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David Veevers (1)
Gary Staff (1)
Glynne Wickham (1)
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John Townsend (1)
Lanxin Xiang (1)
MacGregor Knox (1)
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麥可‧庫利科斯基 (1)

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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:麥可‧庫利科斯基  出版社:馬可孛羅文化  出版日:2022/03/12 裝訂:平裝
羅馬的全盛時期,橫跨歐亞非的文明帝國從哈德良到君士坦丁的羅馬帝國,古代世界的最強霸主看羅馬如何統治廣土眾民,如何一步步走向極盛而衰的前奏 |成功大學歷史系教授翁嘉聲 審定、導讀| 馬可孛羅文化全新歷史書系──名家談古代世界史系列帶領讀者重回希臘與羅馬時代,了解西方學界當前最新研究成果【內容簡介】《帝國的勝利》是馬可孛羅文化「名家談古代世界史系列」的第四本著作,內容主要講述從西元一二五年的哈德良皇帝時代,到三六三年尤利安皇帝戰死於波斯的兩百多年歷史。五賢帝時期(涅爾瓦、圖拉真、哈德良、安東尼、奧理略)的羅馬,控有橫跨歐亞非的廣大土地,統治各色人種不同族群,是羅馬文治武功皆清明強盛的時代。不過,強盛的羅馬帝國其實有許多不穩定因素:皇位繼承制度不穩定、行省軍團長官擁兵自重、禁衛軍操控皇帝廢立、邊境蠻族虎視眈眈、羅馬與東方的帕提亞帝國連年烽火,這些苦果將在三世紀、四世紀一一浮現。此外,本書也細緻分析本時期羅馬政治、制度與文化上的重大改變,諸如騎士階級如何取代元老階級,外邦人如何取代義大利人成為帝國官僚核心;戴克里先如何在「三世紀危機」後重新劃分行政區域,施行「四帝共治」來治理廣大的帝國疆土;基督教如何逐步成為羅馬國教,影響此後千年的西方世界;君士坦丁大帝如何力挽狂瀾,重振帝國聲威;以及帝國的東西兩部如何漸行漸遠,並永遠分歧成擁有不同政治、制度與文化的政體。《帝國的勝利》作者庫利科斯基教授專研古代世界晚期史,本書帝王的故事引人入勝,分析討論鞭辟入裡,值得想探究羅馬帝國晚期歷史發展的讀者一讀。【國際書評】這是一部綿延數世紀的精采羅馬史。它訴說羅馬皇帝精采的統治故事,從神祕的哈德良以降,經過西元三世紀許多軍閥和爭奪皇位的篡位者,來到西元四世紀的幾位基督教皇帝──這場全世界前所未見最大的宗教與文化革命之後。 ──瑪莉.畢爾德(Mary Beard),劍橋大學紐漢學院古典學教授庫利科斯基清晰的敘事,熟練地帶領讀者穿越羅馬帝國史上最錯綜複雜的一段時期。《帝國的勝利》是一部巨變與復甦的歷史,既富戲劇性又具啟發性。 ──格雷格.伍爾夫(Greg Woolf),倫敦大學古典學研究學院主任庫利科斯基最了不起的成就,就是以生動迷人的口吻呈現全新的歷史敘事,他清晰獨特地依序解釋從羅馬帝國顛峰時期,到古典時代晚期這段關鍵而又複雜的轉變時代。 ──班耐特.索威(Benet Salw
定價:780 元, 優惠價:79 616
The Great Defiance:How the world took on the British Empire
作者:David Veevers  出版社:Ebury Publishing  出版日:2023/05/25 裝訂:精裝
Veevers brilliantly retells the story we thought we knew...Important and thrilling' Dan SnowThe story of the British Empire is a familiar one: Britain came, it saw, it conquered, forging a glorious world empire upon which the sun never set. In fact, far from being the tale of a single nation imposing its will upon the world, the expanding British Empire frequently found itself frustrated by the power and tenacious resistance of the Indigenous and non-European people it encountered. From gruelling wars in Ireland to the failure to curtail North African Corsair states, all the way to the collapse of commercial operations in East Asia, British attempts to create an imperial enterprise often ended in disaster and even defeat.In The Great Defiance, David Veevers looks beyond the myths of triumph and into the realities of British misadventures in the early days of Empire, meeting the extraordinary Indigenous and non-European people across the world who were the real forces to be reckoned wit
定價:1375 元, 優惠價:79 1086
Battle of the Baltic Islands 1917 ― Triumph of the Imperial German Navy
作者:Gary Staff  出版社:Pen & Sword  出版日:2018/11/02 裝訂:平裝
In late 1917, the Russians, despite the revolution, were still willing to continue the war against Germany. This is an account of Operation Albion, the highly-successful seaborne operation launched by
定價:803 元, 優惠價:1 803
Mons 1914 ─ The Bef's Tactical Triumph
作者:David Lomas; Ed Dovey (ILT)  出版社:Osprey Pub Co  出版日:1997/10/01 裝訂:平裝
Osprey's examination of the Battle of Mons of World War I (1914-1918). When the First World War broke out in August 1914 the Imperial German Army mistakenly assumed that the BEF – 'that contemptible l
The Architecture of the Roman Triumph ─ Monuments, Memory, and Identity
作者:Maggie L. Popkin  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2016/03/18 裝訂:精裝
This book offers the first critical study of the architecture of the Roman triumph, ancient Rome's most important victory ritual. Through case studies ranging from the republican to imperial periods, it demonstrates how powerfully monuments shaped how Romans performed, experienced, and remembered triumphs and, consequently, how Romans conceived of an urban identity for their city. Monuments highlighted Roman conquests of foreign peoples, enabled Romans to envision future triumphs, made triumphs more memorable through emotional arousal of spectators, and even generated distorted memories of triumphs that might never have occurred. This book illustrates the far-reaching impact of the architecture of the triumph on how Romans thought about this ritual and, ultimately, their own place within the Mediterranean world. In doing so, it offers a new model for historicizing the interrelations between monuments, individual and shared memory, and collective identities.
Children in the Visual Arts of Imperial Rome
作者:Jeannine Diddle Uzzi  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2011/09/15 裝訂:平裝
Modern approaches to Roman imperialism have often characterized Romanzation as a benign or neutral process of cultural exchange between Roman and non-Roman, conqueror and conquered. Although supported by certain types of literary and archaeological evidence, this characterization is not reflected in the visual imagery of the Roman ruling elite. In official imperial art, Roman children are most often shown in depictions of peaceful public gatherings before the emperor, whereas non-Roman children appear only in scenes of submission, triumph, or violent military activity. Images of children, those images most fraught with potential in Roman art, underscore the contrast between Roman and non-Roman and as a group present a narrative of Roman identity. As Jeannine Diddle Uzzi argues in this 2005 study, the stark contrast between images of Roman and non-Roman children conveys the ruling elite's notions of what it meant to be Roman.
定價:2144 元, 優惠價:9 1930
Children in the Visual Arts of Imperial Rome
作者:Jeannine Diddle Uzzi  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2005/09/26 裝訂:精裝
Modern approaches to Roman imperialism have often characterized Romanzation as a benign or neutral process of cultural exchange between Roman and non-Roman, conqueror and conquered. Although supported by certain types of literary and archaeological evidence, this characterization is not reflected in the visual imagery of the Roman ruling elite. In official imperial art, Roman children are most often shown in depictions of peaceful public gatherings before the emperor, whereas non-Roman children appear only in scenes of submission, triumph, or violent military activity. Images of children, those images most fraught with potential in Roman art, underscore the contrast between Roman and non-Roman and as a group present a narrative of Roman identity. As Jeannine Diddle Uzzi argues in this 2005 study, the stark contrast between images of Roman and non-Roman children conveys the ruling elite's notions of what it meant to be Roman.
First Great Triumph ─ How Five Americans Made Their Country a World Power
作者:Warren Zimmermann  出版社:Farrar Straus & Giroux  出版日:2004/01/15 裝訂:平裝
"We were sure that we would win, that we should score the first great triumph in a mighty world-movement."--Theodore Roosevelt, 1904Americans like to think they have no imperial past. In fact, the Uni
定價:1260 元, 優惠價:79 995
The Triumph of Empire ─ The Roman World from Hadrian to Constantine
作者:Michael Kulikowski  出版社:Harvard Univ Pr  出版日:2016/10/17 裝訂:精裝
The Triumph of Empire takes readers into the political heart of imperial Rome and recounts the extraordinary challenges overcome by a flourishing empire. Michael Kulikowski’s history begins with the r
定價:1225 元, 優惠價:1 1225
Imperial Triumph:The Roman World from Hadrian to Constantine (AD 138-363)
作者:Michael Kulikowski  出版社:Profile Books Ltd  出版日:2018/04/05 裝訂:平裝
定價:824 元, 優惠價:95 783
Recasting the Imperial Far East ― Britain and America in China, 1945-1950
作者:Lanxin Xiang  出版社:M E Sharpe Inc  出版日:1997/04/01 裝訂:平裝
Attempts to shed new light on the Anglo-American rivalry in China in the period between the defeat of Japan and the triumph of the Chinese Communists. This study contends that the USSR was not a major
定價:3132 元, 優惠價:1 3132
Constantine and the Bishops ─ The Politics of Intolerance
作者:H. A. Drake  出版社:Johns Hopkins Univ Pr  出版日:2002/08/19 裝訂:平裝
Historians who viewed imperial Rome in terms of a conflict between pagans and Christians have often regarded the emperor Constantine's conversion as the triumph of Christianity over paganism. But in
定價:1800 元, 優惠價:1 1800
Sugar and Civilization ― American Empire and the Cultural Politics of Sweetness
作者:April Merleaux  出版社:Univ of North Carolina Pr  出版日:2015/09/08 裝訂:平裝
In the weeks and months after the end of the Spanish-American War, Americans celebrated their nation's triumph by eating sugar. Each of the nation's new imperial possessions, from Puerto Rico to the P
定價:1798 元, 優惠價:1 1798
The Japanese Army 1931-45 - 2 ─ 1942-45
作者:Philip S. Jowett; Stephen Andrew (ILT)  出版社:Osprey Pub Co  出版日:2002/05/01 裝訂:平裝
Within months of its greatest triumph in 1942, the Japanese Imperial Army began to face the difficulties which would eventually destroy it - overstretched supply lines, and inadequate industrial suppo
定價:700 元, 優惠價:79 553
Proconsul to the Middle East: Sir Percy Cox and the End of Empire
作者:John Townsend  出版社:I B Tauris & Co Ltd  出版日:2010/05/15 裝訂:精裝
Britain's 'moment' in the Middle East: as it an Imperial triumph or a decisive staging post in the end-of-empire story? Sir Percy Cox (1864-1937) was a vital figure in the history of the British Empir
The Medieval Theatre
作者:Glynne Wickham  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1987/07/09 裝訂:平裝
This is a thoroughly revised edition of Glynne Wickham's important history of the development of dramatic art in Christian Europe. Professor Wickham surveys the foundations on which this dramatic art was built: the architecture, costumes and ceremonial of the imperial court at Byzantium, the liturgies of countires in the Eastern and Western Empires and the triumph of the Roman rite and the Romanesque style in Western art. Within this context Professor Wickham describes three major influences upon the drama: religion, recreation and commerce. The first produced the liturgical music drama rooted in praise of Christ the King, vernacular Corpus Christi drama, Saint Plays and Moralities centred on the humanity of Christ. The second gave rise to the secular theatres of social recreation based on the games and dances of village communities ad the more sophisticated sex and war games of the nobility. The section on commerce shows how the development of the drama was intimately related to quest
定價:1624 元, 優惠價:9 1462
To the Threshold of Power 1922/33 ― Origins and Dynamics of the Fascist and Nationalist Socialist Dictatorships
作者:MacGregor Knox  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2007/09/10 裝訂:平裝
To the Threshold of Power is the first volume of a two-part work that seeks to explain the origins and dynamics of the Fascist and National Socialist dictatorships. It lays a foundation for understanding the Nazi and Fascist regimes through parallel investigations of Italian and German society, institutions, and national myths; the supreme test of the First World War; and the post-1918 struggles from which the Fascist and National Socialist movements emerged. It emphasizes two principal sources of movement: the nationalist mythology of the intellectuals and the institutional culture and agendas of the two armies, especially the Imperial German Army and its Reichswehr successor. The book's climax is the cataclysm of 1914-18 and the rise and triumph of militarily organized radical nationalist movements - Mussolini's Fasci di combattimento and Hitler's National Socialist German Workers' Party - dedicated to the perpetuation of the war and the overthrow of the post-1918 world order.
定價:1624 元, 優惠價:9 1462
Surviving the Great War ― Australian Prisoners of War on the Western Front 1916–18
作者:Aaron Pegram  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2020/01/31 裝訂:精裝
Between 1916 and 1918, more than 3,800 men of the Australian Imperial Force were taken prisoner by German forces fighting on the Western Front. Australians captured in France and Belgium did not easily integrate into public narratives of Australia in the First World War and its commemorative rituals. Captivity was a story of surrender and inaction, at odds with the Anzac legend and a triumphant national memory. Soldiers captured on the Western Front endured a broad range of experiences in German captivity, yet all regarded survival as a personal triumph. Surviving the Great War is the first detailed analysis of the little-known story of Australians in German captivity in the First World War. By placing the hardships of prisoners of war in a broader social and military context, this book adds a new dimension to the national wartime experience and challenges popular representations of Australia's involvement in the First World War.
定價:2990 元, 優惠價:9 2691
The Politics of Heresy in Ambrose of Milan ─ Community and Consensus in Late Antique Christianity
作者:Michael Stuart Williams  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2017/11/30 裝訂:精裝
Ambrose of Milan is famous above all for his struggle with, and triumph over, 'Arian' heresy. Yet, almost all of the evidence comes from Ambrose's own writings, and from pious historians of the next generation who represented him as a champion of orthodoxy. This detailed study argues instead that an 'Arian' opposition in Milan was largely conjured up by Ambrose himself, lumping together critics and outsiders in order to secure and justify his own authority. Along with new interpretations of Ambrose's election as bishop, his controversies over the faith, and his clashes with the imperial court, this book provides a new understanding of the nature and significance of heretical communities in Late Antiquity. In place of rival congregations inflexibly committed to doctrinal beliefs, it envisages a world of more fluid allegiances in which heresy - but also consensus - could be a matter of deploying the right rhetorical frame.



