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Ana Espinola-Arredondo (2)
Elliott Mendelson,Dan Zwillinger (2)
Erik Torgersen (2)
Elliot Mendelson (1)
Jeffrey Carpenter (1)
Jere Miles (1)
Maria Luisa Petit (1)
Sonia Fizek (1)
艾文‧帕斯丁、圖瓦娜‧帕斯丁、湯姆‧赫伯司通 (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (5)
Mit Pr (2)
CRC Press UK (1)
Icon (1)
Taylor & Francis (1)
大家 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:艾文‧帕斯丁; 圖瓦娜‧帕斯丁; 湯姆‧赫伯司通  出版社:大家  出版日:2023/03/02 裝訂:平裝
「要不要發射核彈」和「要去哪裡約會」有什麼關係?最佳的選項,都由賽局理論決定!賽局理論不只有囚徒困境,而是生活中處處實用的利器!只要決策時要和對手互動,就是賽局。而怎麼選擇才能得到最好結果,就是賽局理論的著力之處。從誰要去洗碗,到銀行是否核准貸款,甚至全球核武對峙,都能利用賽局理論,找出理性推演的最佳解。想要贏,必須先了解自己處於什麼樣的賽局!本書帶領你用賽局理論的眼光分析生活情境:你和對手是同時做決定嗎,或者你可以觀察對方的行動再決定自己的下一步?你知道對手全部可能的選項嗎,或者只有片面資訊?你知道這場賽局會進行幾回合嗎,或者根本沒有最後一局?種種因素,都會影響你如何找出最好選項!如果理性推演出的結果不符期待,有什麼辦法可以改善?本書也介紹了你可以怎麼做來改變賽局理論的算式,進而促成想要的結果成為最佳解。你也能觀察廠商、雇主和國家的算計,用賽局理論理解廣告、薪資高低和政府政策背後的道理!● 凱因斯如何用選美比賽解釋股票價格泡沫的原理?當代行為經濟學家塞勒在《金融時報》公開舉辦的猜數字比賽,又如何驗證了凱因斯分析的金融市場賽局?● 老闆提供高薪,也是出於賽局理論的算計?看諾貝爾經濟學獎得主史迪格里茲如何分析勞動市場賽局,進而解答長久以來困擾學界的失業問題。● 動物不懂數學,但族群數量的變化也可以用賽局理論預測?看演化生物學家如何應用賽局理論,分析生物適存度的計算。了解賽局理論廣博的應用範圍!兩位經濟學教授作者深知對初學者來說,許多賽局理論書籍的數學背景與呈現方式讓人覺得難以親近,因此在寫作時刻意減少了複雜的數學,而著重呈現核心概念。跟著書中一個個案例解析,你可以了解賽局理論的基本原理和應用,開始建立賽局理論的思維和眼光!◆ 常聽說但總是似懂非懂的領域──大話題系列:英國Icon Books招牌長青科普書系,由各學科的專家學者撰寫文字易懂、立論堅實的內容,搭配藝術家繪圖,讓一般讀者也能進入專業領域,掌握艱深知識的基本框架。全書系廣受讀者支持,出版持續將近半世紀,至今已出版140餘本,主題橫跨經濟學、社會科學、自然科學和文學等領域,總銷量超過4,000萬本,總計有超過30種語言的譯本。
定價:320 元, 優惠價:9 288
Introducing Game Theory
出版社:Icon  出版日:2017/03/02 裝訂:平裝
Why did countries engage in a nuclear arms race? How do we make decisions when we don’t have all the information? What makes international environmental cooperation possible? Game theory is the study
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
作者:Elliot Mendelson  出版社:Taylor & Francis  出版日:2004/06/01 裝訂:精裝
The mathematical study of games is an intriguing endeavor with implications and applications that reach far beyond tic-tac-toe, chess, and poker to economics, business, and even biology and politics.
作者:Elliott Mendelson; Dan Zwillinger  出版社:PBKTYFRL  出版日:2024/08/02 裝訂:精裝
作者:Elliott Mendelson; Dan Zwillinger  出版社:PBKTYFRL  出版日:2024/08/02 裝訂:平裝
Game Theory and Behavior
作者:Jeffrey Carpenter  出版社:Mit Pr  出版日:2022/12/06 裝訂:精裝
An introduction to game theory that offers not only theoretical tools but also the intuition and behavioral insights to apply these tools to real-world situations.This introductory text on game theory provides students with both the theoretical tools to analyze situations through the logic of game theory and the intuition and behavioral insights to apply these tools to real-world situations. It is unique among game theory texts in offering a clear, formal introduction to standard game theory while incorporating evidence from experimental data and introducing recent behavioral models. Students will not only learn about incentives, how to represent situations as games, and what agents “should” do in these situations, but they will also be presented with evidence that either confirms the theoretical assumptions or suggests a way in which the theory might be updated.Features:Each chapter begins with a motivating example that can be run as an experiment and ends with a discussion of the beh
定價:4750 元, 優惠價:79 3753
Control Theory and Dynamic Games in Economic Policy Analysis
作者:Maria Luisa Petit  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2009/12/03 裝訂:平裝
This book, originally published in 1990, deals with the stabilisation and control of an economic system in a dynamic setting. Unlike studies which consider only the case of centralised policy-making, Professor Petit examines both the situation in which policy decisions are taken by a single policy-maker and the case of group policy-making. The wide-ranging economic implications of the use of these methods are thoroughly discussed. The tools of optimal control and differential game theory, and their advantages and drawbacks, are examined, along with methodological implications of introducing expectations into the policy problem. This lucid and comprehensive study of control theory and dynamic games will be of great use both to economists interested in learning mathematical methods and to mathematicians interested in their economic applications.
定價:2664 元, 優惠價:9 2398
Unity 3D and Playmaker Essentials ─ Game Development from Concept to Publishing
作者:Jere Miles  出版社:CRC Press UK  出版日:2016/07/01 裝訂:平裝
In introducing new students to game development there are two crucial components to consider: the theory behind video games (design) and the practical creation of games (implementation). This book pro
定價:3419 元, 優惠價:1 3419
作者:Erik Torgersen  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1991/03/14 裝訂:精裝
There are a number of important questions associated with statistical experiments: when does one given experiment yield more information than another; how can we measure the difference in information; how fast does information accumulate by repeating the experiment? The means of answering such questions has emerged from the work of Wald, Blackwell, LeCam and others and is based on the ideas of risk and deficiency. The present work which is devoted to the various methods of comparing statistical experiments, is essentially self-contained, requiring only some background in measure theory and functional analysis. Chapters introducing statistical experiments and the necessary convex analysis begin the book and are followed by others on game theory, decision theory and vector lattices. The notion of deficiency, which measures the difference in information between two experiments, is then introduced. The relation between it and other concepts, such as sufficiency, randomisation, distance, or
Playing at a Distance
作者:Sonia Fizek  出版社:Mit Pr  出版日:2022/11/01 裝訂:平裝
An essential exploration of video game aesthetic that decenters the human player and challenges what it means to play.Do we play video games or do video games play us? Is nonhuman play a mere paradox or the future of gaming? And what do video games have to do with quantum theory? In Playing at a Distance, Sonia Fizek engages with these and many more daunting questions, forging new ways to think and talk about games and play that decenter the human player and explore a variety of play formats and practices that require surprisingly little human action. Idling in clicker games, wandering in walking simulators, automating gameplay with bots, or simply watching games rather than playing them―Fizek shows how these seemingly marginal cases are central to understanding how we play in the digital age. Introducing the concept of distance, Fizek reorients our view of computer-mediated play. To “play at a distance,” she says, is to delegate the immediate action to the machine and to become partic
定價:1330 元, 優惠價:79 1051
作者:Ana Espinola-Arredondo  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2021/04/30 裝訂:精裝
Common Pool Resources include, for instance, fishing grounds, irrigation systems, forests and the atmosphere. Now more than ever, how we responsibly share and use those goods is a vital issue. This textbook introduces students of economics, business and policy studies to the key issues in the field. It uses a game-theory approach to help readers understand the mathematical representation of how to find equilibrium behavior in CPRs, how to identify the socially optimal appropriation, and how to measure the inefficiencies that arise. Algebra and calculus steps are clearly explained, so students can more easily reproduce the analysis and apply it in their own research. Finally, the book also summarizes experimental studies that tested theoretical results in controlled environments, introducing readers to a literature that has expanded over the last decades, and provides references for further reading.
Common Pool Resources:Strategic Behavior, Inefficiencies, and Incomplete Information
作者:Ana Espinola-Arredondo  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2021/04/30 裝訂:平裝
Common Pool Resources include, for instance, fishing grounds, irrigation systems, forests and the atmosphere. Now more than ever, how we responsibly share and use those goods is a vital issue. This textbook introduces students of economics, business and policy studies to the key issues in the field. It uses a game-theory approach to help readers understand the mathematical representation of how to find equilibrium behavior in CPRs, how to identify the socially optimal appropriation, and how to measure the inefficiencies that arise. Algebra and calculus steps are clearly explained, so students can more easily reproduce the analysis and apply it in their own research. Finally, the book also summarizes experimental studies that tested theoretical results in controlled environments, introducing readers to a literature that has expanded over the last decades, and provides references for further reading.
定價:1494 元, 優惠價:9 1345
作者:Erik Torgersen  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2009/03/12 裝訂:平裝
There are a number of important questions associated with statistical experiments: when does one given experiment yield more information than another; how can we measure the difference in information; how fast does information accumulate by repeating the experiment? The means of answering such questions has emerged from the work of Wald, Blackwell, LeCam and others and is based on the ideas of risk and deficiency. The present work which is devoted to the various methods of comparing statistical experiments, is essentially self-contained, requiring only some background in measure theory and functional analysis. Chapters introducing statistical experiments and the necessary convex analysis begin the book and are followed by others on game theory, decision theory and vector lattices. The notion of deficiency, which measures the difference in information between two experiments, is then introduced. The relation between it and other concepts, such as sufficiency, randomisation, distance, or



