Advice from a Japanese Authority on Immuno-Oncology about howto Enhance Your Immunity Swiftly and Build a Robust BodyImmune Deficiency, Antineoplastic Drugs, and Radiotherapy Are Unfavorable for Cancer TreatmentThe First Ever Exposition of “Hydrogen Immunotherapy”.The Globally First Attempt to Fight Cancer by the Application of Hydrogen, with over 400 Evidence-Based Cases Included.Significant Prolongation of the Life Expectancy of Many End-Stage and Recurrent Cancer PatientsHydrogen Activates Human Immune Cells!The probability of developing cancer has increased significantly with the extension of the average human lifespan. There is an increasing number of literature demonstrating the diverse bioactivities inducible by oxyhydrogen inhalation, including anti-inflammatory, anti-reactive oxygen species (ROS), and antineoplastic effects.Evidence has also suggested that hydrogen may be used to mitigate the side effects of traditional chemotherapy, or to inhibit the growth of cancer cells a
★ 超人氣醫師、《星期日泰晤士報》暢銷作者最新力作! ★★ 英國亞馬遜、《星期日泰晤士報》暢銷榜Top 1,讀者高分推薦! ★#被譽為英國最有影響力的醫生之一#著有3本《星期日泰晤士報》暢銷書#歐洲最高人氣的健康類Podcast節目「Feel Better, Live More」主持人#英國BBC 1家庭醫療節目《Doctor in the House》主持人,平均觀看人次達500萬#TED演講「Howto Make Diseases Disappear」累積逾570萬觀看有著逾20年全科醫師資深經驗的冉甘.查特吉,致力於改變未來醫學的實踐方式,幫助人們過上更好的生活。而他就快樂對於人體身心的影響,有著長期的觀察和研究。他見證過許多個案被生活壓得喘不過氣、甚至筋疲力盡,臉上只有滿滿的不快樂,進而導致身體也跟著出現狀況。「我們不斷忙著做更多、成為更好的人、獲得更多的東西,忙到都忘記了單純活著的樂趣。」背負著巨大的壓力和疲憊,我們總是想方設法,只為得到一點慰藉、不要讓自己那麼不快樂。但許多看似有用的「方法」,不僅對我們毫無益處,而且很可能會連帶賠掉真正的快樂。在多年的臨床經驗和科學驗證中,查特吉醫師指出快樂其實非常簡單和純粹,只需簡單達到三個條件,就能讓我們收穫恆久、純粹而堅實的快樂——✓心滿意足✓表裡如一✓自主掌控許多被身心問題所苦個案在接納了查特吉醫師的醫囑後,不僅心靈得到療癒,身體狀況也跟著大幅改善。本書提供了超多伸手可及的實用建議,不管你現在是生活很困難,還是只想要過得更快樂一些,只要一點一點地練習,本書都能幫助你鞏固自己的快樂支柱,收穫真正的幸福人生。不必苦苦追尋,也不用枉花金錢,我們需要的所有快樂,早已存在我們心中。幸福推薦侯文詠/人氣作家廖心筠/收納達人各界好評「無論你現在感到多麼快樂,本書都可以讓你的快樂更上一層樓,也能讓你更加堅定。」——菲恩・卡頓Fearne Cotton/BBC當紅女主播「本書對於快樂的本質,以及我們如何收穫快樂,有著透徹的見解。」——麥特・海格Matt Haig/暢銷心靈作家,《活著的理由》、《午夜圖書館》作者「只消微小的改變,本書就能幫助你的生命變得充實無比。」——葛瑞格.麥基昂Gregory McKeown/《紐約時報》暢銷作家,《少,但是更好》、《努力,但不費力》作者本書特色★不用花大錢,也能讓生活過得更棒的10個幸福處方
'A masterclass in howto do children's self help well... the medicine will go down very easily' TELEGRAPHHave you ever met a Problem? They come in all shapes and sizes, and can pop up at the most inconvenient times. But you should know some things about them that will help you make them disappear...This one-of-a-kind picture book will help little ones and grown-ups alike deal with their every day problems, from award-winning children's poet Rachel Rooney and highly acclaimed illustrator Zehra Hicks. For fans of Ed Vere and Kes Gray. Also in the series:The Worrying WorriesThe Fears You Fear
A looking searching puzzle book with many layers and a fantastic read-aloud, as 18 colourful animals do something new on every page - look carefully!Who's hiding? Who's crying? Who's backwards? The answers to these questions are not as simple as they appear. In this sturdy board book edition of bestseller Who's Hiding? 18 colourful animals stand in a row. Something small changes on every double page: animals disappear, turn around, cry or sleep.Young children love spotting the changes and, at the same time, get to know animal names, colours, expressions, emotions and howto count.
From the award-winning author of The Boy at the Back of the Class comes a middle grade novel about the power of hope to sustain even when tragedy strikes. Ten-year-old Aniyah and her little brother Noah find themselves living in foster care after the sudden disappearance of their mum. With her life in disarray, Aniyah knows just one thing for sure: her mum isn't gone forever. Aniyah believes that the people with the brightest hearts never truly disappear. They become stars. When scientists discover a new star acting strangely, Aniyah knows it's really her mum. To make sure everyone else knows, too, she embarks on the adventure of a lifetime--one that involves breaking into the Royal Observatory of London, and meeting the biggest star in Hollywood. This is an honest yet empathetic exploration of how people respond to difficult circumstances, told through the innocent voice of a ten-year-old girl.
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When Helen Daniels from Neighbours died, Robert shut his door on the world. And he's not opened it since. Now his only connection to the outside world is through his younger sister Isla, who looks aft
A sexy road trip thriller following a girl on the run after witnessing—or committing?—a murder and the boy who has been sent to kill her.Nicolette Holland is the girl everyone likes. Up for adventure.
From the author of Between the Notes comes a story that shines a light on our love of social media and how sometimes being the person you think you want to be isn’t as great as being t