On board the whaling ship Pequod a crew of wise men and fools, renegades and seeming phantoms is hurled through treacherous seas by crazed Captain Ahab, a man hell-bent on hunting down the mythic Whit
SHARPE IS BACK.The global bestseller Bernard Cornwell returns with his iconic hero, Richard Sharpe.Lieutenant-Colonel Sharpe is a man with a reputation. Born in the gutter, raised a foundling, he joined the army twenty-one years ago, and it’s been his home ever since. He’s a loose cannon, but his unconventional methods make him a valuable weapon. So when, the dust still settling after the Battle of Waterloo, the Duke of Wellington needs a favour, he turns to Sharpe. For Wellington knows that the end of one war is only the beginning of another. Napoleon's army may be defeated, but another enemy lies waiting in the shadows – a secretive group of fanatical revolutionaries hell-bent on revenge. Sharpe is dispatched to a new battleground: the maze of Paris streets where lines blur between friend and foe. And in search of a spy, he will have to defeat a lethal assassin determined to kill his target or die trying . . .SHARPE’S ASSASSIN is the brand new novel in the bestselling hist
Author Benjamin Lorr wandered into a yoga studio—and fell down a rabbit holeHell-Bent explores a fascinating, often surreal world at the extremes of American yoga. Benjamin Lorr walked into his first
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Instead of the deadly force it once was, magic is now a useless novelty. But not for Shame Flynn and Terric Conley, ?breakers” who have the gift for reverting magic back to its full-throttle power. In
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During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries priests from the Tateyama mountain area (Toyama Prefecture) brought paintings of the mountain, called Tateyama mandara, on campaigns throughout Japan tha