2019年古典研究協會古德溫功績獎(Goodwin Award of Merit)得獎作品牛津大學古代史教授開腦之作,打破你我對歷史的既定觀念古史中聲名遠播的冒險家、前羅馬時代的地中海霸主但是,腓尼基人真的「存在」過嗎?為何黎巴嫩人、突尼西亞人、英國人、愛爾蘭人都要追認腓尼基人是他們的「祖先」?本書指出,作為「民族」的腓尼基人並不存在,他們只是後人創造出的「想像共同體」!【本書內容】歷史記載,腓尼
Who were the ancient Phoenicians, and did they actually exist?ThePhoenicians traveled the Mediterranean long before the Greeks and Romans, trading, establishing settlements, and refining the art of n
Who were the ancient Phoenicians-and did they actually exist?ThePhoenicians traveled the Mediterranean long before the Greeks and Romans, trading, establishing settlements, and refining the art of na