Injured mammalian hearts do not regenerate but scar. This is a major medical problem, as ischemic heart disease is among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Essential clues for hu
This book offers readers a comprehensive biomaterials-based approach to achieving clinically successful, functionally integrated vasculogenesis and myogenesis in the heart. Coverage is multidisciplina
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United Kingdom and the United States. Advanced cell therapies, tissue engineering and biomaterials technologies now offer the potential to reverse th
This book provides an update of recent advances in the basic and clinical applications of cell-based therapies for myocardial repair and regeneration in ischemic heart disease (IHD) and heart failure
Here, an array of talented researchers covers our current state of knowledge in this exciting field. Four sections cover applications of stem cell techniques to mechanical regeneration, electrical reg
This book explores the processes of community, regeneration, relationality and affect in a small Welsh town after the closure of its iron and steel works - an industry at the heart of this community.