Hogan’s Heroes originally aired between 1965 and 1971 on CBS, corresponding to the most uncertain years of America’s involvement in the Vietnam War. In an era when attitudes about the military, patrio
Robert Clary is best known for his portrayal of the spirited Corporal Louis Lebeau on the popular television series Hogan's Heroes (on the air from 1965 to 1971 and widely syndicated around the globe)
On June 29, 1978, Bob Crane, known to Hogan's Heroes fans as Colonel Hogan, was discovered brutally murdered in his Scottsdale, Arizona, apartment. His eldest son, Robert Crane, was called to the cri
Stalag 17, the German prisoner of war camp of Hogan's Heroes fame, held American airmen POWs in World War II. In introducing their accounts of survival, Sloan (English, Miami U., Ohio) relates how her
The only cartoon strip to focus on life after kids, pets, and a career, The Elderberries is Hogan's Heroes set in a retirement community.As more than a third of our nation's population strolls into se
On June 29, 1978, Bob Crane, known to Hogan's Heroes fans as Colonel Hogan, was discovered brutally murdered in his Scottsdale, Arizona, apartment. His eldest son, Robert Crane, was called in to ident