨」! ★冥想具有足以讓人生劇戲性改變的力量。.身心都不易疲累,變得更有活力。.思緒清晰,判斷力提升,疏失減少。.情緒不受動搖,人際關係的困擾及問題也減少了。最後壓力將會減輕。.擁有專注力,可有效善用時間,工作順利進展,不再被時間追著跑。最終就能在工作或讀書方面功成名就。.人生不再迷惘,每天都能過得非常充實。★32個「不同處境」下想做就做得到的改變內心冥想法˙善用早晨的1分鐘˙在開始工作之前˙開會的前一刻˙談生意前或商談前˙發表簡報前˙處理客訴時˙交易或商談不順利時˙失敗時˙遭受上司或客戶責罵時˙心情煩躁時˙沮喪時或受挫時˙下班回家˙從工作回歸家庭時˙睡覺前˙覺得「自己就是不行……」陷入自我否定時˙午休時˙心很累時˙自己做不到而自我嫌棄時˙害怕失敗時˙早上起床很痛苦時˙早上再怎麼努力也爬不起來時˙不想上班時˙遇到不合理的要求時˙感覺寂寞或孤單時˙害怕他人眼光或評價時˙不敢與人碰面時˙心情低落時˙情緒不穩定心浮氣躁時˙怒氣無法平息時˙對未來感到茫然不安時˙搞不懂「為什麼唯獨自己會碰上這種事」時˙遭遇超乎預期的問題感到痛苦不堪時★成功人生都在實行的各種冥想法> 簡易「1分鐘」冥想法>3分鐘「徹底融入大自然」冥想法>深度省思療癒內心的「花冥想」>思慮過多輾轉難寐時的「瑟多納釋放法」>從大地充飽能量的「接地冥想」>20分鐘的「SOHAM」冥想>發現自己人生任務的「靈境追尋」>將「怦然心動的源頭」視為生存意義的冥想>「盤點個人人生」的冥想>「在人生低谷發現天命」的冥想>聖人賢士都在做的「提問冥想」●《走出困難的冥想
定價:700 元, 優惠價:9 630
作者:John Mason  出版社:Pearson P T R  出版日:1982/06/01 裝訂:平裝
Thinking Mathematically unfolds the processes which lie at the heart of mathematics. It demonstrates how to encourage, develop, and foster the processes which seem to come naturally to mathematicians.
定價:680 元, 優惠價:1 680
Heart to Heart
作者:Kayla Perrin  出版社:Harlequin Books  出版日:2012/06/19 裝訂:平裝
With her recording career on the slide, Deanna Hart heads home to Cleveland to search for new inspiration. What she finds is a man who has never stopped thinking about her. Eric Bell is now the princi
定價:238 元, 優惠價:79 188
Matters of the Heart ─ Stop Trying to Fix the Old , Let God Give You Something New
作者:Juanita Bynum  出版社:Charisma Media  出版日:2002/10/01 裝訂:平裝
God began to deal with me...As the tears rolled down my face, God said, You are thinking like a man. You are always concerned about the outward appearance...but what is the condition of your heart tow
定價:630 元, 優惠價:1 630
Destroy This Journal: wreck this journal, Burn it, Break it, Fun activities for thinking, writing, drawing ......., Journal For Teens, Girls
作者:White Heart  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2020/12/04 裝訂:平裝
定價:336 元, 優惠價:1 336
作者:Kru Harale  出版社:BOOKLEAF PUB  出版日:2024/04/29 裝訂:平裝
定價:400 元, 優惠價:1 400
The Thinking Heart
作者:Martin Steingesser  出版社:Deerbrook Editions  出版日:2012/05/30 裝訂:平裝
Poetry. Jewish Studies. THE THINKING HEART is a performance piece in two voices, with cello, based on the journal and letters of Etty Hillesum, a Dutch woman who lived in Amsterdam during the Nazi occ
定價:696 元, 優惠價:1 696
Heart-oriented Thinking
作者:Sonia Easley  出版社:Authorhouse  出版日:2010/07/29 裝訂:平裝
定價:876 元, 優惠價:1 876
Heart-oriented Thinking
作者:Sonia Easley  出版社:Authorhouse  出版日:2010/07/29 裝訂:精裝
定價:1460 元, 優惠價:1 1460
Thinking Out Loud ─ Poems from the Heart
作者:Arlene Baptiste  出版社:Authorhouse  出版日:2009/10/07 裝訂:平裝
定價:852 元, 優惠價:1 852
作者:Jacek Dabala  出版社:PETER LANG GMBH & INTERNATIONA  出版日:2021/04/21 裝訂:精裝
定價:2841 元, 優惠價:1 2841
Music at the Heart of Thinking
作者:Fred Wah  出版社:Talonbooks Ltd  出版日:2020/10/27 裝訂:平裝
定價:948 元, 優惠價:1 948
Pink Emotions: Thinking from a Pink Heart
作者:Pink And Pearls for Girls Incorporated  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2022/12/30 裝訂:平裝
定價:720 元, 優惠價:1 720
作者:Peter Zumthor  出版社:Actarbirkhauser  出版日:2010/09/01 裝訂:精裝
The Pritzker-winning architect offers insight into what motivates his design process, explaining how he creates environments that appeal to a visitor's heart and mind in different ways while instillin
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