《Pop! 兒童文學》將亞洲和西方最受歡迎的經典故事,重新改編成易於閱讀的童書系列,為孩子們提供完美的經典故事入門。本套書包含:Malay Annals, The: Attack of the Garfish and Other AdventuresThe Adventures of Sherlock HolmesRamayana: The Quest to Rescue SitaAround t
《Pop! 兒童文學》將亞洲和西方最受歡迎的經典故事,重新改編成易於閱讀的童書系列,為孩子們提供完美的經典故事入門。本套書包含:Malay Annals, The: Attack of the Garfish and Other AdventuresThe Adventures of Sherlock HolmesRamayana: The Quest to Rescue SitaAround t
This pocket-sized paperback is one of the thirty titles published for 2019 Hong Kong International Poetry Nights. The theme of IPHHK2019 is “Speech and Silence”. From 19–24 November 2019, 30 invited p
Celebrates how the sun's warmth and light travels through space to help plants grow and turn carbon dioxide into breathable oxygen, and describes other ways the sun helps the living things on planet E
【本書簡介】《福爾摩斯冒險史》(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes)是福爾摩斯系列的首本短篇小說集。作者柯南.道爾一共寫了四篇長篇、56篇短篇的福爾摩斯系列小說,以諮詢偵探福爾摩斯為主角,透過摯友兼助手約翰.華生醫生以第一人稱的敘事方式,描繪出福爾摩斯善於透過對於周遭人事物的強烈敏銳觀察,以及運用演繹法和司法科學來解決諸多懸疑案件。書中成功將福爾摩斯塑造成舉世聞名、