A group of musicians are travelling to a cafe for a surprise celebration. Press the buttons to hear them play their instruments . And join in with the band to wish one very special little otter a very Happy Birthday! With a flute, guitar, violin and piano, plus a rousing 'big band' chorus AND a splendid light-up birthday cake ending, this delightful little book makes the perfect birthday gift.商品除瑕疵品外,恕不接受退換貨 因拍攝略有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準
A fun series of bright, slider board books featuring perennially popular nursery rhymes bursts with energy and cheering illustrations.Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Each book comes with five slider mechanisms, and both an instrumental and vocal version of the nursery rhyme - simply scan the QR code on the first page for little ones to listen and sing along!
An adorable Sing-Along board book story, with five robust board sliders - easy for little hands to use! Each board book comes with a free instrumental and vocal version of the nursery rhyme - simply scan the QR code for little ones to listen and sing along!With bright illustrations this series make the perfect gift for a baby or toddler! It's Little Rabbit's special day - and he needs help to open his presents, blow out his candles and welcome some very exciting visitors! A cute and interactive story that all little rabbits will love. There are loads of titles to collect... Sing Along with Me! The Wheels on the BusSing Along with Me! If You're Happy and You Know itSing Along with Me! Old Macdonald Had a FarmSing Along with Me! Row, Row, Row Your Boat ...and many more!
9780857639509 Happy Birthday to You! (硬頁音效書) A group of musicians are travelling to a cafe for a surprise celebration. Press the buttons to hear them play their instruments .And join in with the band to wish one very special little otter a very Happy Birthday! With a flute, guitar, violin and piano, plus a rousing 'big band' chorus AND a splendid light-up birthday cake ending, this delightful little book makes the perfect birthday gift.9781788003407 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (硬頁音效書) Join the merry musicians as they journey to the festival, practising their instruments along the way. Then sing along with the band as they all play together! Nicola Slater’s delightful illustrations, and real instrumental music make this sound-button board book totally irresistible.9781788007665 Jingle Bells-with a light-up star! (硬頁音效書) Interactive board book edition of everyone's favourite Christmas song! Follows the success of Happy Birthday to You! and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.With a sound button
9781788007672 Sing Along With Me! A Sailor Went to Sea (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781839942693 Sing Along With Me! Baa Baa Black Sheep (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788007610 Sing Along With Me! Five Little Ducks (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788007627 Sing Along With Me! Happy Birthday (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788007450 Sing Along With Me! Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788007580 Sing Along With Me! Hey Diddle Diddle (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788008273 Sing Along With Me! Hickory Dickory Dock (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788008501 Sing Along With Me! If You're Happy and You Know It (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788007542 Sing Along With Me! Incy Wincy Spider (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788003377 Sing Along With Me! Jingle Bells (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788007467 Sing Along With Me! Old Macdonald Had a Farm (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788007573 Sing Along With Me! Row, Row, Row Your Boat (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788007566 Sing Along With Me! Sleeping Bunnies (硬頁
熱銷全球15個國家,最有趣的學習遊戲繪本!一起來翻翻看、猜猜看、數數看!聰明寶寶認知翻翻書,是一套好玩有趣的互動遊戲繪本,讓孩子動動腦,也動動小手,激發創意與好奇心!現在就跟著各式各樣的可愛動物,一起認識多彩多姿的世界吧!認知觀察《是誰在打呵欠?》跟著動物們一起乖乖睡覺吧!上床睡覺的時間到囉!小兔子有點累了,你有發現嗎?快看,牠正在打呵欠呢!你覺得牠的呵欠聲音是什麼呢?所有的小動物也都在輕輕的、慢慢的打呵欠……小朋友,你也累了嗎?翻一翻,看看動物們的嘴巴裡長什麼樣子?猜一猜,有哪些動物也想要睡覺了呢?數一數,小動物的嘴巴裡有幾顆牙齒?探索顏色《小變色龍變變變》跟著小變色龍一起認識顏色吧!渾身黑色的小變色龍一直以為世界上只有黑色和白色,直到有一天,他仔細觀察才發現,原來動物世界充滿各種顏色,每當牠發現一個新的顏色,身體就會多增加一種顏色。而紫色,澈底改變了小變色龍的世界,牠到底看到了什麼呢?猜一猜,小變色龍看到什麼顏色?是什麼動物呢?翻一翻,你猜對了嗎?數數學習《海馬寶寶在哪裡?》跟著海馬爸爸一起學數數吧!海馬爸爸很喜歡他的寶寶,每天睡覺前都會點點名。他找遍了珊瑚、貝殼和海底下的岩石,都只找到其他動物寶寶……你能替海馬爸爸找到第10隻海馬寶寶嗎?翻一翻,跟著海馬爸爸找找看海馬寶寶在哪裡?猜一猜,這次岩石背後會有海馬寶寶嗎?還是其他的動物呢?數一數,能幫海馬爸爸數數看這些動物有幾隻嗎?加贈《按按有聲音樂書:Happy birthday to you生日快樂》按一按,聽一聽!朗朗上口的童謠旋律,搭配書中英語歌詞學習,激發孩子聽覺與視覺發展,一起聽音樂學英文吧!影片介紹:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODWxmx658yk本書特色★圓角裁切,安全好操作貼心圓角設計,讓孩子安全好操作。★最有趣的學習遊戲繪本翻頁+拉頁+書頁挖洞設計,除了讓孩子動動小指頭,也能動動腦,激發孩子的想像力,讓閱讀更好玩。★認識動物、顏色、數字Anita Bijsterbosch設計一系列學習遊戲書籍,一邊閱讀,一邊翻翻看、猜猜看、數數看,讓這套「聰明寶寶認知翻翻書」,帶領孩子探索顏色、學習數數、認識各式各樣的可愛動物!★文字搭配注音、插圖色彩鮮明色彩鮮明的插圖,搭配活潑、可愛的字體,並在文字旁加上注音,除了能夠吸引注意力,還能讓有學習注音的學齡前兒
Interactive board book edition of everyone's favourite Christmas song Follows the success of Happy Birthday to You! and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star With a sound button to press on every spread and a light-up star surprise!
Today is your birthday! Today you are you!...There is no one alive that is you-er than you!Six pages of rollicking pop-ups animate this simple adaptation of the Dr. Seuss classic. It's the best-of-the
Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! Since 1959, Happy Birthday to You!—Dr. Seuss’s joyous ode to individuality—has allowed readers to experience f
This birthday-themed Step 2 deluxe Step into Reading leveled reader features the characters from Nickelodeon's Shimmer and Shine--plus a glitter cover and shiny stickers!Nickelodeon's Shimmer and Shin
The original birthday song is now the perfect gift book. There's nothing more special than a child's birthday, and now instead of a card, kids can receive this book featuring the original "Happy Birth
Written and illustrated by the one and only Dr. Seuss. Introducing a host of zany creatures and wacky situations, this charming tale looks at all the wonderful things that children get up to on their
Discover all of the wonderful things that children get up to on their birthdays in the imaginary land of Katroo in this magical Dr. Seuss classic. Introducing a host of zany creatures and wacky situat