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Lydia Edwards (2)
Corey Rosen Schwartz (1)
Elizabeth Melo (1)
Jan Van Coillie (EDT)/ Jack Mcmartin (EDT) (1)
Liz Dean (1)
Suzan Boshouwers/ Marjolein Hund (ILT) (1)
莉蒂亞.愛德華 (1)

Ava Pub Sa (2)
Balboa Pr (1)
Clavis (1)
Fair Winds Pr (1)
Leuven Univ Pr (1)
Little Brown Books for Young Readers (1)
聯經 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:莉蒂亞.愛德華  出版社:聯經  出版日:2022/11/21 裝訂:平裝
揭開西裝筆挺下男子氣概的祕密,一覽四個世紀以來西方男性的服飾潮流, 從三角帽到紅高跟,從領飾巾到連肩袖,從晨禮服外套到馬甲背心, 所有設計、布料、剪裁、細節、風格和流行的發展, 徹底解密服裝的構造、歷史演變和設計靈感來源。 格子呢、花式天鵝絨、泡泡紗、柏林繡、梳毛紗…… 絲袋假髮、腹帶、領飾巾、馬甲背心、馬褲、哥薩克式長褲…… 班揚袍、大禮服外套、晨禮服外套、布蘭登堡大衣、燕尾服…… 奇男子、通心粉男、丹迪男、摩德風、頹廢搖滾、阻特裝…… 假使要看男性是怎麼建構他們自我認知中的「男子漢」,以及女性是怎麼認定何謂「理想」男士形象,最重要的一個指標就是時尚。 透過珍貴藏品照片,93件經典西服精采圖解,一層層揭開俊美西服下的男性本色。 時尚總是在改變,某些新風格與過去的設計截然不同,但更多的情況則是每一年每一年發生一些細微變化,而這種變化有時難以察覺。《古典男服全圖解》綜觀每一段關鍵時期,為每一種新風格提供詳細圖解;對於橫跨四個世紀的男性時尚史這塊少被探索的領域而言,這是一本可信賴的視覺導覽書。 書中每一篇都有彩色歷史服飾圖像與解說,簡介重要特徵,呈現時尚風格如何隨著時間而發展,包括形狀、布料選擇、飾邊與內衣等方面。讀者能了解到服裝的構造,也能知道這些服裝的設計靈感是否來自歷史上某些關鍵時刻。除此之外,讀者還會發現,因應不同場合或穿著者的階級、年齡與社會地位,男裝也會出現不同的種類、剪裁、細部設計,甚至因此而較受歡迎或較不受青睞。 若有人想知道自家衣櫃裡「柴斯特菲爾」與「阿爾斯特」兩種大衣的不同,那這本華美的圖解書就是最理想的工具書,讓讀者能夠具備「解讀」男裝西服的所有必要資訊,無論學生、研究者、或是任何對歷史時尚感興趣的人都可以本書為最佳的指導手冊。 本書特色 縱貫四百年的西方男性時尚史圖鑑。作者依照不同的年代,從古典繪畫及博物館的收藏中,找來許多具代表性的帥氣西服,分析其歷史背景、服裝材質、功能、特殊名詞等等。這本賞心悅目又富含歷史知識的圖鑑,相信喜歡西方歷史劇的影迷、對時尚有興趣的讀者都會獲益良多。 名人推薦 台灣服飾誌╱《福爾摩沙時尚圖鑑》作者 林美香╱國立政治大學歷史系特聘教授 個人意見陳祺勳 許鳯玉╱實踐大學設計學院教授兼院長 各界讚譽 書裡有莉蒂亞‧愛德華精挑細選的插圖與她絕妙的分析,是《古典洋裝全圖解》不可或缺的搭配讀物。男性服飾總是受到忽視,而此書終
定價:550 元, 優惠價:79 434
How to Read a Suit ― A Guide to Changing Men's Fashion from the 17th to the 20th Century
作者:Lydia Edwards  出版社:Ava Pub Sa  出版日:2020/02/06 裝訂:精裝
定價:3876 元, 優惠價:9 3488
How to Read a Suit ― A Guide to Changing Men's Fashion from the 17th to the 20th Century
作者:Lydia Edwards  出版社:Ava Pub Sa  出版日:2020/02/06 裝訂:平裝
Fashion is ever-changing, and while some styles mark a dramatic departure from the past, many exhibit subtle differences from year to year that are not always easily identifiable. With overviews of ea
定價:1404 元, 優惠價:9 1264
Suit Your Self ― A Study Guide to Learning How to Read the Plain Deck of Cards
作者:Elizabeth Melo  出版社:Balboa Pr  出版日:2019/10/04 裝訂:平裝
定價:494 元, 優惠價:1 494
Cold Turkey
作者:Corey Rosen Schwartz  出版社:Little Brown Books for Young Readers  出版日:2021/10/12 裝訂:精裝
The Mitten meets How to Catch a Turkey in this absurd-yet-heartwarming read-aloud that's perfect for Thanksgiving―or anytime you're feeling ch-ch-chilly! Turkey woke up c-c-cold.He wheezed, "It's ten degrees!"I need to b-b-bundle up,before I f-f-freeze!"Sheep is shivering, Chicken is chilly, and Cow is quivering! Lucky for them, bundled-up Turkey is generous and shares his warm clothes with each of his barnyard friends. But once he's down to just his birthday suit, what's a cold turkey to do? (Not to worry―his friends will have him toasty again in no time!)With rollicking rhythm and giggle-inducing illustrations, this heartwarming story of kindness is sure to be a hit with young readers at Thanksgiving, through snowy winter months, and all year-round!
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
Tarot by Numbers: Learn the Codes that Unlock the Meaning of the Cards
作者:Liz Dean  出版社:Fair Winds Pr  出版日:2022/07/05 裝訂:精裝
In Tarot by Numbers, best-selling tarot author, Liz Dean, shows readers a simple and fun method to quickly read the tarot by looking at the card’s number. Do you want to learn tarot, but feel overwhelmed by all the card meanings? Tarot by Numbers teaches you one of the easiest ways to read cards in an instant―to look at each card’s number.Numbers are tarot’s operating system. In a tarot deck, there are 22 major arcana cards numbered 0 to 21, plus four suits of 56 cards, named the minor arcana. Just like playing cards, these minor cards are numbered Ace to 10. Even at a glance, you can see how the Ace might reveal beginnings (the idea) and the Ten, an ending (or ultimate expression of the idea). Combine the numbers with other immediate clues such as the card’s suit (Wands, Cups, Swords, Pentacles), colors, and main image and you will be able to quickly discern the card’s meaning.With Tarot By Numbers, you’ll discover what numbers mean in a reading, along with some professional number te
定價:874 元, 優惠價:79 690
作者:Jan Van Coillie (EDT); Jack Mcmartin (EDT)  出版社:Leuven Univ Pr  出版日:2020/08/15 裝訂:平裝
For many of us, our earliest and most meaningful experiences with literature occur through the medium of a translated children's book. This volume focuses on the complex interplay that happens between text and context when works of children's literature are translated: what contexts of production and reception account for how translated children's books come to be made and read as they are? How are translated children's books adapted to suit the context of a new culture? Spanning the disciplines of Children's Literature Studies and Translation Studies, this book brings together established and emerging voices to provide an overview of the analytical, empirical and geographic richness of current research in this field and to identify and reflect on common insights, analytical perspectives and trajectories for future interdisciplinary research.This volume will appeal to an interdisciplinary audience of scholars and students in Translation Studies and Children's Literature Studies and rel
定價:1770 元, 優惠價:1 1770
作者:Suzan Boshouwers; Marjolein Hund (ILT)  出版社:Clavis  出版日:2015/12/15 裝訂:精裝
Do you want to know everything about knights? In this book, you’ll read about what knights look like and what knights do. What is a suit of armour? How do you become a knight? What does a shield-beare
定價:644 元, 優惠價:79 509



