人類是如何發現黑洞的存在?黑洞真的完全是黑的?物質掉進黑洞會怎樣?如果一個黑洞掉入另一個黑洞,又會發生什麼事?打開牛津大學出版社最受歡迎通識讀本,用最簡明的方式破解黑洞之謎。「黑洞」是宇宙中最奇特的天體之一,也是人類想像力的極限之地。其神祕危險又充滿吸引力的形象,讓人們認為只要揭開黑洞之謎,就能找到關於宇宙形成的終極答案。本書從黑洞的形成與擴張、黑洞的本質與特徵開始說起,帶你穿梭各個星系,觀賞超巨大的「怪獸」黑洞與其引發的各種奇異現象,介紹與黑洞相關的理論基礎與研究發展。你將在超乎想像的遊歷過程中,了解宇宙中最迷人的天體。【你是知識控嗎?關於牛津通識課】用最簡明直白的方式,了解現代人最需要知道的大問題。牛津通識課(Very Short Introductions,簡稱VSI)是英國牛津大學出版社(Oxford University Press)的系列叢書,秉持「為所有讀者提供一個可讀性強且包羅萬千的工具書圖書館」的信念,於1995年首次推出,多年來已出版近700本讀物,內容涉及歷史、神學、藝術、哲學、文學、醫學、自然科學、政治等數十多種領域。每一本書對應一個主題,由該領域公認的專家撰寫,篇幅簡潔精煉,並提供進一步深度閱讀的建議,確保讀者讀完後能建立該主題的專業級知識框架。
Maximize your students’ reading experience by providing activities that foster comprehension and reinforce understanding of literary elements. Activities for each section allow students to process por
As further evidence of his family's bad fortune, which they attribute to a curse on a distant relative, Stanley Yelnats is sent to a hellish boys' juvenile detention center in the Texas desert. As pun
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Retells the classic nursery song, describing various animals climbing the clock at different times, in a text that features die-cut holes revealing a portion of the next page.
"I'm BORED!" wails a little girl after her screen time is cut short. "That's great!" her dad says with a grin. "Being bored comes right before having a Really Good Idea." After an initial protest, the little girl dives into her imagination, and takes the reader with her on a whirlwind ride of pure fun. A cardboard box becomes a magical train, the washing machine inspires an imaginary trip into space, a scribbly doodle becomes a hungry spaghetti monster, and ants in the garden lead her into an escapade in the Funny Bug Circus. In a world where children can find entertainment at the touch of a button, it's ever-more important that they have time to be bored - because that's where they have the space to come up with their own Really Good Ideas.
Newbery Medal WinnerNational Book Award WinnderTime Magazine's Best YA Books of All TimeStanley Yelnats is under a curse. A curse that began with his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather and has since followed generations of Yelnats. Now Stanley has been unjustly sent to a boys' detention center, Camp Green Lake, where the warden makes the boys "build character" by spending all day, every day, digging holes: five feet wide and five feet deep. It doesn't take long for Stanley to realize there's more than character improvement going on at Camp Green Lake. The boys are digging holes because the warden is looking for something. Stanley tries to dig up the truth in this inventive and darkly humorous tale of crime and punishment—and redemption.