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Catherine Wright (1)
Davide Cali; Catarina Sobral (1)
Max Brallier; Douglas Holgate (1)
Sophie Blackall (1)
Sue Curran (1)
蘇菲‧布雷克爾-作;蘇菲‧布雷克爾-繪 (1)

Creation House (2)
Chronicle Books Llc (1)
Thames & Hudsons UK (1)
Viking Pr (1)
小天下 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

If You Come to Earth (紐約時報 2020年度最佳童書)
作者:Sophie Blackall  出版社:Chronicle Books Llc  出版日:2020/09/15 裝訂:精裝
From two-time Caldecott Winner author-illustrator Sophie Blackall!If You Came to Earth is a glorious guide to our home planet, and a call for us to take care of both Earth and each other.This stunning book is inspired by the thousands of children Sophie Blackall has met during her travels around the world in support of UNICEF and Save the Children.‧ An engaging storybook about a single curious and imaginative child‧ Simultaneously funny and touching‧ Carries a clear message about the need to care for the earth and each otherIf you come to Earth, there are a few things you need to know. . .We live in all kinds of places.In all kinds of homes.In all kinds of families.Each of us is different. But all of us are amazing.And, together, we share one beautiful planet.This masterful and moving picture book is a visually comprehensive guide to the earth, imbued with warmth and humor.‧ Ideal for children ages 3 to 5 years old‧ Resonates year-round as a go-to gift for birthdays, holidays, and more
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
The Last Kids on Earth Survival Guide (美國版)(平裝本)
作者:Max Brallier; Douglas Holgate  出版社:Viking Pr  出版日:2021/10/26 裝訂:平裝
A Netflix Original Series!See if you have what it takes to survive the monster-zombie apocalypse in this interactive guided journal from the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling Last Kids on Earth series, now with over 7 million copies in print.You've read all about the Last Kids on Earth's adventures in the post-zombie-monster-apocalypse, and now it's time to get in on the action! In this interactive journal, readers will feel like they're part of the Last Kids world by taking part in creative exercises that are based on the characters and settings that they've come to know so well. They'll draw their own inventions in Quint's workshop, design their perfect kids-only hangout that will rival Jack's treehouse, put together their dream post-apocalyptic warrior outfits and weapons that will give the Louisville Slicer a run for its money, imagine themselves and their friends as zombies, and so much more. The perfect creative outlet for every Last Kids fan.
定價:361 元, 優惠價:79 285
作者:蘇菲‧布雷克爾-作; 蘇菲‧布雷克爾-繪  出版社:小天下  出版日:2022/05/25 裝訂:精裝
凱迪克金牌獎作家蘇菲.布雷克爾 獻給全宇宙最溫暖的地球探索指南▍兩屆美國凱迪克金牌獎得主蘇菲.布雷克爾傾心力作!構思巧妙,內容包羅萬象,從自然生態到人文關懷,以充滿藝術氣息的畫面和獨特的視角,帶孩子感受世界的豐富多樣。▍你要怎麼跟外星訪客介紹地球呢?一封孩子寫給外星人的長信,將地球上大大小小的事物濃縮在80頁裡,猶如一部紙上紀錄片,帶領讀者由遠而近觀看我們生活的地球、認識我們的世界。▍書中人物全都來自真實人物,各具特色,展現出多元的樣貌,各式各樣的人、各式各樣的家庭,在有限的畫面中看到彼此相同與相異的地方,每一頁都充滿了細節與意義。▍一本將眾生萬物連結在一起的書,以簡潔的文字串起一幅幅令人驚歎的插圖,為讀者帶來一場繽紛多彩的閱讀饗宴,同時也提醒身為地球村一員的我們,該如何互相包容,善待彼此,關愛地球。如果你到地球來,有些事情一定要知道……我們生活在各種不同的地方,住在各式各樣的房子裡,有各式各樣的家庭。我們每個人都不一樣,但我們所有人都很了不起。而且,我們共享這顆美麗的星球。小男孩昆恩對外太空充滿想像,他寫了一封長長的信給外星訪客,介紹我們居住的這顆星球――地球。從地球在宇宙中的位置、我們居住的地方、房屋、家庭、長相、衣著,到各種型態的天氣、交通工具、工作、食物、動物等等……作者蘇菲.布雷克爾用精緻細膩的圖畫和簡潔動人的文字,描繪出自然世界和人類社會的種種樣貌,畫面極富想像力、表現力、藝術性與設計感,書中林林總總超過500種人事物,不僅僅是一本精美的故事繪本,也是一本獨特的地球大圖鑑,非常值得分享與收藏。兩度榮獲美國凱迪克金牌獎的蘇菲.布雷克爾,在聯合國兒童基金會和英國救助兒童會的支持下,走訪了世界各地。她從旅途中遇見的上千名小孩身上獲得靈感,花了五年多的時間創作了這本介紹地球的華麗指南,希望在我們共享地球的美好時,也能愛護、珍惜我們共同擁有的家園――地球,同時也能互相包容,彼此幫助,尊重、接納彼此的差異性。
Come Up Here...the Door Is Open ― Visions and Angelic Encounters
作者:Catherine Wright  出版社:Creation House  出版日:2014/09/02 裝訂:平裝
If you knew heaven’s door was opened wide for you to get a glimpse of heaven while on Earth, would you be willing to take a look? Catherine E. Wright was, and it changed her life for eternity. Come Up
定價:570 元, 優惠價:1 570
The Praying Church: Principles and Power of Corporate Praying
作者:Sue Curran  出版社:Creation House  出版日:2001/08/01 裝訂:平裝
God has provided the mightiest weapon, but we must learn to use it! Jesus said, "If two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you...For where two or three come together
定價:585 元, 優惠價:1 585
作者:Davide Cali; Catarina Sobral  出版社:Thames & Hudsons UK  出版日:2016/10/06 裝訂:精裝
Getting home after a long day’s work to find your house flying off – now there’s an upsetting situation. What can you do? Who should you ask for help? As we all know, buildings don’t come with an instruction manual, but even if they did, would anyone think to include a chapter on airborne houses? This story is about that rare phenomenon: a house that takes a notion to take off. There isn’t an easy solution to such an unusual event, and the owner of this house doesn’t know what to do. Where do you start when your house flies away? The fire department? The police? The civil aviation department? Not easy at all. Still, every cloud has a silver lining, as this owner discovers when his house comes back down to earth.



