A nonsense verse that continues where the popular nursery rhyme leaves off follows the adventures and frolics of the energetic mouse through another eleven hours
In this entertaining retelling of the traditional nursery song, the mouse is only one of many animals to climb the clock. Who slides up at three o'clock, and who will bounce up at ten? Look through th
Retells the classic nursery song, describing various animals climbing the clock at different times, in a text that features die-cut holes revealing a portion of the next page.
Retells the classic nursery song, describing various animals climbing the clock at different times, in a text that features die-cut holes revealing a portion of the next page.
This series of bright, slider board books, featuring perennially popular nursery rhymes, bursts with energy and cheering illustrations. Each book comes with five slider mechanisms, and both an instrum
9781788007672 Sing Along With Me! A Sailor Went to Sea (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781839942693 Sing Along With Me! Baa Baa Black Sheep (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788007610 Sing Along With Me! Five Little Ducks (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788007627 Sing Along With Me! Happy Birthday (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788007450 Sing Along With Me! Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788007580 Sing Along With Me! Hey Diddle Diddle (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788008273 Sing Along With Me! Hickory Dickory Dock (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788008501 Sing Along With Me! If You're Happy and You Know It (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788007542 Sing Along With Me! Incy Wincy Spider (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788003377 Sing Along With Me! Jingle Bells (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788007467 Sing Along With Me! Old Macdonald Had a Farm (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788007573 Sing Along With Me! Row, Row, Row Your Boat (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788007566 Sing Along With Me! Sleeping Bunnies (硬頁
Sing Along With Me! Hey Diddle Diddle (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)Sing Along With Me! Hickory Dickory Dock (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)Sing Along With Me! Sleeping Bunnies (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)Sing Along With Me! This is the Way We Go to School (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)
手眼協調x音樂啟蒙x英文啟蒙x視覺發展x親子互動隨點隨聽,走到哪,唱到哪!寶寶小手輕輕點一點圓形按紐,聽一聽6首英文兒歌!每一首兒歌均搭配可愛動畫,掃一掃QR code,畫面動起來了!啟發寶寶的視覺、聽覺與音樂素養,快來一起歌唱吧!【英文兒歌曲目】Hickory Dickory DockWheels On The BusMary Had a Little LambThe Muffin ManRain Rain Go AwayABC Song※本書附鈕扣電池LR1130三顆。產品介紹影片:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D99eneXcSlw本書特色:✓手眼協調:搭配繪本歌詞,點選兒歌,跟著音樂一起動次動!✓音樂啟蒙:聆聽並感受旋律,啟發寶寶對音樂的節奏感!✓英文啟蒙:精選經典的英文兒歌,啟蒙寶寶的英文語感!✓視覺發展:色彩繽紛的配色與生動活潑的插圖,搭配可愛動畫,刺激寶寶對畫面的想像力!✓親子互動:寓教於樂,增進親子情誼。
Retells the classic nursery song, describing various animals climbing the clock at different times, in a text that features die-cut holes revealing a portion of the next page.
In the successful tradition of This Little Piggy Went to Market and Pat-a-Cake, here is a new Nursery Rhyme Play-Along Classica joy to read aloud, to feast the eyes, to chant together, and to use in i
Hickory Dickory Dock retells and reinvents the famous rhyme using new, imaginative an inspiring illustrations by Clare Fennell. The delightful rhyme and rhythm of the poem makes it a classic that chil
A classic Poirot mystery read by Hugh Fraser. Beautifully re-packaged with stunning new cover illustrations and design that rival some of the best jackets and audio collections out there! The group
This is a beautiful collection of best-loved nursery rhymes that's perfect for sharing with toddlers. With a squishy padded cover, lots of touch-and-feel textures inside and easy-to-turn pages for lit