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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

啟動天賦靈數:藍寧仕醫師的生命密碼全書 II
作者:藍寧仕  出版社:大塊文化  出版日:2022/07/30 裝訂:平裝
《21世紀新生命密碼 2 》 全新修訂版★深入9個生命密碼以外,10、11、12的獨特生命靈數性格分析,認識、超越自己★12個生命密碼對應12個希臘神祇與12個星座,發掘生命原型,解惑人生難題以數字學為基石對應12位希臘主神與12個星座12個獨特命數的畢生修練領悟自己、實現自己、超越自己藍寧仕醫師在《啟動天賦靈數I》介紹1到9數人。在本書中,他更提出此領域的創見:以三個新的天賦靈數:10、11、12,與12位希臘神祇與星座學互相應證,帶讀者進一步對照自己與眾神們所所展現的特質、長處、弱點,哪一些是從小被無視的天賦才能,哪一些又是過不去的人生課題。每一生命數字對應一位希臘神祇 本書從希臘神話出發,帶讀者重回希臘神話故事中的性格原型,藉由十二位希臘神祇所展現的個性特質、長處與弱點,並與占星學互相驗證、以數字學做為基石,幫助釐清人類個性上的各種輪廓,希臘神祉的「性格原型」更進一步驗證各個天賦靈數的特質,讓讀者在與自己相關的段落中進一步認識自己的性格特質、愛情模式和獨特威力。這十二個希臘神祇與所對應的天賦靈數分別是:1―戰神,阿瑞斯2―天后,希拉3―愛神,阿芙洛黛特4―穀神,蒂美特5―信使神,荷米斯6―太陽神,阿波羅7―智慧女神,雅典娜8―火神,赫菲斯托斯9―月神,阿特米絲10―海神,波賽頓11―天神,宙斯12―酒神,戴奧尼索斯這些性格原型與生命數字的對應,將會讓讀者驚訝無比,以為自己是在照鏡子,仿佛在這些神身上看到了自己,而自己又是如何犯錯、如何肯定自己、如何追求改進。藉著認同眾神,看著他們改進自己的缺點,在成為神的路上學習各種教訓,我們也要鼓勵自己,向他們學習,重新認識自己。星座、天賦靈數與希臘眾神的神奇連結本書將占星學的象徵符號、數字學與希臘十二神祇連結起來。對占星學感興趣的讀者將會發現,一些以前不太明白的細節,可以在這項連結裡面得到認識。譬如,天秤座的守護星是金星(維納斯/阿芙洛黛特),但金星的特質無法解釋為什麼天秤座那麼喜歡分析與批評,又那麼難以做出決定;阿芙洛黛特的個性並不會猶豫不決,反而非常清楚知道自己要什麼。然而,掌管智慧與公義的雅典娜就需要用審慎的方式來做出裁決,這才接近天秤座的特質。此外,作者還根據每一個數字的特性,提出了如何在生活中尋找元素來發揮每一個數字的能量,譬如跳舞 可以加強1數的能量,讓你更有熱情,更勇往直前;學習算命之術可以開發6數能量,讓你
定價:380 元, 優惠價:9 342
作者:藍寧仕  出版社:大塊文化  出版日:2022/07/30 裝訂:平裝
《21世紀新生命密碼1、2 》 全新修訂版★唯一運用靈數、神話、星座與自然療法,解讀命盤的專業醫師★獨創黃金三數解盤法,深入10、11、12的獨特性格分析與外在人際關係、愛情模式與處事 原則★精準算出流年、流月、流日循環週期幸運日,每天都有好事發生★12個生命密碼對應12個希臘神祇,發掘生命原型,解惑人生難題第一冊重點:◆以天賦靈數重新認識自己、掌握未來「數字學」(Numerology)源於古希臘數學家畢達哥拉斯,是一門探討數字的精神內涵的哲學;它可以用數字透見人的性格特質和天賦才能,所以也有人把它譯作「靈數學」或「占數術」,現今稱為「生命密碼」或「天賦靈數」。根據天賦靈數的說法,把一個人的出生年、月、日的數字全部相加,加成一個個位數的數字,可以得出一個命運數字,「命數」可以說出一個人的性格質和天賦才華。若再把這些數字畫成一張命盤圖,此圖可以指出一個人性格中的衝突與矛盾、長處與弱點──聽來不可思議,但是一個人的個性輪廓卻有跡可循。天賦靈數是一種簡易又準確的認識自己的好方法:每一個數字都有與生俱來的獨特天分,都有此生就必須面對的課題、更有一套獲得快樂與健康的生活方式,也有超越難關與命運的深刻領悟。藉由天賦靈數的分析,將窺見一絲絲生命的奧秘。◆藍寧仕醫師的數字學、身心合而為一的自我追尋本書作者藍寧仕醫師鑽研天賦靈數多年,在本書中,他提出「黃金三數法解讀命盤法」,計算命盤認識自己之後,進一步知道如何肯定自己、解決自己的衝突、如何面對愛情與人際關係、教育孩子。另外也傳授如何以數字辨識流年、流月、流日,找出每一階段的幸運數字。此外,他將數字學結合「能量」與「療法」,從每個數字的特性出發,將能量延伸至飲食、色彩、音樂達到多層次運用,並於日常生活中實踐,幫助讀者活得更健康、更容易達成目標與理想。藍寧仕醫師以天賦靈數引導讀者認識自我,幫助我們看見自己的獨特天賦,肯定自己的長處,改進自己的弱點──認識自己、面對自己、進而追求成長的學習過程,將會啟發我們能以新的眼光看待人生,掌握未來。◆「未來」不是一齣不能更改的戲碼許多人想藉由數字學和天賦靈數預測未來――但沒有人能準確預知未來。「未來」並不是預先以白紙黑字寫好,完全不會改變;「未來」是各種能量相互作用所形成的結果。有些能量小一點的例如我們每天所做的生活決定,大一點的則像是人力不可抗拒的各種強大自然外力,例如地震等天災,這一切因素的共同
定價:760 元, 優惠價:9 684
The Boy to Beat the Gods
作者:Ashley Thorpe  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2024/07/04 裝訂:平裝
"Thrilling, tautly-written, pulls you right in and keeps you there! Plus: bonus trickster god!" Louie Stowell, author of Loki"A fast-paced, first-class debut with action scenes that will leave you breathless and characters who will have you cheering. I loved it!" A.F. Steadman, author of the Skandar seriesDiscover a fierce and fun story of one boy versus six gods, from a magical new voice in children's fiction...Kayode dreams of eating the forbidden fruit of the Orishas, so he can gain the power of the gods and stop them terrorizing his people. So when a fruit mysteriously appears in his path after the Orishas snatch his sister, he leaps on it.Surging with new and difficult-to-control powers, he joins forces with a shapeshifting trickster god and a vengeful princess to save his sister and put an end to the mighty Orishas. But each has more fearful powers than the last - and Kayode's stolen half-god strength won't last for ever...
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
#3 Kane Chronicles: The Serpent's Shadow
作者:Rick Riordan; Guy Stauber (ILT)  出版社:Disney-Hyperion  出版日:2018/04/03 裝訂:平裝
When young magicians Carter and Sadie Kane learned how to follow the path of the Ancient Egyptian gods, they knew they would have to play an important role in restoring Ma'at--order--to the world. Wha
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
Monsters Bite Back : Book 2
作者:Ian Mark; Louis Ghibault  出版社:Farshore UK  出版日:2023/07/06 裝訂:平裝
'A MONSTROUSLY FUNNY NEW VOICE,' MAZ EVANS, WHO LET THE GODS OUT? The second seriously silly adventure in the hilarious series that turns everything you thought you knew about monsters upside down! Perfect for young monster hunters aged 8+ and fans of Sam Copeland, Jenny Pearson and How to Train Your Dragon When the monsters start misbehaving it's a monster hunter's job to sort them out! In their second adventure Jack, his best friend Nancy and Stoop (a grumpy, 200-year-old monster hunter) head up to Scotland after reports of some mysterious monsters causing chaos in an ancient abbey. And maybe they'll even get a glimpse of Nessie! But when they get there they find some obstacles in their path - whether that's the fog goblins, disgruntled ghosts, some very odd loch monsters and even a rival monster hunting agency. Oh and there's also an ancient curse that spells THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT! A monster hunter's work is never done.
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
Gods 21st Century Mighty Men: The Path to Becoming Soldiers in the Army of God
作者:Michael H. Yeager  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2023/09/27 裝訂:平裝
定價:672 元, 優惠價:1 672
作者:Chongqing Wu; Matthew A. Hale (TRN)  出版社:Brill Academic Pub  出版日:2017/07/20 裝訂:精裝
This exciting book is a product of over ten years of work of the author’s native village. From beginning to end it enters dialogue with a variety of domestic and overseas scholarship, providing new em
A Path of Shadows: A Mystery of Ancient Egypt
作者:Lauren Haney  出版社:Avon Books  出版日:2003/10/01 裝訂:平裝
The Gods blessed Lieutenant Bak, head of the Medjay police, with a rare brilliance -- which is why he is the one to whom his commander turns in a time of need. The explorer Minnakht has vanished int
定價:266 元, 優惠價:79 210
作者:Christopher A. Haw  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2021/05/31 裝訂:精裝
Discussions of monotheism often consider its bigotry toward other gods as a source of conflict, or emphasize its universality as a source of peaceful tolerance. Both approaches, however, ignore the combined danger and liberation in monotheism's 'intolerance.' In this volume, Christopher Haw reframes this important argument. He demonstrates the value of rejecting paradigms of inclusivity in favor of an agonistic pluralism and intolerance of absolutism. Haw proposes a model that retains liberal, pluralistic principles while acknowledging their limitations, and he relates them to theologies latent in political ideas. His volume offers a nuanced, evolutionary, and historical understanding of the biblical tradition's emergence and its political consequences with respect to violence. It suggests how we can mediate impasses between liberal and conservative views in culture wars; between liberal inclusivity and conservative decisionism; and, on the religious front, between apologetics for excl
Iron Gods ─ Valley of the Brain Collectors
作者:Mike Shel  出版社:Diamond Comic Distributors  出版日:2014/12/02 裝訂:平裝
The heroes of Numeria must brave a remote canyonland known as the Scar of the Spider. Clues found in the Choking Tower revealed that a mysterious prophet left her legacy behind in this valley long ago
定價:1035 元, 優惠價:1 1035
Iron Gods ─ The Choking Tower
作者:Ron Lundeen  出版社:Diamond Comic Distributors  出版日:2014/11/11 裝訂:平裝
The Lords of Rust and their strange Iron God have been defeated, but in doing so, Numeria's newest heroes uncover a greater threat to the land than that posed by a gang of bandits. Another, more power
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Iron Gods ─ Palace of Fallen Stars
作者:Tim Hitchcock  出版社:Diamond Comic Distributors  出版日:2014/12/30 裝訂:平裝
Numeria's capital city of Starfall sprawls in the shadow of the region's most infamous ruin, Silver Mount. Here, the nation's sadistic Technic League and the Black Sovereign rule the land and control
定價:1035 元, 優惠價:1 1035
Rat Queens 6 - the Infernal Path
作者:Owen Gieni (CON); Kurtis J. Wiebe  出版社:Image Comics  出版日:2019/05/14 裝訂:平裝
The further adventures of the booze guzzling, deathdealing battle maidens-for-hire in the business of killing all the gods’creatures for profit. Hannah the Rockabilly Elven Mage, Violet the Hips
定價:646 元, 優惠價:1 646
Gwenhwyfar: The White Spirit
作者:Mercedes Lackey  出版社:Daw Books  出版日:2009/10/06 裝訂:精裝
Gwenhwyfar moves in a world where gods walk among their pagan worshipers, where nebulous visions warn of future perils, and where there are two paths for a woman: the path of the Blessing or the rare
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American Gods:TV Tie-In
作者:Neil Gaiman  出版社:Headline Publishing Group  出版日:2017/03/28 裝訂:平裝
The extraordinary epic novel from storytelling genius and international bestseller Neil Gaiman. Now brought vividly to life for TV in the highly acclaimed, Emmy-nominated Amazon Prime video series starring Ricky Whittle, Ian McShane and Emily Browning. For fans of Good Omens and His Dark Materials.'Gaiman is a treasure-house of story and we are lucky to have him' Stephen King If you are to survive, you must believe. Shadow Moon has served his time. But hours before his release from prison, his beloved wife is killed in a freak accident.Dazed, he boards a plane home where he meets the enigmatic Mr Wednesday, who professes both to know Shadow and to be king of America. Together they embark on a profoundly strange road trip across the USA, encountering a kaleidoscopic cast of characters along the way. Yet all around them a storm threatens to break.The war has already begun, an epic struggle for the very soul of America, and Shadow is standing squarely in its path.
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
Dungeons & Dragons Mythic Odysseys of Theros ― Campaign Setting and Adventure Book
作者:Wizards Rpg Team (COR)  出版社:Wizards of the Coast  出版日:2020/07/21 裝訂:精裝
Clash with the gods of Theros in this campaign sourcebook for the world's great roleplaying game.Play DUNGEONS & DRAGONS in the MAGIC: THE GATHERING world of Theros--a realm shaped by the wrath of gods and the deeds of heroes, where champions vie for immortal favor and a place among legends.- Rise above the common throng with SUPERNATURAL GIFTS, abilities that give you remarkable powers that set you on the path to legend.- Explore Theros as a SATYR or LEONIN--mythic cat-like heroes from Magic: The Gathering. Mythic Odysseys of Theros introduces these races to fifth edition D&D for the first time.- Master new powers with Magic: The Gathering-inspired SUBCLASSES like the Bard's College of Eloquence and the Paladin's Oath of Heroism.- Encounter MYTHIC MONSTERS, creatures whose power and renown are such that their names are truly living myths.- Wield the weapons of the gods--five signature artifacts used by Theros's deities.- Created in 1974, D&D transformed gaming culture by b
定價:2248 元, 優惠價:79 1776



