‧適合2~4學分「基礎化學」或「普通化學」授課使用。‧全書全彩印刷,含精美化學題材圖片,包括化學反應與生活中的化學物質,幫助讀者留下深刻的視覺印象。‧原文作者Charles H. Corwin教授為資深初學者授課老師,內容由淺入深,由初學者的原熟悉領域漸入不熟悉領域,特別是第二章〈學前需要的科學知識〉,將學生可能缺乏的基本計算能力提出加強,讓學生可以先行準備並建立自信。‧內文各觀念敘述完畢後,隨即
Reflecting Cengage Learning's commitment to offering value for students, this new hybrid version of INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY, 5e features the same content and coverage found in the full text, while deli
Succeed in your course with INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY: A FOUNDATION! This best-selling text combines enhanced problem-solving structure with substantial pedagogy to help you become a successful problem s
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This Study Guide was written specifically to assist students using the 6th Edition of Introductory Chemistry. It presents the major concepts, theories, and applications discussed in the text in a comp
To succeed in introductory chemistry, you need to develop your problem-solving skills—but you’ll also need to understand why these skills are important.Introductory Chemistry, Fourth Edition extends c
The Eighth Edition of Zumdahl and DeCoste's best-selling INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY: A FOUNDATION combines enhanced problem-solving structure with substantial pedagogy to enable students to become strong
The Eighth Edition of Zumdahl and DeCoste's best-selling INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY: A FOUNDATION combines enhanced problem-solving structure with substantial pedagogy to enable students to become strong
Darrell Ebbing and Rupert Wentworth combine a clear presentation of concepts with a step-by-step problem-solving approach and a comprehensive program of learning aids.Introductory Chemistry: Interact
For one-semester courses in Preparatory Chemistry Builds 21st century and problem solving skills, preparing students for success Now in its 6th Edition, the best-selling Introductory Chemistry
Ideal for the instructor who plans to use OWL, this Seventh Edition of Zumdahl and DeCoste's best-selling INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY: A FOUNDATION is now offered in this unique, value-based, paperbound ed
INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY: AN ACTIVE LEARNING APPROACH gives you the tools you need to teach the course your way. The authors provide a question-and-answer presentation that allows users to actively lear